AC Mazda MX5 Cup @ Mugello - Mon 09 Mar 2020

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
My personal apps that I use:
- Realtime: Lets me know the gaps and can adjust for traffic or letting people by. This is *very* important if you're racing multi class as you need to calculate the distance and closing speeds of the different classes.
- Car radar: Helps to know the placement and angle of potential contact
- Performance delta: If I'm changing up my lines and such I know right away if they're faster or slower in a given corner
- ProTyres. Can't go pro without at least one app with the word "pro" in it. Also helps with dialing in temps

I'm VR only so this gives me all the info i need without my screen looking like this:

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My personal apps that I use:
- Realtime: Lets me know the gaps and can adjust for traffic of letting people by. This is *very* important if you're racing multi class as you need to calculate the distance and closing speeds of the different classes.
- Car radar: Helps to know the placement and angle of potential contact
- Performance delta: If I'm changing up my lines and such I know right away if they're faster or slower in a given corner
- ProTyres. Can't go pro without at least one app with the word "pro" in it. Also helps with dialing in temps

I'm VR only so this gives me all the info i need without my screen looking like this:

View attachment 354616
Here is mine :)
If you use Content-Manager, the last 5? replays will be saved automatically until they get overwritten. Check out the "Media" tab. Took me some time to find this out but it is a precious source of learning material :)

I can upload you the replay to my GoogleDrive when I am back home if you want it. Just PM me

I found the replays. Have you any idea at what time it happend? I think it was Race 1, at the end +- 20 min?
If you use Content-Manager, the last 5? replays will be saved automatically until they get overwritten. Check out the "Media" tab. Took me some time to find this out but it is a precious source of learning material :)

I can upload you the replay to my GoogleDrive when I am back home if you want it. Just PM me
I found the replays. Any idea what tie it happend? It was at the end of race 1 I think...
I like driving with the team... Be sure I do my best to avoid ruining your pleasure, but that's the best I can do.
@Devidin exactly this ^^. You do your best, nobody can do more. In the heat of battle, sometimes we speak fast on TS - it's natural because there is a lot happening. Nobody thinks badly of you. You are a valued member of the team/community, so please don't worry. You have done the right thing by asking on the forum here. The tip from Aksu about realtime is something that I myself will try, so we move forward as a group - together.

Well done for asking the right questions and thank you for your honesty. I look forward to seeing you on track next time. :) :thumbsup:
Hello guys,

You certainly told me, but I am not native English (French speaking, from Belgium), plus the sound of AC was covering TS sound, plus you speek fast... All in all I did not get much of the message.

Hope you don't mind...

@Devidin try Clientquery plugin Click me
This mutes the game sound as soon as someone speaks up in your channel

Edit: not sure if this is actually the right plugin, need to check at home if no one can answer it before :D

Edit 2: @Devidin this is it actually click again
This helps a lot if someone is talking during the race
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Have you check the replay? Or sat in top drivers car in warmup or qualy ever? ;-)
You should see driving lines and I think you could see pedal and wheel inputs too :thumbsup:
Try these first if it's helping :)
Have you check the replay? Or sat in top drivers car in warmup or qualy ever? ;-)
You should see driving lines and I think you could see pedal and wheel inputs too :thumbsup:
Try these first if it's helping :)
Yeah I do this a lot but it rarely looks 2 seconds or more different.
Have you check the replay? Or sat in top drivers car in warmup or qualy ever? ;-)
You should see driving lines and I think you could see pedal and wheel inputs too :thumbsup:
Try these first if it's helping :)
Thanks for that Aki, I was surprised at how much you use brake and throttle together, is this to settle the car? I use it for fwd but not rwd so far.
Thanks for that Aki, I was surprised at how much you use brake and throttle together, is this to settle the car? I use it for fwd but not rwd so far.
Stops the rear wheels locking I believe?
It feels more balanced in corners rather than you just flow without any input. Can't explain xP
In fwd cars I use brake to turn car and also prevent spinning tires in middle corner.
And with "slow" rwd's I just try to keep it balanced and prevent any slides.
Looks slow=It's fast :D
@HF2000 you know as much as I do about overtaking, easy when you have couple of seconds a lap over those around you, very difficult if you have a few tenth's.

( funnily the front runners are better placed than me for this question, it is probably more predictable but on the other hand far more difficult, technically speaking, only small imperceptible mistake to rely on ).


Difficult this one, it is to a large extent a personality thing.

I really enjoy my battles with @Medilloni John, gives me the benefit when I am in front, thus he is on the back foot so to speak.
By that I mean I automatically know that I have the edge on him in choosing my line which he gives me.
But not easily, he is a tough negotiator, therefore as I enter the corner I am driving on the spotter app, but having the advantage of knowing what I am going to do and what John is trying to do in advance.

Others, it is not so straight forward, I never know their intentions, cannot predict the outcome, becomes an instant thing. ( when your traveling at a virtual speed of 120 feet per second )…..???? is it any wonder that it can be troublesome.
When some one is trying to overtake me and I am not wanting it to happen; I try and make it obvious to that person, we’re they are allowed to be from my perspective.
Sounds a bit pompous, example, if it is at the end of a long straight, it is a right hand bend, very early on I am moving far right so they know that only leaves the left for a overtake.
Usually, not always, I make the decision, how many laps, how much faster is he, how easy a circuit it is for defending, how easily am i controlling this car, who is it, what’s in it for me.

This is the rub, psychology, different impulse thinking, bad thought processes, a car that has turned me into a hooligan. All this things can scupper the best laid plans.

I am from the school of thought, the single MOST important thing to me is not to ruin his race, not always easy.

So easy for me to dive bomb a gap, maybe put my cars nose just so that if he turns in he is off, then say I did nothing wrong.

So if I am chasing Han for example, I want to see how much quicker I am, usually there is not anything in it for me, ( and vice versa I imagine ) maybe a few tenths a lap, that makes overtaking difficult, I can if I want, but I am in big risk territory, then if I do get by, then what. I now have the stress of Han following me, not having enough pace to get away, and then usually prone to making mistakes in that position; Just brought myself a load of problems.
Certainly more than if I had stayed on his tail, knowing my best option is to wait for a mistake.
It is not really about the overtake, more about the space it gives me if I get by though a mistake.
Han and everyone it seems have got good, generally speaking of late, people now make very few usable errors. There was a time I could make good progress in race department club races just on mistakes, it is not the case now.

Unless you have really good pace like the front runners, overtaking back and mid fielders has become much more challenging.

Sorry to be so bleeding obvious, just thought I would have one of my rambles.:rolleyes:

have you got the replay of our incedent...

This is something that has always bugged me, replay accuracy.

I looked at the incident ( which does not bother me in the slightest ) my replay shows the spotter showing
1/4 overlap, your car nose tapping my rear fender half way between the rear of the rear wheel and bumper
I would say about 1/8 th of the car length ( not that I m saying you have a large nose ) :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Cannot remember your internet ping, mine was 15msec

if no replay, will sort out eventually.

have you got the replay of our incedent...

This is something that has always bugged me, replay accuracy.

I looked at the incident ( which does not bother me in the slightest ) my replay shows the spotter showing
1/4 overlap, your car nose tapping my rear fender half way between the rear of the rear wheel and bumper
I would say about 1/8 th of the car length ( not that I m saying you have a large nose ) :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Cannot remember your internet ping, mine was 15msec

if no replay, will sort out eventually.

No way really! That would explain it as I thought to myself, "im sure he could see me there so why he move left", just before right hand turn. So yeah I was essentially still in your rear view mirror on your screen, but on mine I was well along side . Maybe thats why it seemed I was so fast round those turns and it was possibly rubber banding. Anyway lesson learned hard way not to place car in a position like that as only advantage it was giving me was I thought I was putting you under pressure. No chance of an overtake from where I was so clearly not worth it. Especially where internet is involved. Apologies Ernie.

Ill check replay tomorrow night when I get back to her!
@HF2000 you know as much as I do about overtaking, easy when you have couple of seconds a lap over those around you, very difficult if you have a few tenth's.

( funnily the front runners are better placed than me for this question, it is probably more predictable but on the other hand far more difficult, technically speaking, only small imperceptible mistake to rely on ).


Difficult this one, it is to a large extent a personality thing.

I really enjoy my battles with @Medilloni John, gives me the benefit when I am in front, thus he is on the back foot so to speak.
By that I mean I automatically know that I have the edge on him in choosing my line which he gives me.
But not easily, he is a tough negotiator, therefore as I enter the corner I am driving on the spotter app, but having the advantage of knowing what I am going to do and what John is trying to do in advance.

Others, it is not so straight forward, I never know their intentions, cannot predict the outcome, becomes an instant thing. ( when your traveling at a virtual speed of 120 feet per second )…..???? is it any wonder that it can be troublesome.
When some one is trying to overtake me and I am not wanting it to happen; I try and make it obvious to that person, we’re they are allowed to be from my perspective.
Sounds a bit pompous, example, if it is at the end of a long straight, it is a right hand bend, very early on I am moving far right so they know that only leaves the left for a overtake.
Usually, not always, I make the decision, how many laps, how much faster is he, how easy a circuit it is for defending, how easily am i controlling this car, who is it, what’s in it for me.

This is the rub, psychology, different impulse thinking, bad thought processes, a car that has turned me into a hooligan. All this things can scupper the best laid plans.

I am from the school of thought, the single MOST important thing to me is not to ruin his race, not always easy.

So easy for me to dive bomb a gap, maybe put my cars nose just so that if he turns in he is off, then say I did nothing wrong.

So if I am chasing Han for example, I want to see how much quicker I am, usually there is not anything in it for me, ( and vice versa I imagine ) maybe a few tenths a lap, that makes overtaking difficult, I can if I want, but I am in big risk territory, then if I do get by, then what. I now have the stress of Han following me, not having enough pace to get away, and then usually prone to making mistakes in that position; Just brought myself a load of problems.
Certainly more than if I had stayed on his tail, knowing my best option is to wait for a mistake.
It is not really about the overtake, more about the space it gives me if I get by though a mistake.
Han and everyone it seems have got good, generally speaking of late, people now make very few usable errors. There was a time I could make good progress in race department club races just on mistakes, it is not the case now.

Unless you have really good pace like the front runners, overtaking back and mid fielders has become much more challenging.

Sorry to be so bleeding obvious, just thought I would have one of my rambles.:rolleyes:

I was having a real chuckle today watching the laps we were having a tussle Ernie, simply the best part of the eve for me, great fun buddy:thumbsup:.

I know that you know, that I know, that we know:O_o:, we're fair with each other and as you pointed out, at our level with only tenths in it, any pass takes longer than a very long thing, without slowing us both down (and that to me is very important), hence the give and take; keeping the the momentum, if you like. I was keeping an eye on those ahead, and we were still catching them despite our mini-battle.

Overtaking, dicing, is for me personally the best part of this weird sim world. The driving 'skills I had years ago have long gone, this is 'different', but the wheel to wheel stuff is something I find myself really enjoying at any level.

Lately I'm finding myself more inclined to copy, or mirror those I'm racing with... so for you, and the vast majority I can trust to race door handle close, there's plenty of give 'n take, though if someone takes a dive, squeezes you out on the exit, I'm now doing the same with them, within the rules of course:p .. and still trying to keep the momentum, which is THE great challenge.

Not sure if I've worded that well, hope you get my drift - I guess my point is, as in real life racing, 'respond in kind', 'give as good as you get' is important 'cos we all test our limits (again, all part of racing).

As you'll know, you've touched on a ramble :p subject close to my heart
Two things stick out most in that race, the long run down to T1, having the whole straight to think about T1, who is going to Brake first.:confused:
You had just got past on the outside, I had the inside, this is the best bit, I overshot my braking point and you mirrored it like a dance routine, just as we got to T2 I just had the edge and you backed out.
Then next was me doing my best to get Han between you and me, did everything I could to get past, could not quite make it, hit Han, game over for me and unfortunately Han. ( sorry )
If I had a clear road in front I would have tried to hold out to the end of the lap, but I knew with two cars in front I would not stand a chance.
This is what I enjoy, the way racing is like a speeded up life, the way that situations
build, changing the outcome in an unpredictable way, corner by corner, never knowing if it is for the best or worst.
Times I have thought that’s my race over, but the story goes on unfolding in front of you, only to find I get a good placing by the end of the race.

All this with really no consequences, if only life was like that.

Reminds me of Sherlock Holmes when you appear in my mirror I always think
Watson, "The game is afoot. “ Not that anyone named Watson is sitting next to me.:rolleyes:
Also must say, it never bothers me, the outcome, loose a place gain a place it’s all the same to me, just enjoy the process involved. There can be no gain without loss.

think I have caught the “ waffle virus “ .:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
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Long time ago we did MX5’s at Nords. That was a blast and hopefully we can do it again one day.

Perhaps cut the practice time down to 10mins and have a 30min qualifying session due to lap length?

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