AC Multiclass Audi TT/Mazda MX5@Nurburgring, Wednesday 30th March 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
I didn´t have a clean race, I got killed by an Audist :mad:

It´s group rules for the Mazdists to stay on the racing line and for the Audists to wait until after the corner.

That limits timeloss for both, but a bit more for the Mazda.

You will even sometimes see things handled differently, but then it was communicated over Discord.

Into Mercedes Arena you cut to the inside so I could not turn in.
That forced me to brake more and drive a much slower line without good exit to Ford/Coca Cola.
And to add injury to insult you then cut to the inside and killed us both.

As you are new to the group I will not report this ( cough, so nobody knows officially) but I hope WE will do better next time.

Cheers Carsten
Carsten please pm the Audi driver to hear his point of view and decide then if you want to report him to me.
Qualifying was ok, P5, I had the pace for P2 but went off on my final lap.

Managed to avoid causing issues at T1 only to unintentionally get up the inside of Han on T2 with minimal overlap and take us both off. Waited for Han to rejoin and we began our battle through the entire field.

Han made a better job of negotiating the Mazdas and by the time I was in clear air he was 6 seconds ahead. I tried to bridge the gap but Han kept it constant but I noticed we were both catching Colin. Han and Colin caught the Mazdas together and I got lucky following them through to make it a 3 way battle for last place.

Lap 14 I got alongside Han on the outside approaching T5 but the track narrows, I put 2 wheels on the grass and went straight on. Rejoined another 6 seconds behind.

Caught up surprisingly quickly as Han and Colin battled with each other and they caught more Mazdas.

Final few laps I couldn't get past either of them but inherited second last place when Colin slowed on the penultimate lap, thinking it was the end.

I don't think I caused too many problems for the Mazdas, apart from baulking Andre at T1. Apologies, mate, and get well soon.

Apologies to Han but it made it a fun challenge, thanks for organising.

I am more on pace in the Audi than the Mazda so may take it again next week. :)
What a race, thx @Kek700 Ernie for the great battle. After start I could follow Ernie within about one second and could get past after 25 minutes on the straight with p2p. Made no mistake and we had about the same pace. Last lap was tricky because of lapping Mazdas so I was afraid to lose my two second gap on the last meters but could bring it home. Guess was the closest race for me ever, so I am glad to get this victory with a steady pace and making no major mistake. Thx for organizing and all for showing up to anther great event.
cu next time


So yeeeaahh... I'm gonna go ahead and give my race report. :coffee: It's more like a memo.

Well, I had an eventful race with several off-roads mostly due to contact, one was my doing for sure (skidding on low grip). The others I think could have been averted, but I still have to watch the replay in order to be able to say anything conclusive about them. :rolleyes:

My qualy was not my fastest time but decent for the track’s conditions and my setup (need to work on that). I had a safe start (maybe too safe) and avoided door-scrapings on the first lap. After a few laps I managed to find a consistent race pace which went from the 23’s at the start down to the 20’s at the end, so quite pleased with that feat under changing race conditions. Incidents kept me from converting that pace into gains though. I did enjoy the battles that preceded them however. Hopefully we can find cleaner lines and more space in future encounters. ;) Traffic was manageable in general, I had no issues with incoming Audis this time so chapeau to you from me lads! Just a couple of tight moments, like going closely side by side with Han at the Mercedes Arena and with another Audi doing a reversed-Zonta move on the straight after turn 4 between me and Paulo, that one is worth watching.

Thanks for the fun chaps, and a big congrats to the winners and all podium finishers. And for the great organisation Han, especially with fixing all issues with the track so fast. :thumbsup: You are the man!

Looking forward to see you next week... on BRANDS HATCH !! :roflmao:
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Hi Guys

Sorry I had to leave, every bone in my body hurts at the moment,
therefore no focus and spinning off all the time.

Had fun though!

This kinda kills my pride of having been able to race alongside you all the way from the final straight to the Mercedes Arena before being overcome :( battling with a usual podium finisher is still far far away :roflmao:

Jokes apart, get well soon Andre!
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Really fun race! Had a good quali even though I couldn't manage to repeat the PB I made during practice. I am so scared of remaining without fuel that I raced also the quali with full tank

The race started well, I was overly cautious not to cause any damage (the track was so slippery and the corners from T2 to the Mercedes Arena are a mystery for me, I risk the spin every time!) and managed to get through T2 mess without being too influenced. I gained few places due to other Mazdas spins or errors and eventually found me in an unexpected mid pack position.

Did my best not to throw all that goodness down the sewer and did not overfight @Taj Johal when he passed me, but I rather decided to wait for an error of him or to chase him throughout the race (which was still half an hour long).
We also had a bit of luck in not getting involved in a spin of another Mazda right at the beginning of the final straight, I think that it was that spin that gave him the possibility of overcoming (can't remember and can't watch the replay at the moment), but his chance would have come anyway sooner or later as his pace was very good.
Lap after lap, the gap between us remained either constant or had a slight increase so I concentrated on keeping the lap times consistent and waited for Andre @a_murel to come along, which didn't take too much. Same as with Taj, I tried to resist but not too hard as I knew that his pace was much quicker than mine, and I think we had a nice battle for a few corners racing alongside each other in a very clean and fair fashion. Whenever I'm under pressure I tend to make errors so I am happy of the outcome for both of us.

I think I got in the way of a couple of Audis in the Warsteiner Kurve because of a little error in trying to keep up with Taj's pace (apologies chaps!), an effort which also led me to my only one big error (again, in the same corner) where I went off track and lost lots of time. At that point, the hope of catching Taj because of my race craft was definitely vanished, and I just had to keep not doing too many errors and hope for him to do one, but he was great and earned a well deserved 5th place. My business was just to keep Robert @Alfred Wayne from reaching me, which I actually have been able to.

Actually this was one of my best races in terms of consistency and pace, only one major error and some minor ones, but really happy with the end place (I think this was by best overall).
Cheers to the podium finishers and to Andre, Taj and Robert with whom I battled (closer or further away), and thanks Han @HF2000 for organising another a eventful and fun event.

:thumbsup: also raising my hand for Brands!
Ok waited until the morning for the write up to keep it explective free ;p

I was super hyped for this race because practice was going so good. Man, i had the 3rd fastest time just 0.5 sec from the fastest?! That was insane for my level. The thing was that everytime I had a practice session on this track I was getting 0.5 secs faster everytime. That was a first for me to progress so fast and consistently.

Start was good and I found myself just 0.5 secs behind Paul for some laps and took it conservately even though I had(or I thought I had) faster pace. Eventually on the last turn getting on the main straight I backed off a bit too much, took too little speed and touched the inside curb and lost the rear ending up face first on the wall. Still I stayed with the pack being in a position to immediatly attack @Dzul but I got took close and bumped him just slightly enough that he lost his rear on T4 meaning we were now both last.
We then had a nice fight where I found out how to make him go fast: All you need to do is overtake him, then he stays glued to you regardless of your time ;p Eventually due to pressure he made a costly mistake and I gained the position permanently. From there I started chipping away to catch up with Robert and Omar but for every 10 secs I gained I made a stupid mistake and went off track so I never did catch them.

In the end I was quite happy with my pace(especially S1 en S2) but my consistency was appaling...again.

The Audi’s seemed a bit desperate at times and cost me time
Yeah, I noticed this too. Audis were pushing a bit too much outside of the straights and I got passed several times in corners and one time there was an audi arriving at a corner between me and @Dzul (as in side by side)

Plan for next race:
- Stay on the damn track!
Very fast pace of the other Audi's saw me Q6 out of 7 Audi's. My usual first lap 'caught up in someone else's accident' returned as Han & Doug tangled in front of me and I lost a place to Jari in the chaos. I hung on (well 2.5 secs behind) to Jari and Hank for a good few laps but I went on the grass in the chicane and dropped back to 7 secs behind and never made up ground.

Meanwhile Han was catching at a pace and we resumed out hunted/hunter dance that we seems to have performed for the last few races. Some very enjoyable battling went on before Han got passed - only for Han to head butt the chicane and give me an opportunity to get past again. Doug then joined in the fun and it was a very intense battle to the end - or what I thought was the end - I stupidly thought the race had ended and was congratulating myself on a well earned 'win' over Han and Doug only to realise there was one lap to go. Han and Doug sailed passed and I had a lap to kick myself and I trundled round to be last of the Audi's.

Another lesson learnt and a mistake I hopefully won't make again. Anyway, great fun. Thanks as ever to Han for organising and for giving me some space to race in our duels.
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I usually stay on race pace at least another half a lap when I think that the race has ended, to make sure, from discord or from seeing that everyone has left, that it has actually ended :roflmao:
I have Crew Chief in my ear and he normal tells me one lap to go so no excuse really. The effort to keep Han behind for the 'last lap' was so intense that I had seen the race time count down and I just had brain fade.
I had also a nice race. Didn't come close on qually to my PB in practice so only 4th. Start was Ok but as Douglas described with had a little race incident and I went off. But I had to let all the Mazda go first in order to come back save on the track. Douglas waited for me and our chase began. First we had to pass the Mazda's which went quite smoothly thanks to the corporation from them:thumbsup:.
And then like Tuesday my hunt for Colin started. The gap was quite big by then and it took quite some laps to close it. Probably the Mazda's helped in slowing him down. But also like Tuesday Colin did a great job defending. At one moment in the last corner I was lining up for a slipstream on the start/finish straight when I misjudged his braking causing us both to do a half spin. Douglas profited and joined our battle. I could finally pass Colin but I needed a moment where I could squeeze in a gap so he got a little stuck behind a Mazda. Not an elegant overtake but I didn't care. I've seen enough of his ass the back of his car these days. Douglas had also joined us by then but I managed to slowly get away from them until my second error of the race in the chicanethey were again very close and Colin did a fantastic overtake on me and Douglas could also profit. Great move, Colin:thumbsup:. Son now dead last. In the last fase I could profit from a little of track of Douglas and was again at almost striking distance of Colin with two laps to go. In that lap he could hold me off so only one lap left for me. But then suddenly he lifted the throttle or even braked after the finish line and with a very reaction (very proud of that!) I could avoid a collision at high speed. He must have thought the race was over. Anyway, finished 5th with a lot of fun. So I'm happy although I had the pace for a podium.

Next week Brands Hatch, the track that I dislike the most:( of all GP/GT tracks.

Hope to see you all then!
I usually stay on race pace at least another half a lap when I think that the race has ended, to make sure, from discord or from seeing that everyone has left, that it has actually ended :roflmao:
You get a message "race over" at the top of the screen. Same position for the message Leader is on final lap".
When you see the message "race over" you can stop the car.
awesome stats. Indeed my feeling is confirmed by these stats, my third sector was quite inferior to the others and my consistency was terrible.

Actually, the consistency value in those stats must always be "filtered" (of course Simresults can't know about it) be the fact that during some laps the higher times are also due to interaction with the Audis and not only because of errors, so don't be too hard on you :)
Actually, the consistency value in those stats must always be "filtered" (of course Simresults can't know about it) be the fact that during some laps the higher times are also due to interaction with the Audis and not only because of errors, so don't be too hard on you :)
well, when the lap time is suddenly 4 to 6 secs off pace, it was not because of the audis ;)

btw, do you also have these stats for previous wednesday races? I think it's the first time I see this on the thread, but I could have missed them.
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