Old Racing Club Threads (merged)

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Servername: Racedepartment.com MX-5
Password: Same as RD Club Events
Track: Brands Hatch GP
Class: MX-5 Cup / Roadster

Official Practice: 30 minutes (21:00 GMT / 4pm EST / 1pm PST)
Qualification - Lone qualifier (2 hotlaps)
Race - 18 laps (Standing Start)
Entries - 36
Fast tows - 1

Notes: Must be a RD Licensed member

Read the password and golden rules.
Was able to join at the last minute in quali. After 1 or 2 hotlaps with my tow truck was able to put up in some quick laps at the end of the race. Didn't realize how much grip this car has in the fast corners! It was insane! Slow corners are a bit tricky but this was a blast to drive.

Thanks to all those you showed up and to Ramon and RD for hosting. Congrats to George for the race win! :)
Thanks Guys, what a fun time we had huh?
SOrry for my not so good driving on the first lap, its tricky with cold tyres eh?
What an awesome car the Lotus 79 is. Tricky but nice when you get in the groove. Put a few laps in yesterday around Spa with a mate training. Managed to Pip Joe for pole by a tenth or two. Very strange to see cars in my mirrors and no one infront... not a view I am used to! Then I had a bit of contact at turn 2 with Marco, I did not even feel it, but I shut the door a bit on him so sorry for that. Then a bit more contact with Joe ( I think ...) and ended up in the barriers, so it was back to the pits to get it fixed. Fortunately it was a quick fix and I was back out just 45 seconds down on last place... Could have been worse.
So set about chasing Daz down. Caught up with him and took a lap or so to get by, but eventualy managed it. Onward I went as fast as I could, with the knowledge that you can drop this car in a moment on any lap...
Then checked the standings and found I was second, then Joe was behind me by about 2. x seconds....Marco who had been leading had dropped it in Aurouge... I went as fast as I dare with laps on or around the 2.11 mark give or take a bit. Joe had got all the fuel in the pits on his last stop so I was lucky and he could not get closer to me. Yahoo. 12 laps led gave me my first RD win.
No mistakes from me which is top, bar the contact.
Most Excellent!
Thanks Guys.
More Lotus 79 please!
Well, as i cant sleep atm i'll write down my review. So lets start:
I did few laps with Will before on Zandvoort (was like 5 or so laps). and about 20 laps on Okayama when Okayama was released. (also some Silverstone (15 laps or so) 2 years ago) - thats my experience with the car. i knew the car has grip and power... so i knew that this car is the best thing to race with i raced from laptop on low graphics connected to my monitor and wheel as my pc was down.

Joined some practice session and was fighting with setup. but then Joe sent me his and i started with that 1. but after few laps i've been to 2:09 or so (so pretty bad considering my race time)

took some fuel out and just couldnt drive the car. 2:08.8 3rd (while George and Joe were in 7's

had a great start and jumped Joe in 2nd in/by Eau Rouge. Also better some slip stream and was able to attack George for P1. Maybe it was too aggressive to pass 2 drivers till 2nd corner in L1, but i went for it just to have good race as from quali pace i've seen those 2 faster so i tried to give them a few laps of hard time. Went on the inside and then its what George said - racing incident all good but i've span so went from last. After Lap 2 and getting 2nd, behind Joe, Joe have just let me and others go. So i ended up in 1st and started with some 2:08's till it got up to 7's. after few laps i've founded myself in a over-minute lead, so i was considering waiting for others as it became boring. while have that thoughts in lap 10 i've lost rear in Eau Rouge and crashed. Will was behind me (lapped :p) but he hit me (sorry again for that). After pit it was only my race. 1 lap in front of will and 1:20 behind everybody else. so i pushed as hard as i could to get that group in front of me :D 2:07's would be enough (for 3rd at least) if i didnt hit the inside curb of Pouhon and slided all the way to the wall. Car felt loose but i've continued to do 2:09's but with 1 spin (again in Pouhon) and 16 seconds lost i've ended up 4th.

Now anyway, Thanks to all who showed up! and to all others - you dont know whatcha' missin' :p
Lets host some of this in Weekends and it could be a great time for everyone!

P.S. if you start league with this cars you have 1 driver already signed in :p
+1 for the league. Now thats a good idea...!
Its not how fast you are, its how many mistakes you make with this car.
You can drop it anytime... anytime, with just a thought of the podium, the newspapers, the hero status you will receive for winning...lol but you know what I mean.
Marko Buhin said:
about me my iracing expires on july 16th and idk if i will be able to expand the membership. if i manage it i will certainly join you!
So Marko,

Have you had a change of heart regards your subscription since the above quote (from the Mx-5 @ Okayama thread) you posted yesterday?

After driving the Lotus '79 you seem keen to continue.

well, if i get money in time to re-subscribe i will do it! as it is the best sim :p and L79 league with enough drivers is a must!

but ofc, i'll resubscribe as soon as i could, just it might not be for MX5 Okayama race ;) thats why i had in mind

Server name:
Class: SCCA Spec Racer Ford
Track: Okayama International Circuit Full Layout
Quali: 2 hotlaps, lone qualifier
Fast Tows: Unlimited
Race: 45 mins

Practice start time: 9pm EST
Qualification start time: 9:20pm EST
***Please be in the hosted server before this time***

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

Argh what a bummer! Hit city traffic on the way there and see that I missed registration end by 5 mins! Hope you guys are enjoying the race! Watching the it now. Sorry guys thought I'd be able to make it home as it was the only time that I could pick up the package.

What a race!!! Quali went over my expectations tho. 2nd with +0,3 behind Abdul from my 1st lap, and i've ruined 2nd lap after having almost 2 tenths in S1.

Race: from lap 1 to lap 25 - battle. in lap 1 Abdul like let me past eventho i've put some pressure. From lap 2 to like lap 10-12 i've had him on his tail :D it was a big battle. then i've killed my tires and he've span :( then few laps i was battling with my tires. and when Jean caught me i had to race him and my tires. we had few passes and in last lap i've ran out of fuel. well, not actually out of al fuel, but not enough to have constant flow of fuel (as i've still left half of liter and my calculations would of worked out if i would of had constant flow with that amount of fuel as i did 1 more lap with it :D ). so about it, if anyone wants t to see some action in the replay can see my race :D any lap :p
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