PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
The rail-feeling really feels like it would be a cheat that helps the driver to keep in line. I hate such things. And as long as SMS doesn´t solve this issue they will have a problem declaring this game as a simulation.

From my recent experience, there is no car that is "on rails" using default settings in pcars. A few have too much grip vs. real life and a few have too little grip... but they are still adjusting the majority of cars. The last time I drove it, the M3 GT3 was definitely not "on rails". Oversteer is readily available should you desire it and sometimes when you didn't ask for it too :) .
But it isn't a cheat - it's how cars like that on big fat slicks behave. Honestly, it is just like that from my experience anyway on the track. I take into question overly slippery natures of some other simulations - again based on RL experience. I worry that diets of sim-only experiences taints the true picture and get passed off as fact. And no there is not a too much grip issue in the M3 GT3 - try it on track thru turns ;)
Here is my RL experience:

ARDS MSA/FIA Car Racing Licence
ARKS CIK/FIA Kart Racing Licence
Aston Martin GT4 Challenge at Brands Hatch
Race Track Experience: Aston Martin GT4 V8 Vantage, Palmer Jaguar LM; Palmer Jaguar SS; Ferrari 430; 28hp Rotax Senior Max karts
Simulator Experience: Williams F1 Team DIL at Grove; BPS Training facility at Banbury
Uff, I tried The BMW´s, the Formulas, The classic Caterham, Ford Capri (that was the only one that was somehow driveable).
Its impossible to safe once the back steps out. The turn in radius is unpredictable it changes constantly with how hard the tyres press on the tarmac. The steering wheel goes limp than hard and back again. I completely lost any hope that they will change that.
This in comparison to AC, AC wins far out. In fact imho AC already does everything right in the techpreview if we talk about FFB. There you can feel every detail of what happens with the tires.
Uff, I tried The BMW´s, the Formulas, The classic Caterham, Ford Capri (that was the only one that was somehow driveable).
Its impossible to safe once the back steps out. The turn in radius is unpredictable it changes constantly with how hard the tyres press on the tarmac. The steering wheel goes limp than hard and back again. I completely lost any hope that they will change that.
This in comparison to AC, AC wins far out. In fact imho AC already does everything right in the techpreview if we talk about FFB. There you can feel every detail of what happens with the tires.

For many people it won't be an either/or with AC and pcars... it will be both. AC TP does feel great. I hope all the variety of cars in AC feel as good when it releases-- something we are not sure of yet.

pcars has come a long way and my experience of the handling seems to be much better than yours. Still, some cars are very funky while others are getting better and better. The Lotus49, 78 and 98T are good. The Formula B, Hyuara and GT40 are getting there too, to name a few more. On the negative side, the FA isn't there yet nor is the BMW M3GT4 along with a number of others. Still, the positive results give me faith they will get the feel right by release next year.

If everything in AC ends up feeling as good as the elise in the TP... it will be hard to beat handling wise. But AC will not be on top of the podium in every category even if it is for handling feel. SO there is room for more than one sim on many of our pcs.
See, and handling is all I care for. I played sims like LFS, RACE 07 etc for years. The outdated graphics and sound doesn´t bother me a lot. With AC I can play with the forces in the steering wheel. I know when to stop accelerating and turning in or just accelerating or just turning in. I have the feeling that I´m melded with the car.
Try this test - take the M3 GT (not gt4) out on the Nordschliefe long circuit (choose Free Practice, not Time Trial) ... set world motion to 100, crank up FFB to 90 and tyre force to 100 and damping to 30. Stick on a set of greenflash slicks - take it easy on out lap to get tyres up to temp and then try a flying lap. For me the FFB feels great. Admittedly it can be further improved (I don't like the occasional limp feel thru turns either) . I think FFB is a v personal thing too...and it can vary from driver to driver. There is definitely a uniform view that AC has great feedback and it does feel great - so too rF2.

There are so many car and track combos it's going to take a bit of time nailing them in pCars. Tyre experimentation is still an ongoing process and constantly developed.
So I made a new graphics setup to get 60 FPS. The FFB now is a bit smoother. But still I get those exaggerated jolts and have no connection to the tarmac. The worst is Karussel. If I wouldn´t see what is happening I would know that I´m driving through it. Lateral friction still not noticeable. Its only jolts from the Chassis that I feel. Btw. the clutch still doesn´t work.
On a positive note: the headlights finally emit enough light :)
Sorry, I said this multiple times on the WMD forum in many ways by many others. I doesn´t seem to bother them. I don´t need another muzzle.

Edit: Chris if you race cars on a track you certainly miss this scratching in the steering wheel when the front wheels turn in too much. I miss this scrubbing feeling that tells me that I´m turning in too hard. Or the backend stepping out (wheel goes lighter), all thihs is missing. Since I live at the Nordschleife I can say the Karussel doesn´t let you go once you are in it. Its almost like driving in a pipe. You have to be too fast to drift out of it. In Pacars its almost impossible to stay inside the karussel.

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