RD Formula Manager - Season 8

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Teams List and Drivers List are updated with the purchases made so far. (Only testing orders are not applied yet, but their price deducted)

I don't want to rush you folks:ninja:, but let's go tagging to speed things up. I know that some of you told me that they will send their things and they are aware, but I will tag all anyway:

Lacking Marketplace Purchases, Sponsors, Favorite Track, Car Setups:
@Aidan Keranen

Lacking Marketplace Purchases:

Lacking Sponsors, Favorite Track, Car Setups:

Lacking Car Setups:

Good to go: :thumbsup:
Lacking Sponsors, Favorite Track, Car Setups:
Lets try race finish and climb 5 for sponsors. Both teams.
Favourite tracks Bahrain for ART and Monaco for Cuspide

Btw, for the "win with the least developped chassis on the grid" objective, what if the winner's chassis is sharing the least deveopped spot with another team, does it count?
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Btw, for the "win with the least developped chassis on the grid" objective, what if the winner's chassis is sharing the least deveopped spot with another team, does it count?

It has to be the least developed one. If there is another team with equal chassis level, that sponsor is invalid.
Favorite Track: Bahrain
Sponsors: D & E
Tyre Supplier: Bridgestone
Engine Supplier: Aston Martin

Money stuff:
Budget: $3400
Bridgestone Tyres: $500
Aston Martin Engines: $600
Fuel Upgrade: $600
+1 Durability: $500
Hulk: +2 tyre mastery ($800)
Rossi: +1 tyre mastery ($400)
Remaining budget: $0

I'll work out my setup tomorrow @Omer Said when I've actually had sleep
I'm making everything official (finally) with this new post...and note I slightly modified the colours. Omer you already have my set-up values in PM.

Manager Name: Jason Lutz
Team Name: Ram F1
Team Colours: Light pink & dark blue (sort of matching 2017 Force India)
Favorite Track: Britain
Sponsors: D, F
Tyre Supplier: Bridgestone
Engine Supplier: Aston Martin

Budget 3700
Aston Martin engines, full season deal (1050)
Bridgestone Tyres, half season (500)
Car +1 Durability (500)
Clark +1 Speed (400)
Clark +1 Pitstop (400)
Rosberg +1 Tyre Mastery (400)
Rosberg +1 Focus (400)
Bank 50
Sorry Ömer for taking so long! Girl Power should be good to go now?

Track: Bahrain
Sponsor: D & E

Michelin tyres
Audrey engines


+1 Chassis (500)
+1 Fuel (600)

Audrey speed testing (500)
+1 Pitstop Simona (400)
+1 Concentration Simona (400)

=200cr left
Yeah sorry it won’t be happening for me Omer. Right now I’m barely doing the things that I need to do and I fear that’ll only continue once the season has actually started. :unsure:
Aston Martin engines
Bridgestone tyres - 500CR
x1 Fuel Upgrade -600CR
x1 Engine Upgrade - Speed - 500CR
hire Fangio - 600CR (if not, Lombardi)
x1 testing Fangio/whoever - 400CR
x2 speed Hakkinen - 800CR
x1 driver test - Hakkinen - 800CR
sponsors C+D
track: Britain

Cosworth Engines (7 races) - 600
Bridgestone Tyres - 500
x1 engine upgrade - 500
x1 fuel upgrade - 600
driver test Peterson - 800
Sponsors E+F
track: Belgium
BRT 3500cr
Bridgestone tyres 500cr
Fuel upgrade 600cr
Durability upgrade 500cr
Engine test (reliability) 500cr
BRI technical 400cr
BRI speed 400cr
RIC technical 400cr
RIC tyre mastery 400cr

Sponsors C&D
Fav. track Bahrain

Silver Soul 2100cr
Ferrari 7 races 1500cr
Durability upgrade 500cr
Michelin tyres 400cr

Sponsors D&E
Fav. track Brazil

The Testing Results are in:

And now the Season begins!
Get ready for the first race, everyone needs to give their Practice and Qualifying Strategies, here is the track conditions and weather forecast:


The practice/qualifying update will take place on Tuesday night. Then the race will begin. Good luck everyone!
@Aidan Keranen
Practice Results:

The first qualifying session of the season:
Ricciardo gets the pole position ahead of Bellof and Hakkinen!

And now the race begins!
First update will be for 2 laps.
Then it will be 4 laps per day until the final 2 laps.
Wait.. I needed to send qualifing :roflmao:

I totally forgot how the game works lmao

Pay drivers go steady low
Regular drivers go aggressuve medium on lap 1 into aggresive low on lap 2.
No inter team collisions please if I can still order that!
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