Motorsport Simulations check it out
The races I did are all very clean, except for people ignoring blue flags which happened in 3 out of 5 races I did.
Fresh out of a development meeting and here are some of the items that are currently in QA and look real good to be in the development build at the end of this month (roughly) and ready for start of next season. Further detail will be available in release notes or other informational releases but just thought I would provide a high level briefing.
Open Practice Server Sessions! Will be able to see who is in practice sessions and jump in out of sessions. More detail to follow.
Replays! All races will be recorded and available to save. We have also optimized the memory usage.
Informational local yellows and informational blue flags for road courses!
Chevy Impala!
DP car not quite in QA yet but working on it.
Suspension improvements for Truck. Will require redo of spring perch on setups. We will provide some new baseline setups.
We have changed license progression math. Moving up license class will be easier.
New rollout of club structure - 36 clubs rolling into 7 regions. More exciting news on that next week!
Host of other Web and reporting enhancements
I'm guessing there could be a new track or two as well!
Practice a lot before racing....that is a must in iRacing.