Kart Racing

I read about that idea and I was very fascinated about it and the fact that it seems to genereate so many teams from different schools.
If we have extra time on one of my karting meetings I will bring this up as it could be a good recruiting ground for us in the future.
I read about that idea and I was very fascinated about it and the fact that it seems to genereate so many teams from different schools.
If we have extra time on one of my karting meetings I will bring this up as it could be a good recruiting ground for us in the future.

Fredrik bring it up for Gymnasium because the kids in Gymnasiums are quite mature while the once's below aren't that mature on this materes. :) (Just a good argument plus my chans to win something. :p )
Is that a KF3 you are driving Austin?

I go for Yamaha this year just because I don't have the time to learn a new class and chassi. Btw Fredrik if you will drive a CRG then put some Swiss Hutless stickers on to create a wanna be Swiss Hutless kart. :)
no it's a parilla leopard or a iame. fastest class i ever drove. i think the schools thing can really bring new talent to america. only thing is it's hard to win if you're shy of money
amazing, we should start sth. like this at German schools, too. Who pays for the carts and for training (after all you need to book a track, don't you?) Is that all done by sponsorship or donations? Fascinating.

Yeah it's a great idea for people who don't want to pile heaps of money into karting (like me.. I want to save up for my own car and drive it on the roads :)) basically what my school did was hold £40 entry lists for the school qualifyiers - which is 6 races each for everyone. The top 9 guys went through to the regionals and didn't need to pay and extra than the original £40 (Where our team won :D) and top 3 to the nationals also no extra pay (where our team won too) then onto the grand finals in the UK - which did cost a fair bit but just becuase the flights are amazingly expensive. The carts are provided by the track itself and is included in the costs.
no it's a parilla leopard or a iame. fastest class i ever drove. i think the schools thing can really bring new talent to america. only thing is it's hard to win if you're shy of money

We use the parilla leopard for the 'old mans class' in Sweden.
Here it's called Sport 2000.
We also have a new class called Formula Production which runs with Parilla X30 and Vortex ROK engines.
not the weekend i wanted. struggled saturday on my kpp and had to settle with last. sunday i qualified second by .04 0f a second over third. pre final i went back 4th after a bad start because of the easy karts that had to start ahead of us. final a driver not very good passed me down the straight and the corner right before i was gonna pass him he had a good gap and in one corner i got it up really fast and had no where to go but on top of him knocking me out.
also some good but more bad news happened this weekend. the driver 5 points behind me in the north florida rotax raced the fkcs this weekend in tag jr and fliped in turn 2 breaking something nearthe collar bone (collateral or something like that). He's out for 3 months taking him out of contention even though my motor was the reason he was so close. very hard to hear and see espeacialy when you know them. the little good is i'm now locked a spot to the grand nationals in Utah for free. good to hear after how expensive it is to get in.
my goal was indycar has there was a big opening to get into that but i talked to the team owner of ogp who said to run indycar cost 100 million. gonna look into what else is out there for a cheaper cost. once i go for it he'll be there to help out
usf2000 is 4 mil, star mazda is more than that but cheaper than indy lights. star mazda is indy car's second of three feeder series.

My friend races in USF2000's this year, Wayne Boyd you call him he raced in British F3 last year but moved across to the states to race in that series, he loves it :thumb:
Well, at least you started from somewhere and you know the right people !

I'll have to start from nothing, I have a friend who's interested in participating with me in the Formula Vee Canadian Championship, so in a few years if everything works the way it should I might race over there :D
Well, at least you started from somewhere and you know the right people !

I'll have to start from nothing, I have a friend who's interested in participating with me in the Formula Vee Canadian Championship, so in a few years if everything works the way it should I might race over there :D
You are not the only one starting from nothing.

I am hoping this year to be at my best on all karting races because two year ago I got an invite to test drive a formula renault 1.6 and I have to say no due to school. (life is a bi***) But if I can manage better results this year and get the same invite I will do the test although it costed around 1 200€.
did he tell you if it was expensive or not. if i get in it, i'll have ogp's team owner helping me out. just have to get to the top (very very very close right now)

He's sponsored by DHL so the funds are paid for him:


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