RD GP Championship 2017 II

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I enjoyed the race even though I didn't actually race too many people...
Had reasonable starts, got involved in the race 3 first corner but managed to keep it straight.
After that it was a case of let's not lose too many places from here...
Good pace from the front guys, no way was I gonna keep with that. Congrats to team RiP with a very close Q and good race pace.
Adelaide should be fun

Thanks to the organisers and staff, I know your trying hard to overcome the issues
i thought this was a serious league.. :unsure:

Also car returning on track without taking notice of up coming car(s)
If that doens't result in a penalty..malecow:poop:

@PicoBp appologies accepted :cool:
but i wasn't turning in slowly.. that's my pov, and race was over after that due to damage :thumbsdown:
Again in the back field all race long...:( and in the last lap again drivers just dont want to give up their place even when you are beside them in the inside of a corner...

Will make my decision in a few days concerning my in this league.

Podium congrats anyway!:thumbsup:
Also car returning on track without taking notice of up coming car(s)
If that doens't result in a penalty..malecow:poop:

Sorry Frans, that was me.

I had spun after taking avoiding action of an incident that had happened up ahead of me. I managed to avoid the two cars but clipped the kerbing when cutting the grass. I had no traction and started spinning and was collected by a car trying to avoid the slow traffic.

I had no idea which way I was orientated and assumed I was parked on the apex due to the coloured kerbing so made the wrong call to get off, what I thought was, the racing line.

Sorry if it compromised your race. It wasn't intentional.
I enjoyed the race even though I didn't actually race too many people...
Had reasonable starts, got involved in the race 3 first corner but managed to keep it straight.
After that it was a case of let's not lose too many places from here...
Good pace from the front guys, no way was I gonna keep with that. Congrats to team RiP with a very close Q and good race pace.
Adelaide should be fun

Thanks to the organisers and staff, I know your trying hard to overcome the issues

I enjoyed too, two good defense over you oneil, but you had better tyres. Too bad my engine just gone, not blown, just turn it off, otherwise i think we will dispute that final position. Well, here in Brazil, we are finishing the seasson, and i will dedicate more time on f3s so i am very ansious to see my lap times in Adelaide.

About the organization, come on, it was perfect. red flag was the best decidion.
Mistakes happen, we are human beings, and every decision will always be harmed. Stopping and starting over again was the best choice.
Made the error to not double-safe the setup after the red flag and competed in the second race with a steering lock of 33(!) instead of around 22.

Rotation was also down to 360 from 450, but as I had the Logitech Profiler on 900° but letting the game change it, it was the lock that caused me problems.

Quite sure that's why I couldn't fight for 2nd in the end, since I had to be very cautious not to throw the car away when accelerating or turning sharply.

I actually once failed to do so and went off into the scenery at T1.

TBH; I am more than glad to have made it home in 4th place and NOT lapped(thanks Ferdinand):D
Hi joseph! this morning cold, I am disappointed but I temper my words. I'm sure you're going to watch all this ready and take the necessary measures, you're not the only fault, the big accident of the first corner of the second race must not happen ...... Steering errors are not the fault of the marshals; I'm wrong maybe, but in the 2 starts, I felt aggression ..... the race is not won at the first corner. maybe the red flags have enervated a few. finally, starting last with 30 seconds late, I go to the end of this race to be forgotten very quickly.
go to Adelaide. friendly
My apologies for missing the race last night.

I thought I was all ok but when I connected the PC at about half an hour before official practice. I found out that all my hdmi, display ports were not active, so I spent over an hour or so trying to fix it.

Got it working in the end, about ten seconds before the end of qualifying so a real shame.

Turned out the Nvidia drivers were having a bit of an argument with the Aorus ones. Something I've got used to with the SLI setup, relatively easy to sort just wish it hadn't happened when it did.

Anyway I was in the 17's on the server so I definatley would have been at the back! Lol

Well done to the top three and RiP on a great showing and some valuable points :)
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My apologies for missing the race last night.

I thought I was all ok but when I connected the PC at about half an hour official practice. I found out that all my hdmi, display ports were not active, so I spent over an hour or so trying to fix it.

Got it working in the end, about ten seconds before the end of qualifying so a real shame.

Turned out the Nvidia drivers were having a bit of an argument with the Auros ones. Something I've got used to with the SLI setup, relatively easy to sort just wish it hadn't happened when it did.

Anyway I was in the 17's on the server so I definatley would have been at the back! Lol

Well done to the top three and RiP on a great showing and some valuable points :)
As you did let me know Andrew, I have taken this round as your absence round, so as long as you are here for the rest of the season ;):p
Thanks for another amazing round guys. The red flag was the right call at the right time.
Boy am i glad we had a restart... got completely dive bombed into T4 by one of the RiP cars turning me round into the path of 20 or so oncoming cars. With damage to the front and rear of the car it was looking like a very frustrating race for me. Why people have to make such stupid moves on lap 1 of a 68 lap race is beyond me. Nothing is won on the first lap! (unless you're Ferdinand ;))

Anyway, once the restart had been called i'd calmed down, got into a decent rhythm and found myself running 2nd with about 8 seconds gap back to @Slalom823 in 3rd. Managed the gap well during the race until there was about 5 laps to go. The gap was coming down fast with Ryan on slightly fresher tyres. Had an extremely scary moment on the last lap when two guys decided to un lap themselves 3 corners from the end causing me to lose quite a bit of time. Gap at the beginning of the last lap was just over 3 seconds, and by the time we crossed the line it was down to 1 second. I can safely say that had the race been 1 lap longer, Ryan would have taken 2nd place. Overall a decent night for me, looking forward to Adelaide! :sneaky:
Post Race Penalties Following Round 2

Matt Cook
Major Penalty (10 Point Penalty): Causing a Collision due to unsafe rejoin

Johnny Stathoros
Minor Penalty (1 Point Penalty): Causing a Collision

Frans van der Linden
Moderate Penalty (5 Point Penalty): Causing a Collision due to unsafe rejoin and ignoring blue flags
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Round 2 Qualifying Results

Round 2 Race Results
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Well of course the red flag was the right call at the right time! :D Dunno why anyone would question that tbh... Anyway, the issue was with the VSC and FCY and SC and all that, and not a lot of info for us drivers until thing had gotten even more messy. And then the game issue I guess that booted half the drivers after the restart. And the somewhat nuts racing on opening lap of each start.

But I the reason I was quite annoyed and disappointed is because in the first start I managed to avoid all the mayhem and found myself in P9 or so (from P19 on the grid) just at the end of the first lap! And then in the second restart I was avoiding a spinning car and got punted spinning on the grass and dropped to second or third to last and loads of seconds lost. Amazingly no real damage from that.

But I guess when it rains, it pours! :)

Historic Adelaide, coolio! :)

Oh, I will probably make another post on the topic of "racing super hard 5 mins into a 90 min race". Stay tuned next week! :D
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I do not see in the compulsory cockpit norms I hope that if you can answer me that question, last time I signed up in another league I did not put anything in the norms and then all the free options whereas tv cam all could not believe it, when I had already paid this was in another place and ahy much difference with that aspect. I do not want this to happen again, it has happened to me, the first thing before everything is what the pilot really sees. THANK YOU
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