PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
I have spent a bit of time with the zonda time trial event at Lakeville (Sonoma) the last 2 nights. I'm not too sure on the development of this car as I don't really follow the forums, but it has actually been quite fun to drive. I have the ffb strength on my wheel at 80 with in game at 100 and tire force at 110 and it is giving me some enjoyable feedback. I remember a time when it seemed like the car and my wheel were not attached at all but I don't get this feeling anymore. I really like the vibration that I get when I try to turn my wheel in farther than my momentum will accept. I am not feeling any center pivot physics that some describe either. I haven't really done much hardcore testing in a few months on pcars and in my opinion, it's making great strides forward. I'm actually having fun now.

I wish they had separate leaderboards for using aids and no aids though. I did quite a few laps with no aids at all and got it to where I was comfortable but if I got on the gas too early, didn't blip enough in the brake zone, or broke too late, the zonda made me pay for my mistakes. I couldn't figure out how the top kids were going so fast because once I really started pushing the car, it didn't drive as smoothly and it was greatly appreciated but frustrating as well. Then for shits and giggles I went back out and traction control to high and antilock brakes on. What I found was that I could beat the piss out of the car and it took it like a champ. Braking way too late was no issue and putting the throttle to the floor coming out of the apex did little to make me nervous. It really took a pounding and as such I dropped my best lap time by 3 seconds. I imagine with a few more laps with the aids on, I could get 2 to 3 more seconds off.

I just cant see pushing the car that hard with all the assists off so I don't feel the time trials are a fair representation.

I find my last few nights have been consumed with pcars fun though, whereas I have been giving it a quick look on Fridays and then ignoring it for the week. So as far as my racing preferences go, they are doing something right :)
If you think assists are bad in time trails then you should see mp. many people with full assists climbing the kerbs, braking late, slamming the throttle and generally getting away with murder, the lobby filters currently don't work.
That is why a hardcore approach to online MP racing is the best approach. As always, with proper physics and a minimum of assists (if any), incorrect style/driving technique is inevitably punished, and as hard as in RL. Fundamental problem here is: are proper physics in place?

Some people seem to equate having assists (driver assists, not "invulnerability" type of assists that casual gamers are so fond of) with the ability to push the car beyond physical limits. Wrong. You can have VDIM and other type of systems ON and yet if you systematically hit kerbs and push the limits of both brakes and steering you'll end up pretty soon with a wrecked car - or a car with several malfunctions. Only poor physics or dumbed/dialled down physics allow for getting away with anything.

That is the crux right there. And people (especially casual gamers, the main target/source of revenue for C.A.R.S.) will respond accordingly.
I Ran some laps in the Formula C last night and had a great time with it the car has really nice balance not on rails or ice but a believable medium. There is an edge to grip when cornering and if the rear jumps out it is correctable and if you clip a certain type of curb you can find yourself spinning into the guard rail. There is a need for throttle and brake finesse but not overly extreme a real nice balance IMO.
As you again try to steer things up its now time for you to go on a small trip to simberia for a couple of days.

Thanks Bram, really enjoyed Simberia. It's a peaceful place but very cold. But it is populated by quite a few outspoken forum members from all over the cybernet and we got on very well together. I was joking by the way in that last post of mine, but hey ho. Now back to my thread and my topic.

Nice to see Pcars is improving on the physics side. I will be testing this weekend.
I started using ABS with the new build, maybe because of N.H's influence. It's better now but the Zakspeed Capri is totally destroyed, it rumbles so hard that I'm afraid it breaks my wheel.

@PK some bit of changes were done on the Capri for build 499 and that effect in braking has been scaled down quite a bit there is still a glimpse of it in hard braking if your wheels are slightly turned but if you brake hard in a straight line you really don't get it anymore at least this is my experience with the way things are setup on my end with my different than yours wheel. It's worth giving it a try. Also someone said there is plans to map in the turbo for the Capri as well. Throttle response was better and I could kick the rear out on drive off or drift it through the corner. I think it could use a hair more throttle response without going overboard but is really nice IMO.:)
ATM there are many tire options for the different cars to drive if you go into car setup Global Values and surely if you do enough testing with this there will be some combinations that you like. I for one would like to hear your opinions but be descriptive of the Car Tire and if you changed any of the other default values and if you feel compelled to do so post here and SMS forums in the appropriate thread(s)
A car I drove a bit tonight was the Formula Gulf and I must say the person whom helped secure the license and has been consulting on it's handling has done a great job with his efforts. Possibly the best promotion SMS has given to a member. Another one I drove was the M1 Procar and I thought it was great as well. AFM I really have not played much Shift 2 I have heard there are community patches that help to bring it alive so I really cannot comment into too much detail there. If I were to class pCARS I would say it could represent what people were wanting potentially with a GTR3 title.
No, don't think so, as even the original GTR from 2005 is ten times more sim like than pcars is atm.
Even though rf2 has it's share of problems, I still read crazy comments comparing various pcars vehicles to rf2, but rf2 is a sim with problems, pacrs is a simcade racer.

Well I guess we will just never agree with each other David which is fine.

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