Old Racing Club Threads (merged)

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Servername: Racedepartment.com MX-5
Password: Same as RD Club Events
Track: Brands Hatch GP
Class: MX-5 Cup / Roadster

Official Practice: 30 minutes (21:00 GMT / 4pm EST / 1pm PST)
Qualification - Lone qualifier (2 hotlaps)
Race - 18 laps (Standing Start)
Entries - 36
Fast tows - 1

Notes: Must be a RD Licensed member

Read the password and golden rules.
Looking forward to this race guys!

FYI - I've set the hosted server to come up at 8:50pm EST which will give everyone an extra 10 mins of practice. The scheduled 9:20pm EST registration end will remain the same and that is when quali will begin.
Ok who wants a new brother... Mine is now up for adoption and has about 14 days until he will be put down... lol J/K... Ok not really he's yours if you want him... hahaha

He came down to visit from Ft. Worth and came in the room and started messing with me, then I met the wall hard enough to take my front end off of the car completely... lol... It was fun though...
Good race guys. After Joe fell back in the field I decided to try to close the pack back up but my plan didn't work out to well. Got my first inc on about lap 17 with a major spin and it just went down hill from there. Still had fun and if the spec ever comes up again for a club race I will not be so big hearted, lol. Until next time.
Podium! Nice race with Martin and Larry. Bent up the front end early on, then spent several laps tracking down the two of them. They were involved in a battle when I finally caught up and decided to join. Had to check up for a spinner once which caused contact with Martin - my car wasn't hurt but I think he bent his a little. Didn't affect the battle much as we were each faster in different sections. A couple of laps later, I dodged Chris again between the double lefts, and I think Martin for sure and maybe Larry got caught out because they lost about 10 sec. After that it was trying to hold it together and grab a 4th. 3rd was a gift after William ran into trouble with a couple of laps left.
Setup was good, but I killed the FR (69%), probably under braking at the end of the backstraight - need to move bias back I think.
Ah, race reports. I've missed these.

Started off with a decent jump off the starting line and tried to squeak by Eric E. but ended up running basically alongside him for a second or three before I realized it wasn't happening and backed off before turn 1. Early laps had me up in fifth place thanks to some spin outs and off-track adventures, but it didn't last, as Martin eats into my lead and I end up going defensive for a few turns. He was quite a bit quicker than me, and a couple of close calls made me nervous enough to let him by without further fuss.

Unfortunately, this let Eric E. by too, and I'd get very used to the sight of the back of his car over the rest of the run. I spend a couple of laps hanging close to them, as they're now engaged in a fight, and I decide to employ the 'Way of the Stalking Vulture' and hope one of them makes a mistake. I make a few oopsies, though, and they gain some time on me, and while I seem to be faster in certain sectors, they're faster in more.

Eventually, though, Martin gets caught up in something not far ahead of me and I get by him. As with Eric E's report, fourth is a gift from whatever evil spirits cursed William, but the gift seems to be headed for the service desk as, after I pass him in the pits, he starts eating away at the gap a couple seconds at a time. A half-spin on my part doesn't even bring my car to a complete halt, but it lets him catch up further, and while the minutes are counting down, I doubt I'll be able to keep him behind me.

Then something I don't see happens to him, and the gap widens to 10 seconds. With five minutes left in the race, I'm fairly sure I can keep hold of that, and I do. Unfortunately, I can't catch up to Eric, who apparently saved his good tricks for close to the end, because while I'd kept pace with him earlier, he stretches out his lead to 6-7 seconds (or more) and there's no way I can catch him...especially since my car's acting a little funny, probably due to wasted tires and a much lighter fuel load.

I cross the finish line in fourth, which was, honestly, much better than I expected with this crowd. I believe that's my best RD finish.
Good turnout for this US Wednesday event. Nice to see some new drivers on track as well.

In practice hit my PB but was still a bit off pace from William. Come quali I put in 2 solid laps which puts me in P4.

Didn't get a good start heading into T1 as Glenn is able to get by and overtake me after T2. Took me awhile to get up to pace as Glenn, Gerry, Joe and William are pulling away. Knew I didn't have the pace but with such a long race just wanted to at least keep them close. Was trying to track down Glenn as I could see ahead that he and Gerry were having a good battle. Was able to gain a position as Glenn spun after T2. It looked like William and Joe were having a good fight as Gerry and myself caught up after a few laps. Noticed that Gerry was quite quick in the first sections of the track as he pulled away and I would gain a few tenths at the tail end of each lap. But never could quite catch up to him to think about overtaking. Second half of the race, I see Gerry and William having a good battle and close on them but again they slowly pulled away. At the same time I see Joe gaining fast and making up good time after his spin. He closes to a few tenths but see in my rearview that he barely clips the dirt and spins. Unlucky there Joe.

Now in P2 as William spins. And now with Gerry in front and with a steady gap of 2.0sec or so. Just trying to stay consistent and hope in the final laps that I can be close to make something happen. With a few laps to go Gerry has a spin just before the final turn and take the inside for the lead. Able to hang on and bring her home in one piece for the win! 3rd win on RD! woohoo! :)

Grats to podium and everyone that finished the race. Thanks to all that showed up and supported this US Wednesday event.

Great race reports guys. I'm with ya Larry definitely miss writing these up after our races. Glad to see that everyone enjoyed the race.

Stay tuned for next week's car / track combo.
Thx Will & RD for hosting this, and to my buddy Gerry for pushing me a bit to take part, I'm very new to iRacing and find it fairly intimidating.

Had a pretty fantastic race-long, yo-yo'ing battle with Eric and Larry, which sadly ended after I spun in order to avoid stopped traffic between those two left handers. I'm slightly surprised to see Eric mentioning tire trouble, to me he seemed to have been babying them early as he kind of checked-out later in the race...guess I must really have cooked mine well and truly!

Was very interesting dicing with Larry, I would catch up significantly in the middle sector, but could only watch in awe as he pulled away in the third-thru-first sectors. So that was a cool situation to figure out.

Wed evening is a great time for me, so definitely looking forward to seeing what shape future events will take.

ps. thx also to whoever it was that mentioned not coming all the way off the throttle - was having severe snap oversteer prior to this advice!

Class: Ford Mustang FR500
Track: Watkins Glen International - Classic Boot
Quali: 2 hotlaps; lone qualifier
Race: 45 mins
Fast Tows: Unlimited

Practice start time: 8:50pm EST
Qualification start time: 9:20pm EST
***Please be in the hosted event server before this time***

Server password:
click here
Racing rules: click here

come on and join us everyone, you know you want tooooooo!... lol... Lets try for at least a real life full grid of 24.

A practice server will be up from 10am until 2pm this Sat. that way both sides of the pond should be able to join in the fun.
Ok guys/gals I have setup the practice session to start Sat, 23 Jul 2011 16:00:00 UTC or 11:00am

I'm not 100% sure that I will be able to make the practice session tomorrow as it's my B-day and my wife has us going to take the little one to see her first real movie at a theater.
It's your birthday tomorrow?? Happy Birthday Joe! So seeing how I always see that Texas / NVDIA car in front of me that means how old you are tomorrow is the amount of time for a head start you should give me in the F1 on Sunday. Deal??? lol :)

Enjoy your day with the family!
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