I hope the OP learned his lesson and next time wait for a "Confirmed" announcement until he has something "official" to backup his story. For now this is only #FakeNews.
I hope the OP learned his lesson and next time wait for a "Confirmed" announcement until he has something "official" to backup his story. For now this is only #FakeNews.

Don't be so critical until your positive there is no news, and even then lessons are for children. Paul is a grown man that has brought us some fantastic stories and interviews.
There's no need to be negative it's the first day of Gamescom.
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Humble pie will be served I'm sure.

It might not sound like it, but GTR3 being a WEC game is something a lot of people look forward to. However the negative attitude in this topic comes from people no longer believing that GTR3 is a thing, or that it is a WEC game, or believing that the original tweet RD posted with a lot of drumrolls was even a thing yet it was sold as if it were. After that there was some kind of interview that seems to be pretty much vapour as the "promise" of having a playable version of GTR3 gamescom as well was just BS. People get fed up by having to believe in BS.

it's important to make that distinction.
I'll be honest. If Paul's article isn't accompanied with an apology to simbin UK for breaking some kind of embargo for releasing the op early then I will actually start to have doubts.

This kind of thing is so tightly scheduled that the disorganised nature of their announcement tells me it's either total codswallop (what a word) or terribly managed from a marketing/pr perspective.

I can only hope it's real.

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