RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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  19. Driver
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  25. Driver
Really enjoy this circuit and on the pace all event, just a little shy of Ollie at the top.

Q: 3rd - little bit of a cautious but it would do.

R1: Got away well, overtook and got overtaken. 3rd out of T1. Into the jump first time i went a little too fast and understeered off. As i tried to find my way back on I bumped the side of David and slid again falling back to 11/12, thankfully David suffered nothing. Picking my way through a little until lap 3 when I run wide into the gravel at T1 and stall the engine, dropping back to 23rd. Picked my way through the pack again - very cleanly, had one scary moment behind Piotrek and Chris into the fast chicane and had to dive across the grass. Pitted a lap early before halfway (managed to overshoot and stall) and when it all shook out I was around 13th.

Myself and Simon were moving our way through the pack past Romanov etc. This little chase of Gardner was for 9th and 10th and 8th was tantalisingly 7/8 seconds ahead surely too far to catch. But then Migazzi seemed to have a problem and Gardner's 9th became 8th, making it a matter of urgency for the R2 pole. Gained on Simon pressured him for a few laps, before slipping on the exit of T1 I think with 2 laps to go. Then it was a case of holding the 8th which I did. Pleased with the fightback despite numerous problems.

R2: Away from pole well with David Z tracking me - we seemed to get a fairly large gap on the rest of the field. We had some good, clean racing with excellent patient driving from David - great job. He was rewarded on lap 9 as I drifted a little wide at T1 and come my pitstop I had drifted around a second back. Came out of the pits in 5th I think and despite some lairy laps, found myself with a 10 second lead once the pitstops had finished, no idea why. But I just pushed at a safe margin until around 5 laps from the end, when i began to take it really easy. Ollie had the pace on me even if I was pushing but I was able to just use the gap for a comfortable win.

WD Ollie on R1 win. Thanks all.

GT Pro - Default
GT Sport - Default

Servername: TBA

Track: Le Mans '79 Download
Practice: 18:00 GMT - 40 Min
Qualification: 18:40 GMT - 15 Min Superpole
Race: 57 Laps Including formation lap
Weather: TBA

Practice server
Servername: TBA
Status: TBA

Ranking Point
There will be double ranking points awarded for this event.

Formation lap
First lap of the race will be a single file formation lap. The race leader remains a speed of 100 km/h (60 mph) during the formation lap and the rest of the field follows without swaying. If you spin during the formation lap you follow the field in last position. The race starts when the leader accelerates out of the final corner. No overtaking before the start/finish line.

Race Restart
The race will be restarted at the moment a driver suffers disconnection on the grid before the start lights turn on. We will go back to the qualifying session so the driver who is disconnected can rejoin the game. At this moment everybody needs to stay in his pitbox! Only the driver who has rejoined the session drives to the end of the pit lane, turns around and drives in the wrong direction through the pitlane till he gets disqualified.
A disconnected driver will start the race as last on the grid.
To keep the qualifying standings as they are we will have no warm-up session before the race starts.

Chat, as stated in the rules, is absolutly not tolerated! We dont want to see any "thanks" , "sorry", "np" etc. during qualifying or race. If a driver makes room for you, flash your lights 1 or 2 times to thank him.

Please read:
  • Click here to read the password and golden rules!
  • It is a VERY long endurance event. If you tend to leave an event after a minor crash, you should NOT sign up. It is for the hardcore enduro guys who can manage with the occasional "you have a suspension problem" message.
  • If you sign up we expect you to be there! A no show will be awarded with infraction points.
  • Deadline for providing a skin is 23 September
I heard someone say on TS, why is it the guy that trys to avoid hitting cars that are already in trouble, always seems to take the biggest penalty...

e.g. someone gets all fish tail like and I do the "right" thing and avoid he and gets slammed from behind, not the fault of the driver behind me, not really the fault of the guy that fish tailed, but the end result is that my car and the guy behind will be 99% of the time 1/2 trashed... Murphy and his Laws need to be rewritten!

To add insult to injury, you then have a poor performing car that you more than likely end up causing problems later due to increased oversteer/missing wings/splitters/wheel @ 45 degrees...
5:34, nice cutting wayne :good:.

Awe some video again Simon and dont mean to put a negative note on the video but guys there was some vile cuts out there. Whats the points when guys are cutting hey? Whats the point in putting any effort towards the event when ill be slower anyway because of these people who cut like pros.

No respect from me guys. And I would say well done to the guys who didnt cut but its expected of them and they are decent enough to know that.
For this event we will run 2 class mixed servers. One server will have 13 GTP cars and 12 GTS cars, the other server will have 12 GTP cars and 13 GTS cars. This to get the enduro feeling of multiple classes which is a must for the Le Mans track.

The entry list is based on the class, the entry list will be sorted at raceday. Then you will know in which server you will be racing and who your opponents are.
Top 3 previous rounds

500k Sebring 12h 28-08-2010

GT Pro
Helder Moreira
Chris Jacque
Mikael Larsson

GT Sport
Marcin Skrzypczak
Ralf Eiden
Jesper Taulborg

500k Spa Francorchamps 24-07-2010

GT Pro
Jakob de Boer
Abdul Ahmed
Michal Szabo

GT Sport
Joao Andias
David Zafiu
James Chesters

500k Rattlesnake Point 26-06-2010

GT Pro
Abdul Ahmed
Joao Andias
Dan Coldrick

GT Sport
Andreas Löffler
Yuri Braham
Tyler Scurlock

500k Nordschleife 22-05-2010

GT Pro
Henrik Horvath
Michal Szabo
James Chesters

GT Sport
Joao Andias
Linus Pettersson
Nigel Atkins
Entry List

  1. GT Pro: Dennis Phelan
  2. GT Pro: Nigel Middleton
  3. GT Pro: Caramidaru Andrei Bogdan
  4. GT Pro: Carl Middleton
  5. GT Pro: Massimo Caputi
  6. GT Pro: Michal Szabo
  7. GT Pro: Joao Andias
  8. GT Pro:
  9. GT Pro: Freddie Besems
  10. GT Pro: Ondřej Kapal
  11. GT Pro: Bob Hutchins
  12. GT Pro: Kimmo Kokkonen
  13. GT Pro: Gary Allen
  14. GT Pro: Eric Estes
  15. GT Sport: Andreas Löffler
  16. GT Sport: Oancea Gabriel
  17. GT Sport: Chris Sykes
  18. GT Sport: Martin Leyfield
  19. GT Sport: Elvis Press
  20. GT Sport: Nigel Atkins
  21. GT Sport: Martijn van Bommel
  22. GT Sport: Martin Kraaijenbrink
  23. GT Sport: Jarbas Melo
  24. GT Sport:
  25. GT Sport:
I am having some install issues, it appears all folders are in the correct location but I cannot select vehicles with game nor can I join server due to differences. Does anybody have any tips, I am noob with Race games :/ Thanks!

EDIT: FIXED! I am a noob enough said! I also didn't realize game doesnt come with Spa - wth. :)

Servername: RaceDepartment WTCC
Class: WTCC 06/07/08/STCC (No Volvo C30 2008)
Track: Brands Hatch 08
Weather: Dry
Practice: 30 minutes (19:00GMT)
Qualification: 15 minutes (Super Pole)
Warmup: 5 minutes
Race: 2x25 minutes (Mandatory pits, minimum of 2 tyre change)
Notes: Click here to read the password and golden rules

RD Event Rules:
To get the driving standards back in these events you have to obey the rules of the RD Event event.

- Only sign up if you are sure you can participate.
- Sign-ups can be refused by the race director.
- No cutting in any sessions.
- If you bump a driver, wait and give back his position
- No chatting during Qualify or Race. Even sorry isn't needed. Do it after the qualify or race session.
- No abusive language during any sessions.
- Listen to the race director at all times.
- If you feel harmed by an accident caused by a other driver, use the incident report, and send them to the race director through PM.
- At the moment there is no reserve list. Signed up drivers should be on the server before 19:25 GMT. Drivers who didn't show up will miss the next weeks wednesday event.
- After 19:25 GMT the grid is closed!
- Read and understand the RD rules!

If any of these rules are broken you will be removed from the server!

VERY IMPORTANT. IF YOU SIGN UP , then say that you have read the rules, and agree with them: RD Event Rules agreed: Yes
If I don't see this in your sign up request, you won't see your name in the sign up list!
- Sign-ups can be refused by the race director
- If you aren't in the sign up list, you are not allowed to enter the event.

We have a fresh, new way of reporting and punishing incidents in the Racing Club, using an infractions system - read more here


For this event only we will make an exception for the first corner. The green will be a part of the racetrack. So its allowed to use it during race. Have fun all.[/FONT]
Sign up list.

  1. Simon Gardner
  2. Ronald Gaviola
  3. Adam Vaughan
  4. Sebastian Huba
  5. Reggie Blain
  6. Chris Butcher
  7. Linus Broström
  8. Marco Sbordoni
  9. Andreas Löffler
  10. Mark Guy
  11. Oliver Wickens
  12. Aristide Romanov
  13. Dan Allinson
  14. Robert Adrian
  15. Dubravko Vučković
  16. Matthias Klein
  17. Kenny Press
  18. Sidonio Manuel
  19. Ethan Bass
  20. Jonas Orfelt
Due to safety reasons. The grid will allow 20 drivers.
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