AC Mazda MX5@Brands Hatch, Wednesday 6th April 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Preliminary report on the BTCC cars:

with a little amount of tinkering with the setup ( and absolut no mercy for the soft slicks which will be toast in 20laps) I can put the Beemer and the Volvo within 1/10 and the Primera Ballerina with 1,5sec behind. That was theoretical time because she tried to kill me EVERY FRIGGING LAP :mad:)

Probably there is a way to set her up to not snap oversteer if you think about lifting but I can´t be assed to find out. That task should be done by someone how gives a :poop: about FWD PrimaBallerinas.

MFG Carsten
Preliminary report on the BTCC cars:

with a little amount of tinkering with the setup ( and absolut no mercy for the soft slicks which will be toast in 20laps) I can put the Beemer and the Volvo within 1/10 and the Primera Ballerina with 1,5sec behind. That was theoretical time because she tried to kill me EVERY FRIGGING LAP :mad:)

Probably there is a way to set her up to not snap oversteer if you think about lifting but I can´t be assed to find out. That task should be done by someone how gives a :poop: about FWD PrimaBallerinas.

MFG Carsten
Thanks for the research, Carsten, hopefully you didn't lose too much Brands Hatch practice time. :)
As there were only six that voted for Ernie's proposal for a rule: "Audi's not overtaking Mazda's near or in a corner" we're not going to do that now in this race.

But I have no problem if a Mazda is taking a defensive line if he doesn't want to be overtaken in the coming corner or to prevent to be divebombed. Audi's have the responsibility for a safe overtake and when a Mazda driver thinks there's no safe overtake possible in a particular situation, he can make that clear for the Audi on Discord but also by driving a defensive line.
On the BTCC cars: I tried all three of them on the Deutschlandring (my favorite testtrack). I'm about 3s slower with the Volvo but the others are within a second of eachother which is very close for a 10km circuit. But I did only three laps with each car.
But they are a delight on this track. Now thinking of a Fat-Alfie championship with these cars.
Will try them on the Battenbergring (looks like this one is coming soon) also.

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