RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
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This race was a real pain. It was fun, for time to time. But there were numerous times I was ready to pull out. My wrists screamed "pls stop now" but I kept goin on. Something that made me really mad was these pit stops. I had to 4 of em. (last one could maybe had been skipped, but it was a 50/50 chance it would hold until finish line) Every-time I exited the pit, I had to stop and look like an idiot while ppl was driving by. I lost many positions thanks to that. Some I could re-take, not because I had mad driving skills, but because I passed a few drivers when they were pitting. However, the damage was already done, and most of the time I spent all alone and just tried to finish the race-. I lost my pace thanks to these circumstances.

I was so proud when I noticed I was in 5th. But that changed thanks to the pitting rules.
Finished as 7th. Pressed really hard after the last pit stop to try catch up with Calum Mclure.

On the last lap at the right-hander before the finish line, I manage to pass him. That felt good :whistling:
Great event, wasn't expecting to win at all considering I only practiced about 2 hours for the event.

Managed 2nd in qualfiying, very close to Yves! I think it was .028s of a difference or something like that! CRAZY! :confused:

Good start, I remained calm on the first few corners because cold tires and cold brakes can get very messy :D. Me and Yves started pulling away from the pack and I kept pressuring Yves. Then, Yves had snap oversteer and ended in the wall. :( I was sad because I was sure it was going to be a great battle but at the same time I was relieved. :D

From there, it was all about consistency and bringing the car home. Morten was showing great pace and he got very close at some point but he, too, had some bad luck with the pitstop. :(

Great cars, I love these beasts. Hopefully, there will be more Ironman events, looking forward to them. :thumbsup:
i just inboxed rupe as i gave him and perhaps someone else a bit of a nudge after the bridge on lap 1. i don't think i spun anyone out or caused too much damage - i will have a look at the replay.

my daughter was watching a film and a couple of cars seem to be lagging in front. after taking evasive action, i outbraked myself. i had no intention of doing a late braking move at that turn.

I did a pb just at the right time in this. i realised i had been short shifting, costing me lots of time in practise. i was really chuffed to get a 2.05.5 something...even though it was 2 seconds plus off the best.
these cars are fun but don't suit my driving style and never quite got the hang of race 07

the race itself:
seem to avoid lots of collisions after a poor start (waiting for the green light from rfactor 2)

i was following my friend Calum McLure for some laps where the gap was staying fixed at about 1.5 seconds. you're good at the early laps calum! like alonso, always avoiding trouble.

at one stage, i let two faster guys thru without a fight (paul di resta would be proud) in order to save time defending. this allowed me to stay close to calum until he made a mistake.

i pitted on lap 10 to get the first stop out of the way and push with fresh tyres. this worked well. i think maybe K troth and rupe (?) had issues there and i managed to cement my position. n
nearer the end of the stint (lap 20?) my tyres were suffering and i lost 2 positions and had a spin.

again i pitted on lap 22 and pitstop went o.k although, i did get confused with the pit menu. i thought the crew were going to put old tyres on! that lost me about 4 seconds deliberating.

after rupe and K T pitted, i came out just ahead of rupe and well ahead of KT. however, my tyres were wearing or brakes as the pace and heat built up. rupe went passed after a small mistake by me but just as i thought he would sail off into the distance, he seemed to slow a little. the gape came down from 4.9 seconds to 3 seconds. i was pushing with worn tyres and KT closing fast.
my saving grace came when i got lapped (thanks joao!) , rupe pitted mysteriously and KT ran out of laps to close the gap, finishing a mere 1 second behind.

all in all, a lot of fun but very tiring. i am driving the best i ever have but to get 6th against you guys takes a bit of luck and a lot of consistency.

thanks for organising. i felt everyone was very respectful. hope you all enjoyed it!:thumbsup:
Decent race, made one big mistake that took me away from the Andrew, Rupe battle :( Most of the race was spent by myself.

Got mugged twice near the end :( lol got blue flags to let Joao through then I seen another car coming behind, blue flags still out so I let them through as well but noticed I dropped a position :(

Then on the last lap I had 6 litres of fuel left which would have got me to the end quite comfortably, but I stupidly forgot I had been lapped and therefore thought there was 2 laps left instead of 1 so was fuel saving like mad which let Daniel catch up to me, by the time I realized my mistake he was on my backside on the straight and got by up my inside into the last corner :(

Good race and very happy I finished.

Well done on 6th Andrew :thumbsup: shame I couldn't have fought you for it :D
Calum McLure, i'm officially exhausted.lol we were both very consistent. the only difference was one spin and the quali was about 1 tenth? lol i felt a bit like hamilton today..what a time to brake the 2.06 barrier eh?lol

thanks to Rupe Wilson, what a great sport. cheers

i don't get the fuel issue.

i ran 12 laps to start and filled up tank with 12 laps on each pit stop. are we saying if i had been absolutely precise to take 34 laps, then i would have run out? surely its better to run 1 or 2 laps extra fuel over a race. surely equates to about half a second maximum?
Don't tell me Race Log didn't work... :cry: It would feel good having everyone see my name up there in 1st. :D :p

Regarding the fuel, I put in 6 extra liters than my calculations. I always do this because the consumption is always changing throughout the race. XD gave me higher fuel consumption in the race than qualify, so maybe that's why some of you had trouble with fuel.
I started with a full tank, in my pitstops i filled the tank full to 75 ltr my 2nd pitstop i nearly ran out of fuel rolled in the pits with 0.5 ltr had to really go slow on the inlap
and with 3 laps to go i was going to run out of fuel on the last lap so i needed to pit again and fill up.
i was using the pre set pit stop manual control..full tank and 4 tyres..
all very confusing as i was looking good for a 6th place finish.. and with a lap to go i pitted and went down to the rear of the field :( i did do a full race as a test and knew i should have fuel over with what i was doing.. i wasnt taking any chances with the fuel
pitted lap 11 pitted lap 23
i will do another test to see if its my end try a different car ...
these things happen .. i still had fun just peeved with the outcome...:)

just done a quick test started with 75 ltr, i did 12 laps and this is me pitting nearly run out of fuel 0.35 ltr left in tank

Xd was showing 5.8 ltr's a lap
Total disaster race for me, one to forget in a hurry. :( Almost everything that could go wrong, did.

For some reason my Holden turned into a snowplow, having horrendous understeer, especially in the medium to fast turns. Maybe I had a bad setup, but it seemed ok during practice about a week ago.
Decided not to spend much time in Qualy since I seemed so slow anyway, and was happy to start at the back (expecting plenty of carnage early). Stalled the car off the start line, sorry to Dennis behind me :redface:.
Took things very steady in the opening lap, dodging the pile ups in front, but Guus seemed determined to make love to my rear end, hitting me in the hairpin (but I survived that one), but then a few turns later he got me again this time spinning me into the wall. Guus, I was actually taking that turn a bit slower because the three cars in front had a coming together in front of me, so I didn't want to join them. Overall though, not surprised you misjudged my cornering speed, even I couldn't judge it all race. :sick:

After plodding around last for the first stint, understeering off every second lap, I went for my pitstop. Whilst cruising a long way down the pitlane, I got a message saying I was warned for cutting the track HUH!!!, I was about 400 metres down pit lane. :confused: . This distracted me just as I was approaching my pitbay, so I drove past it. Then stalled the car, re-started, and eventually reversed back to my spot.
After that it was a very lonely affair, spent doing slow laps and continually fighting this chronic understeer. For some reason I had to turn the wheel about 90 deg more than normal just to make it around the turns. Very strange, maybe I have forgotten how to drive. :whistling:
Mercifully, the race finally ended, but at least I finished (despite being tempted to push the esc button many times :rolleyes: ).

Anyway, thanks to Yves and Dennis for organising, it was a good turnout, nice cars, and a good track. :thumbsup:
No words to describe this.

I was really looking forward to this race, but retired after turn 1. Got hit from behind, pathetic.
Whats the point in taking risks at the start when the race is over 1 hour?
Pathetic driving.

Having a hissy fit on chat and trying to restart the server was pathetic as was this post.

Watch the replay and it's not nearly as bad as you make out, could even be said that you cut across in front of him. Either way mistakes/accidents happen and this is not the correct manor to deal with them.

You clearly have pace so even if you kept going you could have caught up with the pack and still had a good race, no need to rage quit just because of 1 incident.
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