AC Multiclass Abarth500/Mazda MX5@Silverstone, Wed 29th June 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Retired after 30m. Apologies to the various drivers I crashed into.

Practiced all week and was really pleased with my quali pace, but started the race on the wrong setup somehow, so the car was stiff as a board. Couldn't handle it. On top of that, I lost SimHub when the lights went out, so no map, no relatives, no radar.
Can someone leave the sim results for me, completely forgot to sign up on my favourite circuit.
I really do not think I had much pace here, so my expectations were low.
Shame, I was looking forward to the race.
You can find the results on S.GP. Just look at my profile (or any other participant), click on the race and there you have the PQR results.
For once my driving style really gave me some advantage :cool:
My fuel consumption with Mazda was just a bit over 1,78 litres per lap, so I managed to get through the race without pitting.
After the race I still had 0,3 litres left :D

Surprisingly good race, considering I didn't have a chance to practice almost at all. :thumbsup:
Had a real bumpy start, this buggery Minions of Han´s kept bumping me around.:O_o:

When the smoke cleared I found myself behind a erratic sliding "PortaPotty" that cost me 1,5 sec per lap.
In four laps I managed to pass him cleanly twice only to see him power past me on the next long straight and start "mazepining" me again.
( by now I think most of you noticed that I was " a little miffed" :cautious:)

Quick decision made me go for the splash and dash early to avoid killing someone and capitalize later.

Coming out in clean air an unsafe reentry cost me 1.4sec over two laps, my mood "did not improve" :mad:

Later than things settled down, I could reel some folks in and in the end made P9 out of Q12.

"Coulda, woulda, shoulda" been better but in the end its a racing result.

Next time I want a "Thor´s Hammer" button for clearing the way when Crew chief keeps yelling:

"This guy is holding you up, kill him!!"

See you next time Jean Claude von Carsten
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I was wondering why i never saw you back down near me @Mikke73 , nice job :thumbsup:

Shame about the sign up @Kek700 unexpected water in the home is the worst and throws everything off :(

As for my race, started p8, finished p7 after stealing @Douglas Aird spot in the last couple corners by just half a car length :confused:. This little battle was a continuation of the first half the race where Han decided to play safety car and string a line of mazdas around the circuit :roflmao: . At one point I think there were 5 or 6 cars all within sub 1s of each other :whistling: . Fun watching everyone fan out as we came up to a turn :thumbsup: From what I saw too, no one bumped into each other and everyone stayed together a lot longer than I thought (and wanted :laugh:)

Happy to survive such close racing :)
Fantastic racing tonight, well done everyone.

I qualified p11 in tight field.

Negotiated the early laps ok, one tap with Robert early on but no time lost by either of us.

I joined the end of the train that had formed behind Han. I could keep up but not pass.

Eventually a few cars got past and once Andre got past I followed quickly after, however, Han out-dragged me on the straight with Kimi in tow, losing me both places.

I then followed for many laps, got very close multiple times but could make a move stick. I should have pitted earlier but I was trying to get to the end on one tank.

Crew chief announced I had 10 minutes of fuel left when there was 12 minutes on the clock so I knew I had revert to a splash and dash. Made a good stop and came out 4 seconds ahead of Robert to resume our battle. I was really struggling on the cold and worn tyres, made a couple of bad exits and suddenly Robert was past me on the penultimate lap.

I regrouped for a last lap effort, keeping close to Robert. He held on through the lap but I had some hope when I got a better exit on the last corner. I got alongside round the outside and thought I had won the drag race, but no, I was 0.1 behind at the line.

Thanks, Han, for organising and to everyone who raced and made up a nice big grid.
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Copse didn't disappoint :D

:redface: That was me underestimating my exit speed and distance to Colin, sorry again man!

I had a good start (Q13) and stayed with the pack until Brooklands, where I got hit from behind and careened into a green Mazda after which we both ended in the sand. Too bad because that put me on the back foot, literally. I managed to recover some ground over the course of the following laps until I touched Colin and got us spinning out at Copse, as witnessed by Taj. Apologies once more señor.

I started then working on "Recovery Race part Deux" which was going well until I touched sand, very slightly, exiting Luffield, which got me do a Vettel... spinning into the old pit-entry, and putting me almost dead last again because I had to yield to incoming traffic. So I started "Recovery Race parte Tres", which was going well (managed to pass Colin cleanly this time) until I ran out of fuel just before Stowe... :confused:

I managed to get to my pitbox using inertia and 'speedy grass', splash two liters and finish the race right behind Andre. Despite the incidents it was an intense race getting back into contention and I had a few nice battles (a great one with my pace-buddy Colin).

All and all a fun evening despite of the result. Thanks again for organising it Han! :thumbsup: Congratulations to the winners and podiums, I'll see you chaps at Styria for the next one!
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What an intense race. Was P4 after good start, but (i think it was lap 2) Simon had a snap oversteer getting on the green carpet at full speed at copse and I had to avoid him going left into the grass. Lost about 15 seconds and fall back to P9. Good thing of this incident was that I had a fun race with lots of fighting and I could do many on track overtakes so that was great fun. Had a good exit before last corner to start finish straight, tried to get Han on the inside but there was no room anymore and had to go to the sausage kerb, lost again 2 places.
Battles were clean, thats why I love racing in this community.
Could get back to podium til the end so I am happy with the result.
Still dont know where to gain more than a second to get Fulvios pace. A total riddle to me to be honest. I had pretty much stock setup but I think I wont find a second in setup. Congrats to him.
Thx all and cu.

avoiding crash at copse:

guys in front going three wide at hangar straight:

close fighting turn 2:
Another great event after the kart race on Tuesday. The first laps in practice were terrible, the Abarth rides completely different from the MFT01 kart. The kart has a very direct steering with a lot of grip on the front tires where the Abarth turns slowly and is very understeery. So I had to learn to turn in much earlier.

It was clear that the Mazda would be the better car for this track and so qualifying as 10th with 9 Mazdas ahead of me was no surprise. I had a better start than expected and was 5th after lap 1. From there I became the pain in the ass of 3 later 5 Mazdas that had a better pace but couldn't pass me due to the straight speed of the Abarth. I had a lot of fun frustrating the guys behind it. Close but very clean racing from all of you as far as I could tell:thumbsup:!

After his voluntary drive through Fulvio showed the rest how to overtake me and Thomas soon succeeded also. Meanwhile, in his Abarth, Kimi had taken advantage of the time I had lost from the fighting and was close behind in the Mazda train. We had a similar pace, so mistakes would be decisive. After my pit stop with tire change, the Mazda's were of course gone and I was 15th. After my outlap I was first very surprised when I saw Michael coming out of the pits in front of me. I realized he must have done the pit stop without a tire change, which was very brave because half way through my fronts were at 60%. We had a nice battle for a few laps which I ended up winning. Kimi again took advantage of my loss of time and was within 2s.

For the rest of the race, the gap between us fluctuated between 0.8 and 1.3s until he went wide on the grass in the Loop. But great racing Kimi:thumbsup:!

I finished 11th but with the Abarth class win.

Thank you all for participating. It was really nice!.

Next week Red Bull Ring. I haven't driven the Abarth there, but I suspect the Mazda will be faster again. The straights are too short and there are quite a few corners that are difficult if the car suffers from understeer.
When the smoke cleared I found myself behind a erratic sliding "PortaPotty" that cost me 1,5 sec per lap.
In four laps I managed to pass him cleanly twice only to see him power past me on the next long straight and start "mazepining" me again.
( by now I think most of you noticed that I was " a little miffed" :cautious:)
oh man, that was so much fun. @stigs2cousin - I was so dissapointed when you went to the pits for the undercut because I was enjoying this maybe a bit too much. Your comments on voicechat helped as well.:D
Actually you were making the mistake of thinking I had a mazda and were defending on corner entry(which I could never overtake you there and have to tiptoe the crabwalker towards a decent exit, which I was having and you clearly not.
As for the sliding, ha, sometimes it's easier to control a drift than a sharp braking zone on this one so it was not so erratic to me :p

I was dissapointed to come last due to one major slip up on becketts and due to locking my gf out and having to spend 5 to 10 seconds to opening the door to her during the race :roflmao:. Without this I would have maneged to overtake the fuel guzzling mazda group and maybe given jari a better fight.

Abarth's and silverstone are fun. It would be fun to see a race here where the fuel and tire wear are not a deciding factor between the PortaPotty and the mx5s.

Congrats to the insanely fast ppl that finish on the podium and to the organization once again!
I was just reflecting on the race and this was definitely the most intense, close pack racing that I have done on RD. From my perspective everyone was being respectful, not making a lunge but trying to work an opportunity.

I had a few close moments when battling with Han and Kimi, catching them through the corners a lot quicker than I expected and having to slow or avoid a tap on corner exit (before they inevitably pulled away on the straights).

Another really really close fight with Robert, in two parts thanks to different strategies. We are often around the same pace. Great racing, mate. @Alfred Wayne
Oh, man I dont know where to begin. I havnt raced for 2 months and felt very rusty and missing alot of speed and confidence, but had a lot of fun. The race had a very intens beginning having a great fight with everybody basically. Later on I had to refuel but my pitcrew wasnt ready... leaving me in the pits for a minute or so.

Anyway lots of fun guys!
oh man, that was so much fun. @stigs2cousin - I was so dissapointed when you went to the pits for the undercut because I was enjoying this maybe a bit too much. Your comments on voicechat helped as well.:D
Actually you were making the mistake of thinking I had a mazda and were defending on corner entry(which I could never overtake you there and have to tiptoe the crabwalker towards a decent exit, which I was having and you clearly not.
As for the sliding, ha, sometimes it's easier to control a drift than a sharp braking zone on this one so it was not so erratic to me :p
So you enjoyed "mazepining" me for four laps and with that hindering my race?:O_o:

Enough to gloat about it now? :mad:

That´s good to know because with this gloating you removed yourself from the "Gentlemen`s Club"
Next time you pull a shite move like that I´ll just "Verstappen" you out of the way.

Good to have cleared that up Carsten

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