RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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  19. Driver
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  25. Driver
This was a good night's racing. I was a bit faster than everyone else but with only 9 people on the server there wasn't any point in trying to win rather trying to have some close racing.

First race I was following Ronny for 16 laps. I was faster in a couple of corners but he was too quick through the final sector to pass easily. So I tried to take it easy but I ended up making a couple of mistakes along the way. Had to pull him back from 3-4 seconds a couple of times. On the last couple of laps he got tangled up with someone he was lapping so I waited and let him back past. I think a couple of laps later I ramped up the pressure a little and overtook him at the first hairpin to take a win.

Had a rubbish start to the second race. I was taking it easy again which didn't help as I was stuck in a pack of drivers who I hadn't raced with before. I fluffed it under the bridge and span, hitting Dennis, sorry for that. I then span at the first corner, taking too much kerb leaving me ~12 seconds behind the leaders. I set about putting some proper laps in and moved my way up the field. Eventually caught up with Adam up front but as it was lap 6-7 I decided just to stay behind him and fill his mirrors with my car for 10 laps. Thought about trying to overtake but I didn't really want to and after having me right behind him for most the race I think Adam deserved the win :tongue:

Thanks Bjorn and RD for hosting. I guess I continued my good luck at this track :wink:
Thx everybody,

It's so much fun to race without crashers and nitwits. I've been running around on public servers for the last ten years before I finally got in touch with RD. This was my 5th race with you guys and I'm allways looking forward to an upcoming event. It really is a revelation :doublethumb:

This circuit was completely new to me. Had a few evenings of TT. Love it. Makes me think of Spa, in miniature.

Both races lot of fun. Thomas was a little nervous, I asume :tongue:.
Made a few small mistakes in race 2. Lost a little time on Adam and James and I never made it up. Flawless guys :thumb:

Thanks for these events, Bjorn. Good stuff.
That was a great track for those cars!
I had some time for this race, sems not quite enough, lol. I usually don't do the Euro races as it's close to dinner time for me.
No car in the garage so I pounded out some partial[crashes] and full laps to get a handle on the track and car.

Quali time and a car was ready enough for my limited knowledge of the track, full wings in other words!
I was surprised by my ranking there as most were quicker than me in practice.

R1: A good start and I'n in the lead train. A few laps later and the leaders have pulled out. Dino shows up in my mirrrors and closes. He attacks me thru to the end! AT times he gets quite close and then either I get a good lap or he bobbles a bit. One lap we both bobbled pretty badly and the gap remained the same. He was trying very hard near the end , lost it and left a gap that I guess he prefered to finish at. Good run Dino! Never stop trying, never know when someone is going to hand it to you.

R2: My start was poor, dropping back to almost last quickly. I ran into ""sitting duck" James, but got away clean. James got back by and I was hoping to catch the fild with him but I spun into ARMCO and had to pit for aero and suspension repairs. This is where I really ran out of time....my wife left the house leaving me alone with all the dogs, and their dinner time is coming. They're whining and barking anddemanding dinner. I can't get up and they're reallly breaking my concentration. I can't think and I can't drive, just constantly having thoughts about the dogs barking, shouting to quiet them and considering whatI will do to the wife when she gets home! LoL! I was already in last place but I do this to have fun and I wasn't having any in this race.

A good job by all drivers! Thanks to RD and fearless admins for the race!
I personally would have put that in a PM....

There is only one thing in my responses that is questionable to be in the forums. I have since removed it.

But the post as a whole is directed to the EU club as a whole. There have been SERIOUS issues that have damaged the racing in te EU club and they need to be brought to light to be handled.

THe club is not receiving the respect it deserves from the people privilidged enough to race in it.

There is only one thing in my responses that is questionable to be in the forums. I have since removed it.

But the post as a whole is directed to the EU club as a whole. There have been SERIOUS issues that have damaged the racing in te EU club and they need to be brought to light to be handled.

THe club is not receiving the respect it deserves from the people privilidged enough to race in it.


I hope you are referring to the WTCC part of the community rather than the EU community as a whole as your comments are quite unfair. I would suggest you try racing in some of the other events such as the V8s before you suggest that the constant poor driving shown in the WTCC events can be found in the other events.

It would probably be quite easy to narrow it down. Just look at the sign up lists to non-WTCC events and compare to the WTCC events. We can soon come up with a list of people who might need a PM asking them to improve their driving.
After my first event with these cars/RACE series didn't exactly go to plan last week, I thought I would try again and hopefully get more of a feel for it. Never driven this circuit in my life, nor did I know which direction the corners went (this was proved when I first jumped in the car I turned right out of the garage and up towards the pit entrance). After several practice laps I learnt the track and it felt good.

Quali: Forgot it was 1 lap so took enough fuel to do two flyinglaps before realising halfway round the outlap that it was 1 lap. That 1 lap saw me make several mistakes so P7 was the best I could do.

Race 1: Good getaway but got passed by Thomas. Followed the guys into the chicane where two of them had a tangle which allowed me up into 6th place. A few laps in and Frans spun it to allow me into 5th but Philip soon got past me when I made an error. Then I made an even bigger error and lost the front wing and damaged the suspension just before the bridge. Entered the pits fine, stopped at the mark fine and then a message comes up saying to confirm your pit settings. I try pushing enter, nothing happens, pushed every button on my pad, nothing, randomly hit keys on the keyboard and somehow managed to cancel it. I found out after the race I didn't actually have a button mapped to it (I'm guessing its the "Menu Select" button). Anyway, noob moment over, I left the pits still without front wing and with damaged suspension and lying in position 7. Lapped as well as I could and kept out of the way of the leaders when they came past. Ended up 7th and last finisher, 1 lap down.

Race 2: So 3 bad races out of 3 and with my "menu select" button now mapped I thought things could only get better. P2 on the grid due to the reverse grid rule, which soon turned into P1 when Frans disconnected, it was now time for the brown trousers moment. Got off the grid well and held the lead comfortably into the chicane. Finished lap 1 in the lead which I would of settled for there and then. Ronny soon caught me up on lap 2 and was all over my rear. Going into the final hairpin he made a nice move up the inside to take the lead. I knew I was never going to keep up with him let alone get past him so I settled into a rythem in second place. Had a good battle with the guy in third (sorry can't remember name) for a couple of laps and then I see Ronny moving slowly on the track after turn 1. I guessed he had a big moment and got past him without issues, so I was back in the lead. By now James, Dino and Philip were having a good scrap behind and I was preying they would slow each other up which didn't happen. Dino disappeared from the group (don't know why) and James was on my tail with Philip just behind. I noticed that I was running a much lower downforce setting than the others as they could easily gain on me in the corners but couldn't out-drag me on the straights. Philip dropped back a bit which left just James and myself up front. I knew James could lap 2 seconds quicker than me but I just tried to get clean exits from the corners and let my straight line advantage do the rest. As the final 5 minutes came, my hands got cramped up and were starting to feel heavy. With a lap to go, I was still in front of James and no longer able to feel my hands. I gave them some shakes down the straights to try and gain some feeling but it was no use. Somehow though, they were able to do what I needed them to do and I got over the line to take the victory. :) Only now are my hands back to normal.

Really enjoyed the great racing tonight, even if I did mess up the first one for myself :tongue:

Thanks to Bjorn, RD, and all those who raced :)
Sign me up.

Driver name: Ethan Bass

Still doing some testing as, the Saleen was nice and lovely around Silverstone and could've gone faster if I had the time to practice more.

So as there is more testing at Brno to do, here are three skins. I will run one of them, but not sure which one. 3 skins, one for each car that I'm testing.



  • Seat TDI Linden.jpg
    Seat TDI Linden.jpg
    31.7 KB · Views: 201
got a weird problem, every time i go to buy "race on" in game i get a mini dump! this is the code


any ideas?

I think your install may be corrupted, i would unistall everything ( or even delete steam/SimBin folders if you haven't got any other games on it ) and start afresh, remember to keep the order while installing; Race=>Race07=>GTR Evo=>RaceOn.

I maybe be wrong but either way it should cure your problem.
Well as you know this was my first club event. To be honest, this was my 2nd online race ever (1st was some public race). Well i didn't know the track, downloaded it in the afternoon and practiced - with the F1 EVO car cause i thought that is the one we use. 30 min before race i realized i need Race On lol ;) Well thanks to Steam i could purchase and install that right in time. Thanks to Frans and the other guy in Teamspeak who helped me out there!

Race 1:
I qualified 8th and was surprised that i only get 1 lap for it :D As Phillip guessed, i WAS kind of nervous cause i just didn't know how the whole thing goes and i didn't want to cause accidents. Having said that: I spinned someone in corner 1 - not completely though but still i braked too late... Sorry for that! I pulled out on the grass to let everyone from the chicane pass. Unfortunately i waited too long - after 5 seconds i realized there's no more car behind me :p Somewhere in the middle of the race i got from last to 7th place, but i really don't know when that happened, i didn't see a car... I looked at the time showing the car behind me, and it was obvious the car just stands somewhere for over a minute. A few laps later i made another place because the guy in front of me did a pitstop.
Btw: how the hell can you remeber the names of people involved in the actions? i just see cars and they look all the same ^^
In lap 15 i was lapped by 1st and 2nd, i saw you guys in the rear mirror and i wanted to make place for you - i remember it was relatively right after the finish line, i thought the racing line is on the right and that's where you are, so i pulled even more left and then braked to let you overtake before the next corner. But one of you bumbed into me and also the blue flag came up. So i guess that was a crappy try to let you overtake, sorry i didn't want to be in the way! Well after all, with 16 laps, i came in 6th, pretty much the last guy except the one who had to go into pit.

R2: I started 3rd. I made a major mistake in 1st lap and i can't remember if i got last or if anyone was still behind me. all i know is nearly for the whole race someone was behind me like 30sec (pitstop), going to 25, 20, .. this guy was faster than me :D i figured with the remaining laps, if i don't make any major mistakes, he can't catch up though. of course that pressure was too much for a noob like me, and in my second last lap, my rear broke out at the sharp curve where it goes uphill and left. i crashed into the left wall at quite a speed and lost my left front tire. So i got into pit and was surprised i don't even get a chance to repair that? when i arrived at my pit and confirmed my settings, my car got teleported to the garage and i saw the menu.

My final result: 8th out of 8! But that is what i expected, my goal was not doing a good position but primary trying not to spoil the experience for the others. Well it didn't work out 100% but i think i wasn't a big pain in the ass either?! All in all i loved it, and i will definetely participate at further events from now on!

Thanks to everyone!
I hope you are referring to the WTCC part of the community rather than the EU community as a whole as your comments are quite unfair. I would suggest you try racing in some of the other events such as the V8s before you suggest that the constant poor driving shown in the WTCC events can be found in the other events.

It would probably be quite easy to narrow it down. Just look at the sign up lists to non-WTCC events and compare to the WTCC events. We can soon come up with a list of people who might need a PM asking them to improve their driving.

I apologize for lumping the whole of the EU club, that was not fair. It was directed to the WTCC EU event crowd, ONLY.

There are alot of guys in the EU WTCC crowd that race fair and clean, but it seems that sometimes the idiocy becomes contagious and people act out of character sometimes because of the stuff thats happening all around.

I am only making suggestions to make it better. No ill will intended.

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