Old Racing Club Threads (merged)

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Servername: Racedepartment.com MX-5
Password: Same as RD Club Events
Track: Brands Hatch GP
Class: MX-5 Cup / Roadster

Official Practice: 30 minutes (21:00 GMT / 4pm EST / 1pm PST)
Qualification - Lone qualifier (2 hotlaps)
Race - 18 laps (Standing Start)
Entries - 36
Fast tows - 1

Notes: Must be a RD Licensed member

Read the password and golden rules.

Class: Williams-Toyota FW31
Track: Suzuka GP
Laps: 28 laps
Fast Tows: Unlimited
Qualification: 1 outlap, 2 consecutive hotlaps / 10 mins lone qualifier

Practice start time: 17:30 GMT (BST +1)/ 1:30pm EST / 10:30am PST
Qualification start time: 18:30 GMT (BST +1) / 2:30 pm EST / 11:30 pm PST
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Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

[signuplist]375[/signuplist]Please click on the "Sign-In" button if you would like to sign up for this event. Thanks! :)
Not bad. Myself, Jim Lamb and William showed up, we started 10. There was a group of 3 that seemed to know each other that joined and a few others. There was some minor fussing between that group and another, but it resolved itself quickly (if unfortunately).
Found that guarding the low line is key: Jim and myself tried to pass one individual for almost 20 laps, with no luck. In the end, Jim picked a good fuel strategy while I picked a bad one (was almost perfect, but William brought out a caution just as the rest of the field would have had to make green-flag stops ... that's the breaks).
Jim stayed on track and got ahead of the group of 3 after they stopped and, using the same strategy that was used against the two of us (hug it low all the way around), managed to pull off a victory. I ended up 3rd, but was a full straight back as I overfueled at the last stop (should have taken none).
I think a good strategy might be to get on a separate teamspeak channel - If Jim and I could have lined up close and stayed out of his draft, I think we could have gotten a wheel under our nemesis on the backstretch and trained by him.

Class: SCCA Spec Racer Ford
Track: Road Atlanta Short
Laps: 45 mins
Fast Tows: Unlimited
Qualification: 1 outlap, 2 consecutive hotlaps / Lone Qualifier 10 mins

Practice start time: 8:45 pm EST
Qualification start time: 9:15 pm EST
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Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

Please click on the "Sign-In" button if you would like to sign up for this event. Thanks! :)
Just went and put in 15 laps..:tongue: I like this combo. I will not wreck out this time, I hope. Been having a bad run at iracing lately, I haven't been putting in the time that I use to. Was able to pull serveral laps in the mid-to-low 1.07's with a 1.07:3 being my best. Still need to tweak tire pressures but I am really liking this combo:doublethumb:.
Yeah, that's gonna be a hell of a lot of fun, especially since the fastest way around I could find seems to involve lots of screaming and being absolutely sure I'm about to bite it. The SRF always feels like you're right on the edge, but this track seems to really emphasize that and make you feel like you're going very fast at the same time.

Not as fast as William...never am. Got a 1:10.775 as my best lap tonight, with my optimal barely lower at 1:10:405 (approx). Was using William's Okayama setup.
Yep I went with Eric's Okayama setup to start getting some practice in for this event. Had a feeling that William was going to be in the mid 1:07s after running some laps the other day. PB for me is 1:08flat. Road Atlanta Short is definitely a fast flowing track. Very fun combo indeed.

Maybe Mr. SRF himself will be able to post his setup? :)
Here is my setup. I started with my limerock set, as that was what was loading when I started, only change was I went up to a medium on the RARB to try to keep the back from stepping out so much. That seemed to help but if you touch the curbs in the esses you are going for a ride.


  • road atlanta-short.sto
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Looks like I'll be running with Larry (assuming he hasn't improved a lot). Mid 1:10's in a modified version of Williams setup (mod tires, ride height, caster, shocks). Just can't get it to drift through T1 without a 25% chance of pushing through. Same with last turn out of the S's into the high speed back turn. Do like the combo.
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