PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
If pcars were to be developed the old fashioned way and AC did not dabble in selling half a product via "early access" we would be talking about screenshots and maybe a video here and there.
We got it quite good.
I will continue to defend pcars not for what it is because that changes daily, but for what it is trying to be. In fact I will defend anyone who tries to bring a new sim to this market.
Folks are a bit jumpy tho :)
As you can see in this screenie, there's no Audi or "Asano" (I think that's what they called it), the one that's missing an icon (top left) is Ariel.
I just reinstalled the game from steam, made no difference.


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Whatever traind, unlike some others I'm not on some crusade for or against pCars (or any other SIM), I simply share my honest opinion. I have stated that I don't consider pCars to be a SIM in its current state and that I don't think it ever will be, but I will gladly be proven wrong. You see, I would not consider that a loss at all, on the contrary I would be happy too have another SIM in my library. I don't understand why this opinion is so hard to comprehend and live with, and why you and others spend so much time on trying to convince us that our opinions are wrong and worth less than yours.

It is true you aren't being negative about it and I do appreciate that! But it isn't about my opinion. I think the makers of GTR2, one of the lauded sims of it's time, might have the more definitive say on if what they are making is a sim or not.

As a consumer, you are the judge of their product's quality.

Go back to the 911 analogy for a taste of how silly it comes across. And what's silly to a major manufacturer like Porsche starts to get insulting for a smaller business like SMS or a community like WMD. This will be clear to you when you start a thread at WMD saying pcars is not a simulation yet (instead of giving specific feedback on features you think are low quality).

But you are right-- enough said on the topic from me.
Deleted the CARS folder, still no Asano/Audi, I'm guessing it's not available to my tier yet, but I find it weird cos I had it earlier so they must have removed them at some point.

Go into steam, right click on project cars. Click properties. in one of the tabs is a setting for your account level. make sure its on Team member+ (weekly).

It seems a bunch of people had it get reset for some reason (steam update maybe?)
I'm biased towards steering precision, FFB delivery and believable physics, and pcars needs work to get to a level that I and others deem sim worthy...of course, no-one has to agree with me.

Indeed, just so as it's clear:

Unbiased definition of Sim: pCARS qualifiies

Biased definition of Sim according to personal tastes based on other sims which may or may not be realistic: pCARS doesn't qualify.

fair enough, I'll stick with the unbiased definition myself.
Indeed, just so as it's clear:

Unbiased definition of Sim: pCARS qualifiies

Biased definition of Sim according to personal tastes based on other sims which may or may not be realistic: pCARS doesn't qualify.

fair enough, I'll stick with the unbiased definition myself.

So real cars have steering deadzones etc, LOLOLOL.
Btw, you and various other pcars boosters love to label my views as subjective whilst substituting them with your own "unrelated to reality" interpretations.

IMO, pcars is simcade and always has been a simcade game, and that's cool, same with Forza/GT5/6 pretending to be sims, but the console crowd generally don't try and pass off their game as a sim.

It takes Niels Heusneveld{sp} yonks to make one car, and they sometimes require updates, yet you expect us to believe any game with 50-80cars is going to have that level of personal physics/FFB optimization?

It's also the case that creating sim cars is one part science and one part black magic, and that's why on paper physics is worthless without the black magic tweaks that produce games like Game Stock Car/Netkar etc.
So real cars have steering deadzones etc, LOLOLOL.
Btw, you and various other pcars boosters love to label my views as subjective whilst substituting them with your own "unrelated to reality" interpretations.

IMO, pcars is simcade and always has been a simcade game, and that's cool, same with Forza/GT5/6 pretending to be sims, but the console crowd generally don't try and pass off their game as a sim.

It takes Niels Heusneveld{sp} yonks to make one car, and they sometimes require updates, yet you expect us to believe any game with 50-80cars is going to have that level of personal physics/FFB optimization?

It's also the case that creating sim cars is one part science and one part black magic, and that's why on paper physics is worthless without the black magic tweaks that produce games like Game Stock Car/Netkar etc.

Erm from watching Top Gear and other car shows and reading car reviews I can state that MANY times the testers complain of a real cars steerring all the time, including many terms I hear about pCARS if I'm honest, imprecise is one that immediately springs to mind. Also I 've seen them complain about steering "play", which in all sense and purposes is a "dead zone". So laugh all you want.

You are tripping if you think I'm a booster, I'm 100% in favour of UNBIASED facts as much as I can. I have never said things like "pCARS is the most realistic EVAH, pCARS is awesome in every way, pCARS has the best FFB"....or stuff like that. I am well aware of the games many current short comings. I have also stated I have no idea if they can pull it all off, all I can state as fact is SMS are busting a gut to pull it off.

Niels is clearly a very talented man, yet he's not developing a physics/tyre model from scratch himself is he? I am in NO WAY dissing him, but surely everyone realises that creating something from scratch is a hell of a lot harder than having the foundations of something solid to work upon?

Notice I say I'm not dissing him, unlike you who's comments are often VERY disrespectful to incredibly talented game developers. Whether you like the game or not is ultimately irrelevant (as I've pointed out your criteria is incredibly flawed and biased beyond belief).

edit: Basicially it feels to me like you are stating that people like Nicky Hayden, Colin Edwards, Cal Crutchlow are **** riders. Just because they are not up the front like Lorenzo, Marquez, Pedrosa and Rossi. They're all very talented riders, with not a lot of difference between them. Same analogy works with F1.
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Just for a heads up, if Kjell has only just realised he's supposed to delete his profile every time then it's no wonder he's had a less than satisfactory experience. It is CRITICAL to delete the profile stored where Racenut says above. This cannot be stressed enough. This is not a finished game, there is NO pick up and just play.
Notice I say I'm not dissing him, unlike you who's comments are often VERY disrespectful to incredibly talented game developers. Whether you like the game or not is ultimately irrelevant (as I've pointed out your criteria is incredibly flawed and biased beyond belief).

Anyone can take their own car out in the wet and overdrive it and see what happens, IOW, when deliberately losing control of the car, you've gone beyond the limit of grip and can feel whether or not the steering wheel gives up at any point in the steering range.

There's nothing biased about me wanting a simulation to be a tight driving experience.

As usual, we also see your ongoing implicit goal of trying to silence/censor/guilt/intimidate people from voicing their opinions wrt pcars, but I just tell the truth to the best of my ability and that's why I've given props to many racing games over the yrs and will give Reiza huge props if their new 1995 V12 F1 car hits the spot.

Everytime I waste my time dl and dicking around with pcars, it's the same simcade experience I had months ago, and in fact years ago.

Is it disrespectful to challenge whether GT5/6 is a sim?...of course not.
So real cars have steering deadzones etc, LOLOLOL.
Btw, you and various other pcars boosters love to label my views as subjective whilst substituting them with your own "unrelated to reality" interpretations.

IMO, pcars is simcade and always has been a simcade game, and that's cool, same with Forza/GT5/6 pretending to be sims, but the console crowd generally don't try and pass off their game as a sim.

It takes Niels Heusneveld{sp} yonks to make one car, and they sometimes require updates, yet you expect us to believe any game with 50-80cars is going to have that level of personal physics/FFB optimization?

It's also the case that creating sim cars is one part science and one part black magic, and that's why on paper physics is worthless without the black magic tweaks that produce games like Game Stock Car/Netkar etc.

Just about every car I have driven, must be in the hundreds by now, has a steering dead zone. Go find a parked car and turn the steering wheel, you will find some play in there.
The worst car I have ever driven regarding loose steering was an Alfa Giulia sprint and the best, almost non existant was a Mercedes s600 with a tad more than delivery miles on the clock.
The "LOLOLO" just goes to show how mature you really are.

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