PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
Sorry, but that is completely wrong. No matter how you would like to spin it, pCARS is pre-alpha. I'll try to lay this out as simply as I can for you.

- Pre-alpha means the game's features (career mode, mp, physics, cars, etc.) are still being added in.
- Alpha means all the features are in the game in one form or another (some will be further along in development than others)
- Beta means all that remains is bug fixing and then the game is ready to go gold (to ship).

Did you even read my last 3-4 posts ?

No, AC still has lots of features to be added for 1.0, like multiplayer, some kind of career mode, proper AI etc. That is not "bug fixing". You just further prove my point, AC is just as pre-alpha as pCARS, or pCARS is just as beta as AC is, whatever you want.
No, AC still has lots of features to be added for 1.0, like multiplayer, some kind of career mode, proper AI etc. That is not "bug fixing". You just further prove my point, AC is just as pre-alpha as pCARS, or pCARS is just as beta as AC is, whatever you want.

The reason I was saying AC is "beta" is because it would have to be around that stage for a 1.0 release next month (by "at that stage" I mean with the features that are in). I would definitely agree that AC is still pre-alpha WRT the full feature list Kunos intends on having, I was just saying that it could be considered a beta for what is intended to be in the 1.0 release (though I still feel calling AC pre-alpha technically makes more sense).
Again, I found that I get much more FFB detail and better feel using 100% Spring/Dampening on my wheel.

Good advice, too many people go around saying they should be 0, they aren't artificial effects like centering is. The way i see it you are just cutting out some of the effects the game generates by having them off (primarily to do with the weight of the wheel)
Good advice, too many people go around saying they should be 0, they aren't artificial effects like centering is. The way i see it you are just cutting out some of the effects the game generates by having them off (primarily to do with the weight of the wheel)
Yeah, normally we would be getting more information direct from the steers but, being that the FFB is not done yet, there are voids in the response when using zero Spring/Dampening. Curiously, I have tried the same with rF2 and AC and I find that either way works well with the CSW, any differences are pretty subtle but, the overall driving is not adversely affected either way. Those same settings using the G25 will yield more noticeable results. Of course, with AC - there are in-game settings that can be tuned as well so one's mileage may vary even more.
I gave a couple of cars a whirl yesterday, I can recall trying the G55, MP4 12C GT3 and the Z4 GT3. Must admit that the two latter have improved lots since I last drove them, and I had some fun in them for sure. It's still a good bit off for instance AC, rFactor etc (in these cars), but in it's current state I'd call it a racing game that I could thoroughly enjoy. If they improve upon this, it might just turn out to be a good sim too.
Gonna test some of the settings and cars you guys have mentioned as well.
Got some weird UI issues, but I'm guessing that might be down to it being WIP (lot's of things are overlapping eachother).
I gave a couple of cars a whirl yesterday, I can recall trying the G55, MP4 12C GT3 and the Z4 GT3. Must admit that the two latter have improved lots since I last drove them, and I had some fun in them for sure. It's still a good bit off for instance AC, rFactor etc (in these cars), but in it's current state I'd call it a racing game that I could thoroughly enjoy. If they improve upon this, it might just turn out to be a good sim too.
Gonna test some of the settings and cars you guys have mentioned as well.
Got some weird UI issues, but I'm guessing that might be down to it being WIP (lot's of things are overlapping eachother).
Yes, the UI is undergoing some major changes lately. I'm looking forward to FFB progress once the tire models are locked down but, some of the cars are now "fun" to drive whereas, I wouldn't spend much time in them before other than a quick test-run here and there. I don't consider the handling to be in the same league as rF2 or AC either at this point but, it seems to be inching in the right direction for the most part.

There have also been some nice improvements in the sound department recently, too; the transitions from approach to departure are better now. There are new Audi sounds in the works and the tire scrub/squeal is being applied. Gearbox sound updates and more details are to be added in the future. All of these things will add to the immersion-factor too.
Park yir gusset in the R8 ultra and give it a hoon, from the little testing I've done, the ffb/steering feels the best as of two days ago, no doubt it has changed since then.
Not sure how sticky a mid engine 4wd car is in the real world but you can drive this like a fanny and get away with it, jolly good fun without feeling unrealistic.
Can't find this car, in fact all the Audis are gone from my game.
I had some fun in them for sure. It's still a good bit off for instance AC, rFactor etc (in these cars), but in it's current state I'd call it a racing game that I could thoroughly enjoy. If they improve upon this, it might just turn out to be a good sim too.

I appreciate the balanced remarks based on recent testing! :)

Still, I wonder what they would say if I went into the Porsche dealership near me and asked why they no longer made 911s? Clearly a new "911 shaped" Porsche feels little like a real 911 should -- a tamed rear end along with electric steering have seen to that. Because they feel different with an arguably lower quality feel (even though they look similar) they do not deserve to be called a 911, right? I mean I can thoroughly enjoy driving the new "911 shaped" Porsche but it isn't a Porsche 911 unless it feels like the last one I drove that I approved of. :laugh:

Sorry Kjell-- you and David can continue sharing that pCars is not a sim-- instead of being a sim with a few features that aren't working well for you. I'll do my best to stop pestering about it.
Whatever traind, unlike some others I'm not on some crusade for or against pCars (or any other SIM), I simply share my honest opinion. I have stated that I don't consider pCars to be a SIM in its current state and that I don't think it ever will be, but I will gladly be proven wrong. You see, I would not consider that a loss at all, on the contrary I would be happy too have another SIM in my library. I don't understand why this opinion is so hard to comprehend and live with, and why you and others spend so much time on trying to convince us that our opinions are wrong and worth less than yours.

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