RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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  19. Driver
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Had no problem practicing with Jarrod and Abdul last night. Just downloaded and installed the newest version of the ATCC mod. Went to test it now but every time I try to click and load Race On (tried the others too, GTR-E, STCC, Race07) nothing happens. Haven't installed any other mods besides ATCC. I'll try to download and reinstall the mod again to see if that helps. Any ideas guys?

Edit.. I also deleted the previous version first. Before installing this version.
Make sure you delete everything in the ATTC mod folder before re-installing the mod

Had no problem practicing with Jarrod and Abdul last night. Just downloaded and installed the newest version of the ATCC mod. Went to test it now but every time I try to click and load Race On (tried the others too, GTR-E, STCC, Race07) nothing happens. Haven't installed any other mods besides ATCC. I'll try to download and reinstall the mod again to see if that helps. Any ideas guys?
Lets start with a round of applause for RD and the Euro guys, Hugo and all that showed up to race!
One of my most enjoyable races ever on RD, it had everything!

I'm never really fast and it took me quite a while to come up with a car that was performing for me. I was even making last minute changes during the warmup. Out in Quali, it surprized me as I thought I was taking it easy. Once racing, I thought it to be a good car!

The RACE: The restart wasn't as good as the first but it was a start, even if I did bang the wall. In just a couple of laps I was in a knot of cars led by Tomasz followed by Nisse, then Hugo myself, Mark and Simon. I can't make any headway but Mark makes a move and slices thru. About L6 we all catch Barry, who is recovering from a spin, Tomasz goes right and I break left to clear Barry and end up with a pass. This puts me in the clear and slowly I pull away from the crowd. I'm on autopilot doing laps as Nisse goes by, then pits, I'm back alone.

I take my stop at midpoint for gas n tires and proceed once again on autopilot waiting for top runners to lap me. Bob Miley, fresh from his stop slowly reels me in. He is my race. He is my race! Leaders lap me, Nisse catches me once again as I get spoofed as we lap Tomasz but Bob, once he is on my butt, refuses to leave. It seems I can make time on him in many places but he can close on me at Tosa. He can close on the way to Piratella but not make the pass. I can't count the number of times he had almost enough room to go for it but as I pulled a tight apex, he would have to give up. I think, the whole last 12 or more laps of the race he tried to get by me, attach after attack, man that was the tightest fight I ever had for a place.

I was going really well until the second to last lap....I grabbed an extra gear on the way down the hill to Rivazza, downshifting like made to make the right gear but I couldn't hit my brake point and went out into the sand letting him by. Bummer but good job BOB! He had made several mistakes in his charges on me but always came right back on my butt to challenge me. My mistake made it worthwhile for him, congrats Bob!
First just let me point out that due to nowadays RL commitments, my simulation hours are very shortened from what they were a few months back, as such my “vote” counts very little as I‘ve been only able to do about 1 or 2 events a moth.

When I first saw the name of the series, “Ferrari-vs- Porsche”, I thought it was kind of a joke… :cool:

Kind of like, a few "valiant" guys would try to “outdrive” the 997 into the front of the 430.

The 430 has on average from mid to high rpm about more 40 hp than the 997 in the mod.

The 430 not only has a power peak well above the 997 (at higher rpm), but more importantly it has more hp in the mid-high range of its engine (6500-7500 rpm) and really "murders" the 997 in a straight-quick part.

The 430 will arrive at the top speed quicker than the 997.:tongue:

In this event I had 5 very good fights with some of you, 4 of these were against 430 virtual racers. I lost these same 4 almost all in the same way… Even without me making a mistake, three times the 430 would out-drag me from the exit of the turn until a little bit after the middle of the straight (considering the start/finish turn a straight) and as we all know there were only 2 “straights” on the track.
Some of you will remember/say:” Huh, but we had 3 997 in the first 3 spots of the grid!?!”.
Correct, but there weren’t that many straights on this track… :wink:

The 997 virtual racer in order to keep-up with the 430 one as to remove aerodynamic support and relay much in mechanical grip…

For one or 2 laps, no problem, if something goes wrong, just press esq. and start again :redface:

For a full race… The 997 to be virtually driven fast has to be driven “light” in the rear, most of the people who went with the 997 this last event know very well what I’m talking about, after all the single reason I for instances took it was because of this same “fun” (power slide over the top of the hill anyone?!, :cool:).

The things work well at start… but even if you go easy with the spin (even no spin), there comes a time were the mechanical grip in the rear no longer is sufficient to keep the rear at acceptably angles.

The 430 will lose grip too… but not only it has a central engine but also it doesn’t need such low wing in the rear to keep with the 997 in first place.

How about some of the other GT Sport cars mixed in or are they slow by comparison?

I did many races with the full GTS (SimBIn GTS+ 430-997 mod) in Dijon, always took the 997, what I leaned at the time was: If I wanted to keep up early with 430 had to have very little wing, but once the second ½ of the stint arrived, or I power slide all the way entering the start finish straight or I took the foot off (either way losing big time with it).
The “good” option at the time was to have wing sufficient to keep the rear in place at later stages (losing some time to the 430 early on) and wait for the 430 to blow-up their engine.
This last option worked well for races above 60 minutes, until… most people leaned the meaning of the “life time rpm value” variable.

Yes the Ferrari will blow-up quicker than the 997, but excluding a bad luck of a poor engine health start (<50%), the 430 racer can make the engine last for 3 hours and be the quickest all the same.

Without going into much explanations… simple GTS table
For very long races (above 3 hours, depends on the track): C6 and maybe the 997.

For most situations, in order of “quickness”: 430, 997, C6, M3, C8…. Toledo in last.
Short races without many long straights: 430, 997, C8, M3, C6Toledo.
Brands Indy kind of circuit but short race (less or about 20 minutes): 997-430, M3, C8
  • The M3 does a good job everywhere.
  • The C6 is the long distance runner (and long straights original SimBin class racer) but very few have done races above 3 hours.
  • The 430 can win in every situation but the “exotic” above 3 hours event.
  • The 997 is very good option everywhere, the only problem, the 430 will out-pace it in almost all situations.
  • The C8 the exotic simbin original car that can be driven quickly on the edge in sprint races (not much above 90 minutes).


In other clubs in some virtual-racer oriented championships, people have to race a different car every track… for instances, those that drove a 430 yesterday, will drive a 997 the next and so for…
For instances a championship with 8 races, with 8 different cars, everyone has to drive a different car every track (use tracks not much different, balanced modern tracks for instances) on the first race luck will decided who drives what, 2nd & forward is predetermined….

Another idea send the top 8 of an event to use the mandatory 997 next one, bring the last 8 to a mandatory 430….
If like me you don’t have much time (or maybe there are already too many championships), just want some “fun” series but with some power, go to fun old tracks and have close fights… Use the Porsche 935 mod, it is fun… it has physical limitations, but I’m sure most who have tried had a blast.:wink:

Speaking o mod limitations, obviously there are limitations with the 430-997 mod, but funny enough in RL 2006-2008 GT2 racing the 430 was generally the quickest (king of the 2 hours events) but less durable when compared with GT2 Porsche (12 hrs to 24 hrs). In anyway, the mod has it "right" and I don’t think anyone who has driven the GT2 430 or any racing Porsche will be negatively chocked by the physical behavior of any of these mods (maybe they just exaggerate certain typical behaviors, kind like a caricatures).

Sorry, I almost made a book of this, cheers & good luck with the series.
Wow dude, thank you very much for your good explanation. I think im going back to my roots and organize events with only 1 car. The idea of the Porsche vs Ferrari was because i loved the idea to kill the ferrari's, but i have to admit, i underestimated the power of the ferrari.

thanks again :)
Servername: RaceDepartment.com PM1
Class: Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup (download)
Track: Thunder Forest (Long) (download)
Weather: Dry
Practice: 20 minutes (start @ 20:00 GMT)
Qualification: 10 minutes (superpole)
Warm-up: 5 minutes
Race: 2 x 30 minutes
Pitstop: Free

Most important RD golden rules:

  • Only sign up if you are sure you can participate, no reserves.
  • Sign-ups can be refused by the race director.
  • No cutting in any sessions.
  • If you bump a driver, wait and give back his position
  • No chatting during Qualify or Race. Even sorry isn't needed. Do it after the qualify or race session.
  • No abusive language during any sessions.
  • Listen to the race director at all times.
  • If you feel harmed by an accident caused by a other driver, use the incident report. Send the Incident report to the race director through PM.
  • If you sign up for this race we expect you to be there before the qualify starts. If you are not present on the server, the racing staff will confirm the reserves.
  • After 21:25 GMT the grid is closed!
  • Sign-ups can be refused by the race director
  • Read and understand the RD rules! Click here

You have to confirm the golden rules if you sign up for this event. The sign up format is:

  • Drivername: your name
  • I understand the Golden rules: YES
If the racing staff don't see this in your sign up request, you won't see your name in the sign up list!
We have a fresh, new way of reporting and punishing incidents in the Racing Club, using an infractions system - read more here

You are actively encouraged to use this system - we like to keep driving standards high - so if you feel you were wronged in any way during an event simply send the event organizer a private message detailing the incident including a youtube video. Do not post reports/accusations in the thread itself - negativity and anger gets us nowhere.
GT-pro bmw.jpg
Servername: RaceDepartment.com BMW
Class: GT sport BMW M3 GTR
Track: High Speed Ring (Download)
Weather: Dry
Practice: 20 minutes (start @ 20:00 GMT)
Qualification: 10 minutes (superpole)
Warm-up: 5 minutes
Race: 80 minutes
Pitstop: Free

Most important RD golden rules:

  • Only sign up if you are sure you can participate.
  • Sign-ups can be refused by the race director.
  • No cutting in any sessions.
  • If you bump a driver, wait and give back his position
  • No chatting during Qualify or Race. Even sorry isn't needed. Do it after the qualify or race session.
  • No abusive language during any sessions.
  • Listen to the race director at all times.
  • If you feel harmed by an accident caused by a other driver, use the incident report. Send the Incident report to the race director through PM.
  • If you sign up for this race we expect you to be there before the qualify starts. If you are not present on the server, the racing staff will confirm the reserves.
  • Read and understand the RD rules! Click here

You have to confirm the golden rules if you sign up for this event. The sign up format is:

  • Drivername: your name
  • I understand the Golden rules: YES
If the racing staff don't see this in your sign up request, you won't see your name in the sign up list!
We have a fresh, new way of reporting and punishing incidents in the Racing Club, using an infractions system - read more here

You are actively encouraged to use this system - we like to keep driving standards high - so if you feel you were wronged in any way during an event simply send the event organizer a private message detailing the incident including a youtube video. Do not post reports/accusations in the thread itself - negativity and anger gets us nowhere.
Entry List

  1. Hugo Hekkenberg
  2. Bob Miley
  3. Leonardo Tuma
  4. Jadran Dimic
  5. Dubravko Vuckovic
  6. Erik Tveit
  7. Simon Gardner
  8. Erling Bøhmer
  9. Chris Sykes
  10. RUtger van der Zande
  11. Frans Linden
  12. Ricardo Umans
  13. Ronny Rooij
  14. Michal Mroczek
  15. Daniel Rodrigues
  16. Artyom Aslamazyan
  17. patrick wuyts
  18. Péter Bártfai
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. -
  23. -
  24. Mark Guy (maybe)
PRACTICE - WIth my setup had according to motec a 1.39.1 pb race pace...but could do 1.39.8 was not hapy,got setup from keith but still no good..

QUALI - 1.40.0 23 place...i don;t think i been much lower than this.....fell so bad

RACE 1 - got to 14th place at on moment..and when i decided to pit had a moment in second to last corner,then right at the entrence off the pit lost it and spone,lost allot off time, then in last corner last lap...again spone...19th place

RACE 2- got whell behind yuri then i think i got a bump,lost it ,then when to the wall...DNF

watch the fight ..was awsome....to bad i could not repet my previos performance in ATCC a 3d place:), and was to F***** mornig... got to bad a 00 and wake up at 4 am...

good race guys, congrats to all

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