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I know we are all excited for this release. What I don't know is how many people intend to a) play it on the xbox one and b) would like to join some sort of a formal league here at Race Department.

There are so many possibilities, I've had to calm myself down from getting lost in them. However, my main passion, IndyCar, will probably not be able to be run until the DLC with the ovals comes to the Xbox One.

That said, what sort of series would you like to see? Personally, ones that come to mind are Tudor United Sports Car Series, WEC, British Touring Car, and DTM. One of these could fill the gap for me until IndyCar is possible, but others may have better ideas.

Please indicate below if you are interested and what sort of times you are available and which series' you prefer. We could follow the actual schedule of many a series, due to the timing of the release. Personally, if they get the ovals out before IndyCar starts, I'll probably turn my focus there, but nothing would prevent running another alongside.

The anticipation is killing me! :sick:
yeah I read the info about the GT3 cars, but you still have Drivers pick cars that they want to drive for whatever reason Personal appreciation or brand loyalty. I know Tom's a faster driver than Me and "Toast" as well but I can't force them into the Ginetta, LoL. All I can do is make it available and hope they select it. Tom basically was driving a GT2 car and he really used it to its full potential. On the other hand If Nic was in and identical car like he is in our LMP2 series he would be 2 seconds a lap faster yet he has a brand loyalty to the Aston. I think he would benefit from running the V12 this season. So its still up to driver choice based on what people are comfortable with driving and fits their driving style the best.

I'd never concern myself personally with trying to balance out drivers. That would be bad. lol. But cars, certainly. Problem is, if it's not a single car, or a very tightly run spec, it's near impossible. I just thought that with the huge talent that you have in the GT3 field, some may want to help Jussi in his quest for information (lap times) and try to make SMS aware in order to more closely balance the field. Otherwise, the data will probably be driven by others, including those drivers on console only boards.
Still it's not rigged just yet. If it was you'd see Dale Jr in the final 4 every year as he holds the lion share of fans. I tuned out last year after Harvick manipulated the finish at Talladega to advance to the next round. Unfortunately I think a sport has to evolve in order to flourish. I hate that they take away from the tracks that made NASCAR what it is. Too many cookie cutter tracks like F1 have dulled the sport out. So it takes gimmicky points systems to bring people back. And yes I hate how they cut out 3 more cars from the field. Why not leave 7 open spots for non-chartered teams???

that last race of the season was fixed watch the last 25 laps and you tell me it wasnt bunch of bull....
Q: This track is notorious for its high speed crashes; which corner is the toughest to take fast?
Each car may vary but with my big booty tank of a Bentley, she has words with tamburello and acque minerali...

Q: Imola’s high kerbs mean it is impossible to be 100% confident; do you prefer to take them or be cautious?
Big booties go hand in hand with big curbs, 100% confident in attacking them all...

Q: After two races with it, do you prefer the current race day format or the old race day format?
It's been 6 races and nothing short of ACTION!!!

Q: Where do you aim to finish this week?
Considering my machine is at a slight disadvantage here but has secret pace that's not been seen yet by anyone, I will be going for a modest podium in both races, by hook or by crook...
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Races start at
3pm EST
8pm BST

Hey guys i guess i should have asked what time the races start. I'm in the CENTRAL TIME ZONE witch would be 2:00 pm for me. Darn I'm at work at that time on Thursday. I was really looking forward to racing with you gentleman.
Assetto corsa not released until June the 3rd so @Adam Morris change your holiday plans

@Andrew Holmes @Adel Elsayed
Already Have ;) Im leaving it open now and closer to the day im still taking the week of for it no matter what hahaha and im not to upset its been delayed its a good thing means they fixing any issues the game currently have and they dont want to release it untill then.
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