AC Multiclass Audi TT/Mazda MX5@Bahrain, Wednesday 16th March 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Guys, I stretched my trapezius while working out after work. I'm going to have an hot shower and put a medical plaster on then try the quali, but I'm not sure I can do the race. Sorry for not unregistering but when i realized it was that bad, it was already past 20:00..
Take care, Omar!

Btw working out is supposed to make you healthier, not the opposite :p !
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Well, this was another rollercoaster for me :D Luckily, this time i managed to stay on track (for the most part, that is..).

We we're about 5 laps in when my fuel light popped up and i knew i had messed up.. Forgot to change the fuel back to race specs and had to pit in the 6th lap to refill on fuel :( This cost me all my positions gained and i had to start from the back. I was able to do some overtaking and someone spun out (didn't see who), so finally i had Paul in my line of sight. Unfortunately for me, that never changed til after the finish flag. I had some good pace, but wasn't able to find that extra speed to overtake.

Somewhere in the middle of the race i was caught off-guard and almost spun out at the little chicane. This created a gap between me and Paul and gave me the opportunity to go for a little "Max Verstappen" and get that fastest racelap. Somehow i managed to do so and i'm a little proud of that.

Finally, in the last lap i saw Omar facing the wrong way, in the last corner before the finish line.. very unlucky there mate! It has got to do with that stretched trapezius..

Another good race guys! I did have a lot of fun and learned a lot about Bahrain and this little MX5. Also cheers to the Audi overtaking, that was very clean!
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Well, this was another rollercoaster for me :D Luckily, this time i managed to stay on track (for the most part, that is..).

We we're about 5 laps in when my fuel light popped up and i knew i had messed up.. Forgot to change the fuel back to race specs and had to pit in the 6th lap to refill on fuel :( This cost me all my positions gained and i had to start from the back. I was able to do some overtaking and someone spun out (didn't see who), so finally i had Paul in my line of sight. Unfortunately for me, that never changed til after the finish flag. I had some good pace, but wasn't able to find that extra speed to overtake.

Somewhere in the middle of the race i was caught off-guard and almost spun out at the little chicane. This created a gap between me and Paul and gave me the opportunity to go for a little "Max Verstappen" and get that fastest racelap. Somehow i managed to do so and i'm a little proud of that.

Finally, in the last lap i saw Omar facing the wrong way, in the last corner before the finish line.. very unlucky there mate! It has got to do with that stretched trapezius..

Another good race guys! I did have a lot of fun and learned a lot about Bahrain and this little MX5. Also cheers to the Audi overtaking, that was very clean!
I'm pretty sure that everyone has had a race where they started with the wrong fuel, as well as having a jump start and teleport to the pits. I certainly have. :)
Well, this was another rollercoaster for me :D Luckily, this time i managed to stay on track (for the most part, that is..).

We we're about 5 laps in when my fuel light popped up and i knew i had messed up.. Forgot to change the fuel back to race specs and had to pit in the 6th lap to refill on fuel :( This cost me all my positions gained and i had to start from the back. I was able to do some overtaking and someone spun out (didn't see who), so finally i had Paul in my line of sight. Unfortunately for me, that never changed til after the finish flag. I had some good pace, but wasn't able to find that extra speed to overtake.

Somewhere in the middle of the race i was caught off-guard and almost spun out at the little chicane. This created a gap between me and Paul and gave me the opportunity to go for a little "Max Verstappen" and get that fastest racelap. Somehow i managed to do so and i'm a little proud of that.

Finally, in the last lap i saw Omar facing the wrong way, in the last corner before the finish line.. very unlucky there mate! It has got to do with that stretched trapezius..

Another good race guys! I did have a lot of fun and learned a lot about Bahrain and this little MX5. Also cheers to the Audi overtaking, that was very clean!
Join the club Geert-Jan! I did the same thing, somehow loaded qualifying fuel set up and had to pit . But in a way I am glad you did the same because I had someone to race with, it would have been lonely out at the back with only lapping Audi’s for company.:D
But try as might, I couldn’t get close to Omar who was having some good pace until that last lap spin, unlucky Omar, you were going well.
Congrats to the podiums and thanks Han for organising.
I had a fun race and did not have one lonely lap. :D I couldn't find my pace from monday's practice and that showed on qualifying. I wasn't last but was almost a second removed from my fastest lap from then. Anyhow, I had a decent start holding position but got stopped on my tracks between the first and second corner due to a traversed golden Mazda. I was dead last so I had my work cut. I got into a rhythm and due to off-tracks from others I gained a good bunch of positions... at some point I was on fourth from the Mazdas I believe, after passing Dave. I managed to keep the spot for a good bunch of laps until Carsten started his comeback. I was managing the distance but traffic did not help and he caught up with me at some point and made a really good pass on the first corner... where I almost lost the rear and gave Dave (and Chris who was lapping us) a heart-attack, but also allowed them to pass. The clock was on its last legs and I was recovering time but then I got unlucky with traffic, especially with a move from an Audi that decided not to wait after the first corner to make a pass... that took all my momentum away 'coz I had to hit the brakes hard to avoid contact... and with just 2 laps to go it turned into a lost cause. :(

HOWEVER... I did have a lot of fun. Bahrain proved to be a really good place for Multiclass so, I wouldn't mind giving it another run in the near future. :thumbsup: Thanks for the great choice and organising Han. And congrats to the winners and podium finishers. It's off to Thruxton next week so, see you there chaps!
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What a race. Was in fight with Ernie and Richard nearly the whole race. I think we overtook like a dozen times, which was great fun. Thanks guys, guess this was one of the races with closest racing and most overtaking I can remember. Guess in some corners I drove a bad line losing lots of time, especially in sector 2. Need to analyze this. Congrats to winners and thx Han. Great stuff.....

Some impressions:

getting Ernie on the straight with good exit and P2P

drift challenge accepted (some inches on the white line under braking), losing position to Richard

the pack in T1 after 35 minutes

into the desert sun

yet again another duell in T1

and again.....


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Sorry guys,started feeling ill mid afternoon and by teatime i was aching from head to toe,long soak and meds did,nt really help, and so when i laid on couch i could,nt hardly get up and move so racing was out,supposed to be racing tonight at Goodwood in the Alfa GT,now that is looking dubious at best..Who won in the Mazda and podium finishers??..Good race??, Details??:D.;).:thumbsup:..
Sorry guys,started feeling ill mid afternoon and by teatime i was aching from head to toe,long soak and meds did,nt really help, and so when i laid on couch i could,nt hardly get up and move so racing was out,supposed to be racing tonight at Goodwood in the Alfa GT,now that is looking dubious at best..Who won in the Mazda and podium finishers??..Good race??, Details??:D.;).:thumbsup:..
Great race for me. Quallified 3rd but totally messed up my start because I forgot to put on my gloves and was trying to grab them when the lights went out. So 8th after turn 1, glad I could hold the Mazda's behind me though. After that I had great battles with Colin, Kimi and Jari. Boy let's have Finland as soon as possible join the NATO. Those guys know how to defend:thumbsup:! Or maybe I suck at overtaking...
Anyway it was a hard fight but I managed to climb to the 5th position. Now seeing the post of Thomas I regret my bad start because I would have loved to join the three of you.

Congrats to the podium, especially Sandor who got the win in his first race with us! Thanks all for joining and please give this a chance because fun is guaranteed!
It only takes you an hour!

Next week Thruxton which is very nice for the multiclass, I think. So see you there on track!
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Well, this was another rollercoaster for me :D Luckily, this time i managed to stay on track (for the most part, that is..).

We we're about 5 laps in when my fuel light popped up and i knew i had messed up.. Forgot to change the fuel back to race specs and had to pit in the 6th lap to refill on fuel :( This cost me all my positions gained and i had to start from the back. I was able to do some overtaking and someone spun out (didn't see who), so finally i had Paul in my line of sight. Unfortunately for me, that never changed til after the finish flag. I had some good pace, but wasn't able to find that extra speed to overtake.

Somewhere in the middle of the race i was caught off-guard and almost spun out at the little chicane. This created a gap between me and Paul and gave me the opportunity to go for a little "Max Verstappen" and get that fastest racelap. Somehow i managed to do so and i'm a little proud of that.

Finally, in the last lap i saw Omar facing the wrong way, in the last corner before the finish line.. very unlucky there mate! It has got to do with that stretched trapezius..

Another good race guys! I did have a lot of fun and learned a lot about Bahrain and this little MX5. Also cheers to the Audi overtaking, that was very clean!
Annoyingly enough, it wasn't the sore muscle to cause that spin :mad: See my report in a few minutes..
I wanted to try the race anyway despite my accident. Honestly, it was a painful race but I really enjoyed it. As the pain was higher wen lifting the left arm, maybe a counter-clockwise track would have worked well :p

Connected way into the quali with just 5 minutes left so I had only one good lap but with tyres not yet in the good temperature and pressure range, and this left me in the last available spot (well Jack was behind me but with an Audi, so he pretty much disappeared instantly after the race start).
No problem, I like this track and last time if it wasn't for the fuel miscalculation, I would've had a great result, while it ended up with a DNF because the car stopped at 4 corners from the finish line.

The start was great: I managed to avoid the T1 (and following ones) incidents and was 6th or so after the first half lap, but I overdid the last corner and spun miserably. However, fortune have been bad also for Raul, Carsten and Paul (if I remember correctly) and after a few laps I was back into position, where I managed to remain up until almost the end of the race, also thanks to the politeness of the fellow Audi drivers which did wait the straights to overcome or did it in corners where there was space enough for everyone. :thumbsup: Nice driving!

Keeping Paul at a distance seemed doable though this doesn't mean it was easy: maintaining the concentration was basic, as even the slightest error costed several tenths because of the circuit's design, and resulted in him appearing in my rearview mirror and put me under pressure :confused:
The good thing is that this helped with improving my overall consistency.

Then, the unaccountable happened just before beginning the last lap. The computer (or Assetto Corsa) froze just at the exit of the last corner, for an endless ten of seconds. The car simply continued with the same input, and being that I didn't exited the corner yet and had a bit of steer input, it veered all the way to the right, half-way throttled, hit the side wall, then spun and crossed the track (luckily without hitting and harming anyone) and hit the wall again, only on the opposite side. All this I saw from the replay, because during the race I actually faced a frozen screen and awake with the car turned rearward, and of course dead last. Ok Barhain International Circuit: game, set, match. You won another time, I surrender. :speechless:

All in all, the most annoying thing was that I haven't been able to improve my lap time in comparison to the other race, I don't know if the track conditions (at the end, when the grip was certainly 100%) were different from the previous iteration but if not, this means that I didn't improve that much as a driver in the last months :redface:
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