AC Lotus 25@Feldbergring, Tue 25th July 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Is anyone else having issues with Discord?
I can't see any channels...

Screenshot 2023-07-25 181030.jpg
Love the track, love the car, but braking makes it a nightmare for me.
One lap got my braking point, apply some thing that I think is the right pressure, yes all good.
Next lap, my braking point is there, got it , apply what I think is the same pressure, Oh **** I am not going to stop, apply what I think is a little more pressure, locks up, now I am definitely not going to stop.
Even shot past my pit box, same problem.
Lost the will to live early on, so just ran the race till the end.
I had a couple of run-ins with someone, don't know who it was because I had driver names disabled, and my max replay size was set to 26 mb for some reason, so I can't really review exactly what happened... Will definately review and adjust these settings before next race. :D

But it would be interesting to watch these incidents from another perspective, does anyone have a replay showing this? :whistling:
I also had a terrible race. I crashed into 2 other people, and I'm really sorry to them and hope I didn't spoil their races :(

I had done a bit of practice in the week just to refamiliarise myself with the track and try to find a decent set-up, so I didn't bother with the pre-race practice session. I always intended to start from the back, so I didn't get in anyone else's way.

I was certain I had selected the set-up I'd used in my mid-week practice, but straight away it felt wrong. Massive understeer, brakes locking up, slow on the back straight... my best lap in last night's race was 10 seconds off my practice time and the car felt horrible. All I can think is that I had selected the wrong set-up by mistake :(

After the second collision I decided it was better that I withdraw, rather than ruin a third person's race - I'm sorry I bailed but I thought it was the best thing to do.

Last night just confirmed what I already suspected - that online racing is just not for me. Even on circuits that know well, or in this case actually made (!), I'm so slow that I just end up circulating on my own at the back of the race.

At least I didn't get lapped. Sorry to those I crashed into; it really wasn't intentional :(
Hey, go easy on yourself @Fat-Alfie - you didn't ruin anything. In fact, without you there probably wouldn't be a race at the Feldbergring at all. :)

From your description it was probably we that had a couple of run-ins, and I'm pretty much new to this, so it could just as well be me not leaving you enough space. My only goal was to complete the race, and so I did, so I'm very satisfied. Don't worry, be happy. :D

Edit: I'm used to racing the AI,.so this is hands down the cleanest race I ever had.
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If it was you, then it wasn't your fault, believe me. I was hitting the same braking points as I had used in practice, but the car was locking up and sliding like the tyres were 30 laps old :O_o: I know that a bad workman blames his tools, but the car just felt wrong. I really should test again tonight with the same set-up and find out what I was doing wrong.

I am also used to racing the AI, like you - online against humans freaks me out :ninja: There's too much at stake and I don't have the skills to keep up, or even race cleanly :(

Well done on completing the race, though. Hell, well done for signing up in the first place - you're braver than me :redface:
Vegard and David,

Regarding racing with other humans. The Abarth/Mazda events on Wednesday are a great opportunity to get used to that. Especially the Mazda is quite easy to drive so you can concentrate on the racing itself instead of fighting with the car. These events have proven to be a great learning opportunity as I'm sure a lot of participants will confirm.

Situational awareness is very important so I use these apps to help me with that.
  • Real time: to see which 3 cars are in front of me and which 3 cars are behind me with the distance. In colors you can see if the car behind will give you a blue flag.
  • Helicorsa: a kind of radar when put in the middle of your screen you can see the cars very close to yours
  • Crew Chief: with this app you get a spoken warning where other cars are close and also if your are free of them.
  • Discord voice chat. In our multiclass the drivers give others directions for certain situations like with a blue flag when and where to overtake. Or a warning that they are entering or exiting the pits.
That's what often holds people back from online racing, I think: Everyone is so g****mn fast. We need more backmarkers like us online.

So I really hope you will come back and circulate in the back of the race again - otherwise I will probably be all alone back there, having nobody to chase for the second last place. :D

And if I'm able to outrun you, or anyone else, I will occasionally wait for you to give you a hug because I love your tracks.
Vegrad, you probably picked one of the hardest combo's for your first online race! I did the same thing a few years ago and jumped in an hour GT3 race at Silverstone. It's taken me a while to become average so don't give up :) The Weds races are great -but Han has picked a monster circuit for today - they are not always this long!
If it was you, then it wasn't your fault, believe me. I was hitting the same braking points as I had used in practice, but the car was locking up and sliding like the tyres were 30 laps old :O_o: I know that a bad workman blames his tools, but the car just felt wrong. I really should test again tonight with the same set-up and find out what I was doing wrong.

I am also used to racing the AI, like you - online against humans freaks me out :ninja: There's too much at stake and I don't have the skills to keep up, or even race cleanly :(

Well done on completing the race, though. Hell, well done for signing up in the first place - you're braver than me :redface:
I think David that it is a pressure thing going on there that affects a lot of us including myself. I could never match your practice time and believe me i had been trying for days. As an example, my quali times never match my off line practice times by anything up to 2 seconds. I do settle down when the race is around 10 mins in but out of pressure in those early laps i do stupid things like being in the wrong gear. Learning to deal with this is not easy but i long ago learned that lap times are not always the only aspect to getting a good result. If you look at my lap times in the race i never got faster than 27's yet finished further up the field than many with faster laps. Please hang in there and race with us some more as we have all got our good and bad habits, there is no elitism and we just all have a good time. Plus, Ai sucks lol

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