Cool, thanks mate... When you see it all flying by at 100+ mph it looks FAR better, with sunlight flickering through the trees and casting shadows on the asphalt... Talking about looks much better on those last screens, more appealing to drive that coast road (or die trying )
I'm really surprised no-one was eagle-eyed enough to notice, or to mention, that the trees didn't cast any shadows in all the previous versions... But a slight lack of a dirt transition is an imersion buster?.. Then again people normally find a way to surprise me... lol
I'm finding it difficult not to overdo my testing sessions ATM, the increase in the sense of speed is seriously fun... and.... almost scary IMO lol
Especially when you manage all 23km in under 7 minutes
I'm sure you will get the hang of this track mate... If I can make it in under 7... I'm sure you have the skills Try the Ferrari 643 mod for a serious adrenaline rush lol
There are now, no rough bumps in the road mesh, so that means hopefully there will be a high resolution FFB mesh in v0.699, depending... if I can get the displacement modifier to the right height and spacing... We shall see soon
The graduation between asphalt and roadside dirt will not be a main priority for me at the moment... Later versions, when I start splitting the terrain mesh into individual sections, will be when the fun happens