RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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  19. Driver
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  25. Driver
Ill put some positive in this thread :p. Wd keith and Jesper for wins and unlucky to Rhys for his spin.

Good race from me in race 1, race 2 lost the lead by ending upside down in turn 1. Not a good idea.... Think these cars are quicker on there wheels :f1:
Great racing tonight guys. Really enjoyed this track.

Q: Didn't do so well. Hit the curb a little to hard and got a little sideways. Crossed the line in 1:39.7. I went 2 tenths faster in practice with considerable more fuel. Gridded P8 or 9 I think.

R1: Took it easy into T1 as Dan fired it up the inside and I filed in behind him. About a lap or two later Dan out braked himself into the hairpin and spun allowing me to go around the outside of him. I then closed down on Abdul and Dariusz up a head. Coming into the second to last corner I was on the outside of Dariusz and ran way to wide on corner exit, trying to give Dariusz plenty of room and hit the barrier. I was now about 2 second down on them until we pitted. I came out of the pits about 2.5 seconds down on Dariusz and started to slowly close him down. A few laps later Dariusz spun it coming out of the hairpin and I moved up into P6. Over the last few laps I closed down Abdul and had an awesome battle with him. I got passed him with two to go and managed to hold him off to the line to finish 5th. :)

R2: Starting from 4th, I completely bogged it off the line and instantly lost 2 positions. We were now in a train of cars for a few laps and I eventually ran off at T1 sending me back down to 15th. I rejoined a bit hasty and nearly ran into some oncoming traffic, really sorry to the guys coming up the hill, I should have kept left. Around pit time I had another big off and rolled the car as I was trying to avoid the incident between Jarrod and Daniel. No big deal, but this was pretty much it for me. My car was pretty messed up and I was now lapping nearly 2 seconds off my pace. Despite all of that I still crossed the line in 10th, due to others misfortune.

All in all I had a pretty good event considering how long it has been since I stepped into a touring car. Really looking forward to seeing you all on track next time. :)
Qualified P21, which was better than I expected, especially since I blew sector 3 on the hot lap.

First Race: First off, apologies to Reggie for the tap into the hairpin on the formation lap. Had a decent start for once, and held position fairly well through the first stint. Battled with Simon Gardner for a few laps until he went wide at the top of the mountain. Had some trouble with the pit stop, and ended up with a net loss of 2 positions as everyone cycled through, and that put Simon right behind me again. I tended to be a little quicker in Sector 3, and he was better in Sector 2. On lap 14 I went wide out of turn 1 and he finally got by to take the position. Ended up P20 due to Mr. C having some last turn misfortune.

Second Race: Started P20 and had a more typical start, ending up back at P27 at one point. By lap 4, I was back up to P19. I had been chasing Chris Sykes for a lap or two, and finally pulled out to attempt the pass on the main straight, when I found myself looking at the desktop (no idea what caused it, no program or popup would take the blame) - by the time I clicked back into game, I had drifted right and was staring at the cones of death which promptly put me on my roof and unfortunately into Willie's path. DNF.
I can't say I'm 100% enthusiastic about writing this race report, as poor execution spoiled what could have been... leaving me short of the podium in both races. The good thing for me, at least the way I look at it, was that nobody took it away from me, I just gave it all away. This is bitterly painful but also usually, not so difficult to rectify.

Qualifying: I have been utilizing the same strategy since joining the Race Department, not over driving the car during Super Pole. To be honest I wasn't surprised when I saw the time of 38.1, but I was quite surprised not to see somebody laid down a 37, fortunately for me this left me with my first pole position.

Race one: Grid: 1st Finish: 4th

Not surprisingly I got a good launch from pole and on lap six I was still in the lead as I saw Barrick draft up the inside of Taulborg into turn one, to take over second. Things were looking good, as I had pulled us out to a about 3 seconds clear of Vaughan in P4. I have been watching Barrick make his way through the field and was wondering if I should change my pit strategy and stay on track a few laps longer, as it seemed he may have the outrite race pace. While processing I missed my brake marker for the fast downhill right-hander after turn three. I was actually surprised to find my car not damaged halfway around the next lap. Still cursing myself and knowing what a wry smile Jesper and Barrick must've had in their helmets as they watched the "rookie" make an unforced error and run off into the weeds. Now in P4 I still felt I had a chance at the podium especially after seeing Jesper making a beautiful recovery from a spin as I headed down the final turn and dived for the pit lane. We entered the pits together with Jesper exited ahead of me by about 1.5 seconds. A quick glance showed P10 on lap eight and then P4 on lap nine. For five laps I ripped my tires apart trying to close on the leading group, days of thunder style, and just like in the movie...my way wasn't that fast. I saw a battle was going to ensue between Vaughn and Jesper that might help me close, but the last few laps saw me decide to stop pushing and take another "Nicky Hayden style near podium" Not all that bad, but after starting P1... not exactly what the team was looking for.

Race two: Grid: 5th Finish: 7th(sort of)

A good standing start saw me slide into P4 at the top of the hill and was still there on lap three as Swiderski made a small mistake running wide, seeing Gardiner take his turn at the lead with Ahmed, Me, Taulborg, Vaughn, Werner and Barrick in a freight train back to 8th place. The next lap Vaughn drafts up the inside of me into turn one to take over P4 from me, but a nice move around the outside of Ahmed in T3 sees me slot back into fourth behind Vaughn. The next lap saw me on the back side of Swiderski and Vaughn who were tussling ahead of me. Feeling I had more pace, I pit at the end of lap five. I blew my pit stall by 2 feet having to reverse and lose 1.5 seconds. I have a sneaky suspicion this might come back to haunt me in my quest for the podium as I head out of the pits. Trying to shake off negative thoughts I settle into the task at hand putting in the last six laps like a rabid dog hunting for a sniff at podium glory. Lap seven says P9...but I can identify Jesper, Swiderski, and Gardiner, who exited the pits just ahead of me a lap previous just ahead. The next lap sees Barrick exit the pits and slot in to the battle forming just ahead of me. There is going to be great battle for the podium I sense, and I really want in! The stripe at lap nine sees me 2 seconds down on Barrick, with Ahmed exiting the pits. I chuckle to myself barreling up the hill heading into turn one, it's going to be very very close, and missing my pit box is coming back to haunt me just one lap later. I decided to try a risky maneuver on an unchartered line around the outside into turn one. I didn't want to risk being held up for not even a lap and risk missing out on the podium battle... I figured I had nobody's race to blow but mine trying to blast around the outside so I pushed it in there, and ran wide onto the grass kissing the barrier. Then in mild shock almost take Yuri with me with an unsafe track entry. Sorry Yuri! I did not realize someone was behind... nice driving not to take us both out! Now P8 behind Yuri, the last few laps saw good pace from us both, reeling Ahmed back in who was holding down P5. On the last lap, I was sure in Yuri was going to have a go by following him in the previous laps. I was actually hoping he might open the door for me but as we rounded turn three down the twisty back straight on the last lap my first Internet connection failure, on the last lap ruined another solid attempt at glory. My screen still showed P7 and I finished the last lap with a 1:40.5 hoping cars would reappear, and staring blankly at the result sheet as I crossed the finish line, still being shown in P7. What a heartbreaker...

Nonetheless, I saw some top notch driving from the cat bird seat, and stellar racecraft all around! (Myself excluded..lol) Seriously though, precise pit stops, fast but patient driving, some sweet overtaking, and hammer down to the last lap, this is shaping up for the makings of an awesome championship!

Congrats to the podium finishers! Hope everyone had as much fun as I did tonight... see you at the track!
Nice fight you had Dennis.

Thats what i like too, when you and driver behind fight fair for position.

I had a good race yesterday too. was up to 3 place on lap 1. i knew that i was not going to hold on to that. Too many fast drivers behind me. Did same small mistakes and was in 7 place before pit. After pit i came out behind ( sorry dont remeber name) whiched had past me
on stint 1. Was closing and hold on to is bumper for many laps. Finaly he goes wrong into t4, which makes me go for a pass in t7
Tried to get a gap to him , but he stayed behind.
After a couple off laps i made a mistake into t1. The brakes did not stop the car and i went wide, he pass me again. Then on closing laps danish dynemite was on my tale. Tried just to stay in race-line to secure the P6. i managed and happy for that position.

One thing i thought was strange. My front brakes was much more overheating in the rear then front into T1. I tried to find out bye changeing spring/ ARB but still same problem. When i look at replay, i see that other had more "correct brake "veiw.
Enybody how can help me out?
Qualified P21, which was better than I expected, especially since I blew sector 3 on the hot lap.

First Race: First off, apologies to Reggie for the tap into the hairpin on the formation lap. Had a decent start for once, and held position fairly well through the first stint. Battled with Simon Gardner for a few laps until he went wide at the top of the mountain. Had some trouble with the pit stop, and ended up with a net loss of 2 positions as everyone cycled through, and that put Simon right behind me again. I tended to be a little quicker in Sector 3, and he was better in Sector 2. On lap 14 I went wide out of turn 1 and he finally got by to take the position. Ended up P20 due to Mr. C having some last turn misfortune.

Second Race: Started P20 and had a more typical start, ending up back at P27 at one point. By lap 4, I was back up to P19. I had been chasing Chris Sykes for a lap or two, and finally pulled out to attempt the pass on the main straight, when I found myself looking at the desktop (no idea what caused it, no program or popup would take the blame) - by the time I clicked back into game, I had drifted right and was staring at the cones of death which promptly put me on my roof and unfortunately into Willie's path. DNF.

Ahh is that what happened first thought when I seen you crash in my mirrors first thought we'd touched, great racing tho enjoyed it
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