RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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Limerock shapped up to be a decent event for me as I had put in enough work on my setups and on my lines. I had managed a 1.39.5 in the draft in practice. I knew that wasn't tip top but should get me into the thick of things. One issue was that I began doubting my choice for the season of taking the Seat Leon after testing out the Pug407. The Pug was going to be the first car that I gave real attention to as we began to test this new mod. But with my problems with the mod early on, I didn't get to drive the 407 and fell in love with and subsuqently committed to Seat Leon and my skinner (cheers Willie Watt). But now that my mod is working correctly, I decided to drive a comparison lap or two in the 407 after many laps in the leon. I Put in only 2 laps and beat my Seat's time by a .15 time. This was disconcerting as the 407 felt even easier to drive. So after much time in the newly lusted after Pug, I went back to my Seat and even if it didn't feel as "easy" it actually is just as nimble and I was a bit faster in it!

Quali: I felt great about the lines that I hit but didn't look up to check my time through the entire lap. I refused to try to benchmark myself and just stayed intent on hitting my lines. It turned out that focus on the track alone might be a good strategy as I hit a 1.39.2ish or .3... can't remember which was 8th at the moment that I finished but I knew as everyone finished their laps, I'd be back in the high teens with all you fast guys on track still. I caught a break with a few of the faster guys not hitting their best times and I slotted into the 15 spot for the start which was a decent if not good result for me.

Race 1: This race was one of my better efforts as I stayed focused on aggressive lines and consistency. I knew that the Seat could take my abuse and so I tried to drive the wheels off of her.... even though often times it meant just being patient and letting the car corner and do it's magic (I know, magic may be a bit overdramatic considering we're talking about a Leon). I had some great battles throughout that race running in packs of 3 and 4 early on with Glenn, Carver, Michael Ship..., and I'll actually watch the replay and fill in more names here. I was faster than the group immediately ahead of me in the first sector as I kept making a lot of ground there but just to give back later in the lap so I decided to pit early taking fronts.

It worked as I ended up coming out ahead of 2 of the 3 drivers that were in that pack. After a great bunch of battles both skill wise and intellectual battles.... I finished 11th which was not a disappointment at all. If I could repeat that and maybe pick up another spot or 2 in race 2, then I'd be thrilled with this event.

Race 2: The much inferior standing start created it's usual havoc on me and my group. I nailed the start and shot by the car ahead of me. Eric Nelson had a run on me but didn't get all the way past me before T1. We got together and bumped also into Ihab (sorry about that Ihab). This caused me to slip about 8 spots by the time we got speed back up. The only other incident that I had was when Daniel Wood was pitting in front of me and we got together (which is an understatement). I followed him in but didn't fix my damage. After some problems on up the grid with drivers flipping over walls and making their own mistakes, I battled back to a respecable 15th.

So 11th and 15th is a decent result for me as I prepare for the ATCC season.... I'd like to target top 10 finishes. Maybe I'm not to far off this goal.

Thanks for all the great racing guys. Can't wait till Friday!
I had mixed emotions coming into the event. I love this track and have raced well in the past so confidence was solid for me. Everyone has improved to the point now that it is becoming apparent you will not be eating up spots like last year. You will be in a tight fight for every single position you attempt to aquire. Real race skill and decision making in a dynamically tight environment are now critical keys to being in the top 10 period! I credit this to 2 factors.

1. We have all improved massively since season 2.
2. The mod form Yuri and FDR MOD TEAM is actually working quite well!

I head into the session very low on sleep and high on stress. Real life events yesterday were enormously draining and I half considered withdrawing from the event knowing I was not "razor sharp" and anything less could be catastrophic for friends as much as myself. I head out in the trusty 407 with a solid built setup. I am slow to the field already. Try the Seat and go back to my ol French Steed for now. I Can;t quite piece it al ltogetehr but MOTEC encourages me with and Eclectic of 38.687 which has me top 5.

Q: adjust fuel and head out. I run an average lap to a 39.4 with 2 solid mistakes and grid 17th behind Jarrod Keen.

R1 Not back here much these days and am trying to mentally review my neighbors tendancies for the upcoming rolling start. We run around and off we go with the hammer down. I get a run on Jarrod and Rhys is on my door left. I pass Rhys before "Oaktree" at the summit. The racing is very tight and we are on our best behavior as the pack assaults the back side of the mountain. Heading to the hairpin its Jarrod an Rhys door to door. I watch carefully and brake hair early to avoid "stacking" . Paul Wood dives inside of me and I give him room to overshoot the corner. I am correct slowing a bit extra so Paul goes right by my front fender heading wide! I go to duck under him and get crushed from behind. Reggie "has missed his brake point" and run past 3 cars from 5 lengths back on the deep inside and found me. I cant beleive there are 14. 5 laps to go and I am already in an incident. I get turned back around and resume P29. Down 12 spots........

I put my head to the task and rip laps. Slowly overtaking drivers. I pit on lap 5 to get my runbber and clear track. I pop out free to run unabated for awhile and as the stops cycle I am gaining ground. I am P15 after a fun battle with Daniel Wood who was a gentleman who calle dmy space when he made a mistake. " you have room inside Eric" thats just AWESOME MATE! Thast what ATCC racing isabout. Race hard but be a gentleman along the way

NOw its after Yuri And Glenn. If I can just get to 13th I'd be thrilled given the events and my mental condition today. I finally catch Glenn with 2 to go and draft him on the straight and pass him inside at T1. Close racing but smart racing too! Live to take the spot back ratehr than lose it all with 2 left defending or passing foolishly. Fun battle Glenn!

I try to reel in Ihab. I am making big ground but at the line its Ihab in fornt by about 2 lengths. OK thats not too bad. 14th after a complete off and starting basically DFL on Lap 1. MY bold prediction of finishing 8th falls woefuly short but perhaps I can be top 6 in R2 from here.

R2 I get a beautiful drag off the line and get with Ihab on my left and Jarrod on my right going into T1. Ihab is a hair wide left. I am past Jarrod but not completely and he is inside. Too late to back out with the latetr half of the grid moments behind. Jarrod and I touch. I slide and cannot catch it before Ihab gets touched by my rear. I end up in the armco inside T1. Get turned around and go. I actually pass Jarrod who has gone off as well. I am unaware I have touched Ihab in the heat of the moment. (facts from replay inserted here) I am only 17th. hhhmmm that could have been much worse and thankfully dont hear my crew chief telling me a screwed up the car!

I race hard and start to click off spots. I gain 2 spots on Robert Isles and Daniel Wood when I split them at full chat exdiing the climbing turn! Raboert had lsot control, daniel moves to avois and I punch the hole at speed! WOW! Exciting stuff!

I pit early again to get away from the filed and get some clear track. I pit from P11 after struggling to get around Michaek v Scheppingen. I'll try to pass in the pits so to speak. I come out P20 but have clear track.

after 1 lap I cycle to P13 and have literally gained time ON micheal but he is still ahead. And the battle begins. I am all over Michael every corner every spot I can be. I am quicker on open track as I can close him all the time but its tough to pass here. Many risky places take a move out of the tool box and I just won't beat myself or kill a friend on one spot.

I go P11 afetr Adam has it in the barrier at the summit. Still working over Michael. He needs to make a bigger mistake or I will likely be stuck here in 11th. HE makes one big mistake in the Esses and I try to pass outside int he lefty but he has better grip and holds me off on the run out of the rith to the Climbing turn. FUN!

Finally in the esses again in the same spot he makes the same type of mistake but this time he shoots off track across my bow and I am P10! Brilliant Battle MICHAEL! REALLY REALLY EXCELLENT RACING!

I am now P9 from anotehr DNF driver. Chasing Matthias Kelin now. I ahve had many battles with MAtthias and I know he will have to make a really big mistake for me to get by him int he next 5 laps. We are always very close on pace and he races well so its not a gimme for 8th. I grind and grind. I can pick up a bit each lap. I know in the last 2 laps he'll be losing more pace than me since he is in a HONDA and tires will be more worn than mine.

I score up to P8 afetr anotehr driver retires. Then score up to P7 after passing the pits.

Matthias rolls up on Willie at the summit and this slows him down and I get closer. As they decend off the mountain wille is diffcult to pass for MAtthias. hhhmmmm I close further.

AND THEN IT HAPPENS! Rhys has had contact witrh Abdul! Wille and MAtthias come upon Rhys slow in the midle of the track! We all miss Rhys by a hair and Abdul slide back across the track form the right! Willie and Matthias avoid and I am able to fin a hole with good timing and pass all 3! Good LUCK FOR SURE!!!!!

I out brake Matthias to the hairpin and lock him out from inside. no cnotact justa claen pass. Wille is now ahead of me and racing. I tell him via TS we are racing for position behind him and he moves aside. Thanks Willie thats sporting of you mate! Matthias gets tangled with Wille a bit in the esses and I am able to extend to keeop the spot and finish P4!

Good fortune and a solid run afetr the lap 1 slide off the track gets me beyond my goal of 6th!

This was a tough race event guys. Its a tight fast and tough circuit. I saw some really great smart racing and I saw some stuff that jut makes me shake my head.

ATCC is coming up soon. We will continue to run full events and this wil alow us to hone our craft and become more familiar with each other in racing. the mod is working! There are more different cars out there and guys are racing them all well!

Lets try to continue to improve the racecraft. Lets try to eliminate dive bomb passing altogether. OUt braking a guys from 1 length is one thing. BUt trying to overtake anyone fomr more than 1 length back is likely to end up bad for both drivers or possibly more than just 2. If you blow a corner give room ot that guys who is going to be on the line and in that hole YOU left open. You can chhose to make a move and lose a little bit now or you can go over your head and those around you and everyone loses much more.

See you all at Nurnurgring GP!

I am now pretty
A nice event with much fun to drive and battle for positions. Before it I was a bit scared to maybe get a disco again, after I had one in last fridays quali and couldn't join for the event at all which was frustrating. And maybe again with the 30 drivers field hm....but no problems this time yeah.
The car felt quite good in practice and qualifying, ended up in 12th place on the grid..or was it 11th?...somewhere around there :)
The rolling start for R1 was ok, tried to stay clear of all troubles and did hold the position. Michael van Scheppingen put pressure up behind me and i realised he was a bit faster, after a while he made a move out of the slipstream up to turn 1 and I didn't put up much of a fight to not ruin it all for both of us. Going for the pits I lost a lil bit, maybe was a bit too careful with the pitentry. Ended up in a solid 10th place.

In R2 i had a good start and in the mirrors i could see some sliding and spinning behind me in turn 1, which gave me some breathing room not to be attacked in the first lap. Again managed to get a nice steady racepace. Some hot battles went on all race, which was great fun. Again i went into pits a bit too slow. Then with some 5 laps or so to go, i had Eric Nelson 2-3 sec behind me. He slowly closed up on me, but i wasn't worried because i felt i controlled it by not overdriving the car and keep cool. Then in the middle of the last lap I came up to Willie to lap him, his car was damaged....and damn it was in a bad spot to run up to him. Lost some speed, Eric came nearer ..and at this very moment a crash happened infront of the three of us where we had to sneak through. Eric passed me there, i thought he might have a big smile under his helmet ;). So it was 5th place in the end.

Thx for hosting this, two exciting races for me.
I take my stop at midpoint for gas n tires and proceed once again on autopilot waiting for top runners to lap me. Bob Miley, fresh from his stop slowly reels me in. He is my race. He is my race! Leaders lap me, Nisse catches me once again as I get spoofed as we lap Tomasz but Bob, once he is on my butt, refuses to leave. It seems I can make time on him in many places but he can close on me at Tosa. He can close on the way to Piratella but not make the pass. I can't count the number of times he had almost enough room to go for it but as I pulled a tight apex, he would have to give up. I think, the whole last 12 or more laps of the race he tried to get by me, attach after attack, man that was the tightest fight I ever had for a place.

I was going really well until the second to last lap....I grabbed an extra gear on the way down the hill to Rivazza, downshifting like made to make the right gear but I couldn't hit my brake point and went out into the sand letting him by. Bummer but good job BOB! He had made several mistakes in his charges on me but always came right back on my butt to challenge me. My mistake made it worthwhile for him, congrats Bob!

That was the best cleanest fight I have ever had, great driving Dennis.
I am now P9 from anotehr DNF driver. Chasing Matthias Kelin now. I ahve had many battles with MAtthias and I know he will have to make a really big mistake for me to get by him int he next 5 laps. We are always very close on pace and he races well so its not a gimme for 8th. I grind and grind. I can pick up a bit each lap. I know in the last 2 laps he'll be losing more pace than me since he is in a HONDA and tires will be more worn than mine.

I score up to P8 afetr anotehr driver retires. Then score up to P7 after passing the pits.

Matthias rolls up on Willie at the summit and this slows him down and I get closer. As they decend off the mountain wille is diffcult to pass for MAtthias. hhhmmmm I close further.

AND THEN IT HAPPENS! Rhys has had contact witrh Abdul! Wille and MAtthias come upon Rhys slow in the midle of the track! We all miss Rhys by a hair and Abdul slide back across the track form the right! Willie and Matthias avoid and I am able to fin a hole with good timing and pass all 3! Good LUCK FOR SURE!!!!!

I out brake Matthias to the hairpin and lock him out from inside. no cnotact justa claen pass. Wille is now ahead of me and racing. I tell him via TS we are racing for position behind him and he moves aside. Thanks Willie thats sporting of you mate! Matthias gets tangled with Wille a bit in the esses and I am able to extend to keeop the spot and finish P4!
wow that's well written,better than my few words, just re-lived the minutes of the race :) :good:
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