AC Multiclass Audi TT/Mazda MX5@Nurburgring, Wednesday 30th March 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Schwedenkreuz???!:confused::confused::confused: What was your speed then?
Can't say for Sure.

"Anfahrt Schwedenkreuz" the crest before is 5th gear flat out, about 215 km/h

Than a tap on the brakes and maintenance throttle over Schwedenkreuz.
Maybe 175 to 180.

Judging from the "Code brown" about 30 km"to much.

I should have aknowledged the fact that at Flugplatz I already had a four wheel Drift to the rumble strip, tyres were quitting on me .

But the relative was good for a new PB

Lerning without blood equals good day

MFG Carsten
I think I've arrived at a confortable setup with the MX-5 but I have not managed to get the tires up to temperature.

Should I go with the recommended tire pressures(from the tire app) or look for what brings the tire temps higher?



how much time one can loose in Merceds Arena.

Why has with Thielke every interesting corner have to be offcamber :mad:??

MFG Carsten
This was a decent race for me. I couldn't find the proper pace in the practice or the qualification. I was constantly atleast 3 seconds behind the fastest lap, while everybody else was quite close within eachother's times. Therefore i qualified 18/19. I had a good start and good first few corners where i gained a few spots, having to fight off Robert Hopkins, who was clearly faster than me. I wasn't going to give up my position easily, so we ended up in a really good battle for a few laps. This was probably the best battle i had in AC for now, and unfortunately, also the only really exciting thing to happen for me in this race. Robert had overtaken me and i had overtaken him again at a certain point. I miscalculated a corner where i went a bit too deep and unfortunately spun off and couldnt manage to get back on track fast enough :(

This was the moment i lost about 20 seconds to Robert and the rest of the pack. It happened quite early in the race, and that was the last time i had seen a Mazda, for the rest of the race. After a lap, driving all by myself, i finally found the 3 seconds i was missing and could keep up the 2.20/2.21's every round consistently, hoping for people to spin off, make mistakes or get slower laptimes than me. None of the above happened, so i finished the race last. Still a good race and thankful for the battle in the first few laps.
A good, largely clean race for me.:thumbsup: Was ist my mistake when overtaking, Carsten?
I am not sure.

I didn´t have a clean race, I got killed by an Audist :mad:

It´s group rules for the Mazdists to stay on the racing line and for the Audists to wait until after the corner.

That limits timeloss for both, but a bit more for the Mazda.

You will even sometimes see things handled differently, but then it was communicated over Discord.

Into Mercedes Arena you cut to the inside so I could not turn in.
That forced me to brake more and drive a much slower line without good exit to Ford/Coca Cola.
And to add injury to insult you then cut to the inside and killed us both.

As you are new to the group I will not report this ( cough, so nobody knows officially) but I hope WE will do better next time.

Cheers Carsten
And now to my race report:

It was Groundhog Race, exactly the same procedure as Yesterday :cautious:

I managed to get a decent quali (though Allan again was exactly 1,5sec faster than me )
after a few laps full of hard work I could profit from Andre´calling in sick and had P2
( for a little while :redface:)

Of course Simon didn´t feel like being gracious and wrestled it away from me.

A few laps later there was a kerfuffle in Mercedes Arena and boom I was way back.

After scrambling a lot and profiting from other sick days it was only Paul keeping me from my rightfull P3.
He tried his best to keep what was mine, even put out his elbows flying into NGK Chicane :unsure:
After sniffing is trunk for a few laps I got fed up and finally got around in the second but last lap.

Beer Time Carsten
Hi Guys

Sorry I had to leave, every bone in my body hurts at the moment,
therefore no focus and spinning off all the time.

Had fun though!
Hope you get better soon Andre, seeing you go off twice is not normal, come to think of it, seeing you at all is not normal for me! :confused:
I hope you feel better soon!

I left after a couple of laps, my cat decided now was the time to cuddle up and refused to leave. Oh well, that's the life of a simracer :D
Casper, perhaps you need a Catalytic Converter!:roflmao::roflmao:
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First race for me in a Mazda here (I think). Was on a fwd kick for a bit, but that has cooled off. Fun little cars once you get them whipping around the corners :thumbsup:.

Had some great early battles with @Evoluzione as he mentioned. I enjoyed getting your place, but I was sad to see you spin out, left me a bit on my own too :p. Eventually got within 5s of Omar due to a spin/off with 15/20min to go, but I gave back 4s with a spin of my own and ended the day 10s back from him. Good pace :thumbsup:

Also for the record, I am "Pro Brands Hatch" :laugh:
And now to my race report:

It was Groundhog Race, exactly the same procedure as Yesterday :cautious:

I managed to get a decent quali (though Allan again was exactly 1,5sec faster than me )
after a few laps full of hard work I could profit from Andre´calling in sick and had P2
( for a little while :redface:)

Of course Simon didn´t feel like being gracious and wrestled it away from me.

A few laps later there was a kerfuffle in Mercedes Arena and boom I was way back.

After scrambling a lot and profiting from other sick days it was only Paul keeping me from my rightfull P3.
He tried his best to keep what was mine, even put out his elbows flying into NGK Chicane :unsure:
After sniffing is trunk for a few laps I got fed up and finally got around in the second but last lap.

Beer Time Carsten
Nice race Carsten, there was a bit of bumping going on into the NGK chicane on a couple of occasions but no harm done. I had a grandstand view of your Audi incident and while I profited for a while, you were quicker and took your rightful podium place.
The Audi’s seemed a bit desperate at times and cost me time. Having driven both classes the Mazda’s are quicker than you think through the turns and better on the brakes. When I drive the Audi it is easy to think I can make the pass but the gap disappears very quickly as the corner approaches.
Well done podiums and thanks Han for another entertaining race.

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