AC Lotus 25@Feldbergring, Tue 25th July 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
So I really hope you will come back and circulate in the back of the race again - otherwise I will probably be all alone back there, having nobody to chase for the second last place.
We have a few backmarkers there who love to have some more so please join when you can. They will also confirm that racing with us is the best way to become faster, especially if you use the replays to jump in other drivers cars and see what they do different.
The Weds races are great -but Han has picked a monster circuit for today - they are not always this long!
Correction: The track was chosen by you as Track of the Month:p. My choice would been a small circuit (and will be next week!).
Great race everyone and amazing to have four way close racing (with Colin, Steve and Thomas) for almost the entire race, especially on such a long track, good stuff.

@Fat-Alfie David, it was a honour to have you join us and sorry to hear of your setup woes (we've all been there in the past!) and I hope it hasn't put you off (you're definitely within the range of abilities racing in the club).
I had a couple of run-ins with someone, don't know who it was because I had driver names disabled, and my max replay size was set to 26 mb for some reason, so I can't really review exactly what happened... Will definately review and adjust these settings before next race. :D

But it would be interesting to watch these incidents from another perspective, does anyone have a replay showing this? :whistling:
Here is the replay

I could sit and watch these cars sliding through the corners all day
Had a blast driving this car around Feldbergring yesterday, thanks for the amazing track David!

I see I missed 5 races with the Lotus 25.. a bit sad about that :(

I felt quite at ease pushing the car yesterday during qualifying and the race. I think Allan didn't quite put his lap together during qualifying and made some small mistakes during the race. At the start of the race even though Allan was only a second behind I felt quite in control and relaxed. I was enjoying the driving, still going fast but not over the limit. During the race when Allan got a bit closer I pushed a bit harder again and that worked quite well.

Congrats to Allan who kept pushing, Colin for the podium and anyone who made it through!

Here is the pole lap, I added pedals and gears as well.

Oh and David, you're a much better driver than you are making it out to be!
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Had a blast driving this car around Feldbergring yesterday, thanks for the amazing track David!

I see I missed 5 races with the Lotus 25.. a bit sad about that :(

I felt quite at ease pushing the car yesterday during qualifying and the race. I think Allan didn't quite put his lap together during qualifying and made some small mistakes during the race. At the start of the race even though Allan was only a second behind I felt quite in control and relaxed. I was enjoying the driving, still going fast but not over the limit. During the race when Allan got a bit closer I pushed a bit harder again and that worked quite well.

Congrats to Allan who kept pushing, Colin for the podium and anyone who made it through!

Here is the pole lap, I added pedals and gears as well.

Oh and David, you're a much better driver than you are making it out to be!
Nice. What gear ratio were you using? I felt during late pratice that I had it wrong but it was too late to change
Nice. What gear ratio were you using? I felt during late pratice that I had it wrong but it was too late to change
I switched to the longer gear ratio when I saw Allan had about 13 kph more top speed.. other than that exact same setup as previous race. Shorter gears was maybe 1 second slower, not more, you got more acceleration in other parts of the track.
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To get faster/safer at this races is a step by step approach:

First and most important:

Take a chance/risk and Show up in the first place ;)


Survive!! Be safe and afraid to be too slow, still you'll see maybe even pass faster guys who cock it up and crash.


Observe the faster guys and steal theyr liines.

Then you're 80% there, this will allow you to have fun in the midfield

The last speed will need some serious work, whereas the last 5-10% are really hard to aquire if you are not born on another Planet (Friggin' Aliens :rolleyes:)
I also had a terrible race. I crashed into 2 other people, and I'm really sorry to them and hope I didn't spoil their races :(

I had done a bit of practice in the week just to refamiliarise myself with the track and try to find a decent set-up, so I didn't bother with the pre-race practice session. I always intended to start from the back, so I didn't get in anyone else's way.

I was certain I had selected the set-up I'd used in my mid-week practice, but straight away it felt wrong. Massive understeer, brakes locking up, slow on the back straight... my best lap in last night's race was 10 seconds off my practice time and the car felt horrible. All I can think is that I had selected the wrong set-up by mistake :(

After the second collision I decided it was better that I withdraw, rather than ruin a third person's race - I'm sorry I bailed but I thought it was the best thing to do.

Last night just confirmed what I already suspected - that online racing is just not for me. Even on circuits that know well, or in this case actually made (!), I'm so slow that I just end up circulating on my own at the back of the race.

At least I didn't get lapped. Sorry to those I crashed into; it really wasn't intentional :(
Sorry to hear your race did not go as smoothly as you had hoped @Fat-Alfie but, I agree with others here, you're being too hard on yourself. Believe me, I've made every mistake in the book, and find myself bringing up the rear in almost every race. I keep at it though, because simracing is just so much damn fun and even more so against other humans! And, although I still make my share of bonehead mistakes, I've learned A LOT here by racing with these guys and have found my racing skills slowly improving (very slowly :D)...

The other folks here are not going to judge you and I'm sure everyone would love to have you join us for more races.

In any event, sounds like I missed a great race here, sorry I missed it! Love that Lotus 25 and yes, this track is epic (thanks again for the fantastic work David!). If anyone is looking for more action on another one of David's tracks, check out the race for Friday. It's a much shorter track, easier to learn for the new guys, and we'll be using the 'historic (circa 2016)' Audi TT VLN. Hell, there's even less braking for Ernie... Hope to see you there!
Don't forget to sign up for this classic comb. I see @Fat-Alfie has been practicing on the server so hope he'll joins us.

Look out for next week as we have the RD premiere of someone's (??) first ever (unreleased) track!
Unfortunately, the new track is on hold :(

So as compensation we're going to Deutschlandring next week. Han will create the thread tonight but the server is up already and you can sign up early here
Nice. What gear ratio were you using? I felt during late pratice that I had it wrong but it was too late to change
I always felt a little quicker with short gears because it turned in easier and did not bog down when changing up. Had my power up to plus 8 and just revved it to death in lower gears. Maybe speed was lost up the long straight then

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