AC GT3 @ Spa - Sunday 15th March 2020

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Great combo @Chris Down and what a pleasure to race with a full grid :inlove:

Feeling so guilty about our accident @marek2209 , totally my fault, I had so much closing speed and completely misjudged the move:redface: I really hope it didn't ruin your race.

Congrats to the podium guys, fantastic lap times as always! Congrats also to @HF2000 for a great race, and @pattikins , absolutely stonking mate - how you come back from the 1st lap drama to the podium...yikes!:thumbsup:

Like Han, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's race at the Feldbergring with @Denis Betty , an amazing combo, pure fun:thumbsup:

No worries John, couldn't have hold P3 anyway, I think I was P6 after that (racing) incident. I was literally shocked when I realized that it's P3 :confused::roflmao: but you guys behind me were so goddamn fast :laugh:
Unfortunately, I made some stupid mistakes during the race, plus choosing soft tires for the race was definitely not a good decision. After a few laps, also after my pitstop (with tyre change), the car became more and more unpredictable and slower. Maybe it was just me and a lack of concentration, as a result of my irregular simracing in the last time :(:p

Also lost P7 near the end of the race, because of a mistake..

Anyway, thanks for hosting, it was fun! :)
Stay safe out there, guys.
Thanks for organizing Chris and John. With a grid packed like this, it was a great experience. Congrats to the podium as well :thumbsup:

T1 was a bit chaotic and I think that I have to take some credits for this. Was surrounded by cars, lost focus and give the car in front of me a little push. Don't know who it was but in any case I apologize for that.

Anyways, after everyone took their position it was a great race. Always someone in front or behind me, constantly dealing and receiving pressure :) Especially the fights with @Kek700 and @Medilloni. @Kek700 damn you were fast with the GT-R when it came down to power. Is the Nissan such a beast in that regard? Could not follow you in sector 3. But you weren't ablte to take Eau Rouge flat out or? There, I always could regain some time and close the gap a litte.

Also had a good time with @Medilloni at the second half of the race. You were closing in pretty quick as we approached (I guess?) @marek2209 . As he made a little error letting me pass but rejoined right in front of you :thumbsup: , I was thinking that has to be enough to keep you away from me. Unfortunately it was not. With every lap I went slower, struggling with my tires and seeing you coming closer and closer. Tried to put on a fight but you were just to good :thumbsup:

John is a real pest in the rear view mirror for sure!
none said anything tonight, but I have to say it, more like a confession. I was really pissed off after the first corner. I took a wider line just to not be hit and I still was ... I was so pissed off because finally, I had a good time (8th). After I saw the replay, I saw what happened. One car, that did not wait, hit another car, which in turn hit me ... last place ... really? ... :mad:

Then I started to catch up the field. I was so pissed off and pumped also. I didn't care too much about safety ... after some places, tried a move on @hape in Bruxelles, I have understeered, hit him and made a spin. Glad that he didn't runoff. Back to P20 or something :mad:

After some time, I catched hape again, in Blanchimont. He was battling Jussi, while they were trying to pass another car. I went for the inside on Blanchimont, while hape was out of the track. Trying to pass the slower car, he steered right to the apex, where I was, having a greater speed. He hit me and went off. I didn't stop. I was pissed off, I was on the inside, I didn't really care. I was sorry about that, but I didn't stop. Ban me for that if it was my fault, I didn't care.

Some time after that, I catched @JussiS going up on Raidillon. He might think I passed him illegally, which I kinda did, but I want to clarify the situation:
1. After the reply I saw that we had a 21km/h speed differential, while we were up the hill.
2. Raidillon is very heavy on understeer.
3. Hands move always faster than feet.
4. We had only 5 meters (a car length, if not less), between our cars.
So, when I realized Jussi was slower than me while we were in the middle of the hill, the fastest reaction, based on the 4 points above, was to let the car understeer and cut the corner to avoid an accident. I did pass him eventually, being at least 25 km/h faster while exiting Radillon at top of the hill. Ban me for an illegal move, I didn't care.

Some turns later, I've lost it in Pouhon. Back to P15. Let's do it again ...

I finally managed no more mistakes and I reached P7 in the end, which is higher than I stared, so in the end, I was finally relived, even if @RasmusP was chasing me 2,5s behind, getting always just a little bit closer ;) I was glad the race was over.
Hi, put me on the list please with an Audi :)

I have a kinda solid (didn't spin or went wide last race in 110 minutes) for the Nordschleife. If I manage to go on track before practice starts, I'll compare it with yours.
Otherwise I'll try to figure out "the problems" over the next days :)
In the last hour before the quali, I did change the setup a bit. Gone for lower arb at the back and I changed the drivetrain to 20% on power and 60% on coast. It was better.


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I finally managed no more mistakes and I reached P7 in the end, which is higher than I stared, so in the end, I was finally relived, even if @RasmusP was chasing me 2,5s behind, getting always just a little bit closer ;) I was glad the race was over.
That was due to my pitstop at 12 minutes left. After that the gap was 30 seconds I think :p
I thought about telling you that I still need to stop to take off some pressure of your shoulders but I thought I'd let you suffer a little, lol.

Reading your summary I'm sorry for not telling you :redface::roflmao:
In the last hour before the quali, I did change the setup a bit. Gone for lower arb at the back and I changed the drivetrain to 20% on power and 60% on coast. It was better.
My Nordschleife setup wasn't ideal. It did the job very well but it was a bit understeery while oversteery up until the apex.
Very controllable though and totally safe while not too slow.
But since I'm gonna race quite a bit more frequently and starting to love the Audi, I'd love to work on a good setup with you!

The base setup is just impossible to drive for me.. I researched and tested a lot with springs and dampers in July before the last Nordschleife race. Not really the Audi r8 anymore...

I'll test your setups and then upload mine with some comments about yours :)
That was due to my pitstop at 12 minutes left. After that the gap was 30 seconds I think :p
I thought about telling you that I still need to stop to take off some pressure of your shoulders but I thought I'd let you suffer a little, lol.
Then, might have been Balasz or Bert? There was a white Audi that was just in the mirror. Barely seeing him, but always there.
Then, might have been Balasz or Bert? There was a white Audi that was just in the mirror. Barely seeing him, but always there.
Mine was dark :p
But you were around me in the realtime app at some point too.

Before it takes me a few days to actually try your setup, here's mine so you can test it if you have some time at hand before I'll have :)

They're basically identical. Only raised TC & camber and lowered 6th gear.
The gearing was nice to drive around Spa but honestly it was way too long... Missed out some acceleration I think.


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I enjoyed a lot the pile up at the start, I slipped through a small opening rising from pos. 19 to somewhere 10th. Then I took a spin no1, miscalculated fuel and had to pit twice, took spins no2 and 3 and ended up in pos. 20. Porsche was very good to drive, opened the rear wing a bit and reduced TC one down. On straights it felt slow reaching some 260kmh. I had a SCG03 or what that is behind quite a many laps.
This Sunday's event is now up. We'd love to see you again at Brands Hatch! :inlove:

Then, might have been Balasz or Bert? There was a white Audi that was just in the mirror. Barely seeing him, but always there.
I finished in P8, so I could be the guy behind you.

For my first race was a little bit chaotic. I hadn't drove in AC in past 2 years, just installed 1-2 hours before the race. :D Quali also could be better, there was easily 0.5-1s in my best lap, but always had traffic. I also spun in first lap and then back to p24... Tried to catch the guys, but someone spun front of me and I couldn't avoid the contact. So, again last with damaged car.
At the end I finished in P8 but with so many errors... I need to improove my consistency in AC. :)

btw: I saw a guy, who frequently cutted the raidillion, I think he not even tried to not cut. :D
@640er absolutely correct, could not take Eau Rouge flat out, have been trying for a year on and off to get the Nissan to take it flat out, very rarely can I achieve it legally, it just washes out half way up the hill, if I take it tighter onto the right rumble strip, too much and I get a very unstable car.
Took a look at the replay of your over take, left my braking as late as I dare +/_ 1 meter, thinking I was safe.
Blow my socks off you did not brake for a further one and a half car lengths later.
I know people say the Nissans brakes are pant's but never knew quite how bad they can be, normally I never get to compare like for like in a race as obviously do all my braking in isolation.
Really enjoyed the battle, hoped to renew it on a tyre and fuel pit stop, ( assuming you went for the same }unfortunately a tyre change only does not get you very far, ooop's.:(
That does not take away the fact that it was a great overtake. :thumbsup:
btw: I saw a guy, who frequently cutted the raidillion, I think he not even tried to not cut
That might have been me? I know I did get the warning 2-3 times in a row. I was really trying to make the corner to the right but I kept understeering. The tires were going off on yellow, lap 8 after the pitstop and I didn't adjusted the speed yet. I was still trying to go like they were new. First time was because of the speed, the second time I don't remember, and the third was because I've hit the curb on the inside and made me understeer even more.
@Raresch your not alone, if I took it legally, everyone shot passed me, had to take it
at best as marginal as I could get away with.:O_o:
Did a test of Rasmus R8 setup, it was so nice to drive a car up Eau Rouge that I could
always easily legally take flat out and point it were I wanted.:)
@Raresch your not alone, if I took it legally, everyone shot passed me, had to take it
at best as marginal as I could get away with.:O_o:
Did a test of Rasmus R8 setup, it was so nice to drive a car up Eau Rouge that I could
always easily legally take flat out and point it were I wanted.:)
I can't take Eau Rouge - Radillion flat-out with Rasmus'es setup. maybe I aproch it wrong ... ???
@640er absolutely correct, could not take Eau Rouge flat out, have been trying for a year on and off to get the Nissan to take it flat out, very rarely can I achieve it legally, it just washes out half way up the hill, if I take it tighter onto the right rumble strip, too much and I get a very unstable car.
Took a look at the replay of your over take, left my braking as late as I dare +/_ 1 meter, thinking I was safe.
Blow my socks off you did not brake for a further one and a half car lengths later.
I know people say the Nissans brakes are pant's but never knew quite how bad they can be, normally I never get to compare like for like in a race as obviously do all my braking in isolation.
Really enjoyed the battle, hoped to renew it on a tyre and fuel pit stop, ( assuming you went for the same }unfortunately a tyre change only does not get you very far, ooop's.:(
That does not take away the fact that it was a great overtake. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the nice words, appreciate it :thumbsup: Just wanted to check the replay because I barely remember what exactly happend but unfortunatly it was already overwritten by todays sessions :( I have not much experience in Simracing and GT3 cars but the BMW felt incredibly stable under braking and actually in every situation. :confused: Have not encountered its weakness(es) yet, guess its not the most powerful? Going flat out (Eau Rouge) with the BMW was never in doubt, especially with softs. For quali I ran wing 2 and in the race I added +1 for safety :)
I can't take Eau Rouge - Radillion flat-out with Rasmus'es setup. maybe I aproch it wrong ... ???
I guess it's down to Ernie's immense Odyssey to get it flat out with the heavy, understeery Nissan GT-R.
Compared to that, the Audi is easy peasy to go flat-out through Radillon!

But I have to say that I only nailed it one single time during the race without cutting (and lifting everytime.. argh).
With my Audi (and most softer car setups), you'll have a very swift turn-in for the very first moment of turning your steering wheel. After that the car will settle and start to understeer.
During the compression before going uphill you get a little 'boost' for front grip so you can turn a bit better.
Once the springs decompress uphill and especially at the crest, you'll not be able to really steer at all.

To get it flat-out you have to nail all these little moments to get the correct line.

One weakness of my setup: Understeery at the apex. It rotates a bit too much for my liking under braking and when lifting but it also understeers a lot when steering and rolling or having little throttle input.
So in yesterday's race I was drifting into the corners, scrubbing the fronts through the turn and then drifting again with TC at 6 and pulses on the throttle to get the car rotated.

At the Nordschleife you don't have tight turns where you'd need better steering mid corner. You rotate on the brakes until the apex and then put the throttle down and that's it.

I'm gonna need to work on the setup. Maybe less front ARB, one click lower rear wing and increasing coast even further will help with it.
Rasmus as usual has beaten me to the post again, ( for the bleeding millionth time) was not going to post but after spending time thinking about this, the silly sod has just got to post it.:)

After reading Rasmus write up it trumps my explanation anyway.

The R8 for me was very easy to take Eau Rouge flat out.

I will attempt an answer, remember this is old me, hardly the advice of a fast driver, but Eau rouge I know about.
One way is to flick the car in fast at raidillon to get a good entry to the hill, I just don’t drive like this. Preferring to edge it in using the uphill drag to constantly correct it, the R8 is perfect for this approach, GT-R will not do this, it just will not turn.
I think the quicker GT-R driver get it all pointed at raidillon and judge it correctly to get the entry line right.
Maybe this is what you are trying to do, although I used Rasmus setup, still made quite a lot of small changes. As Rasmus did say this himself, gearing for a start
was not good.

Been down this road before, what is a good setup for me, rarely of use to someone else. I think most of the time for any setup by anyone that’s true, although occasionally I have used someone else’s setup to my advantage, but always had to modify it to suit myself, but keeping the basic core that improved my time. Building my setup around that.

But the R8 was easy for me, but if you had spent on and off months trying to get a setup for the Nissan to turn there, maybe that’s why for me it was easy.

pretty much sums my Sunday race up. A struggle from start to finish

The BMW following me had no problem flat out there too.

leaves me to suggest you practice it and look at video to get the correct approach.

It is a part of the circuit that almost sums SPA up, get it right and it sets you up for a good lap, get it wrong, the rest of the lap is a struggle.
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@Kek700 @Raresch @RasmusP

love this talk of Raidillon/Eau Rouge 'cos it reminds me of an interview with Jenson Button, he was asked,
"can you take Eau Rouge flat?",
his reply,
"Of course, but it's faster to lift".
Yes, that's an F1 car, but anyway....

It wasn't until I got into this sim thingy that I figured out what he meant; in the 650S it's fairly straightforward to take it flat, though on the odd (very odd!) occasion that I get the line right, when I do lift (ever-so-slightly , the tiniest...), for me it's definitely faster. I've compared my straight line speed from the top/exit of the hill to the end of the straight, difference before Les Combes is a couple of tenths.

The point of my waffle is.... scrub (not slide, scrub:p). On the limit of grip I guess there's a point where it's holding the car back by fractions. But then again, Spa hates me:roflmao::laugh:
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@Kek700 @Raresch @RasmusP

love this talk of Raidillon/Eau Rouge 'cos it reminds me of an interview with Jenson Button, he was asked,
"can you take Eau Rouge flat?",
his reply,
"Of course, but it's faster to lift".
Yes, that's an F1 car, but anyway....

It wasn't until I got into this sim thingy that I figured out what he meant; in the 650S it's fairly straightforward to take it flat, though on the odd (very odd!) occasion that I get the line right, when I do lift (ever-so-slightly , the tiniest...), for me it's definitely faster. I've compared my straight line speed from the top/exit of the hill to the end of the straight when I ever-so-slightly (the tiniest...), difference before Les Combes is a couple of tenths.

The point of my waffle is.... scrub (not slide, scrub:p). On the limit of grip I guess there's a point where it's holding the car back by fractions. But then again, Spa hates me:roflmao::laugh:
Totally get what you mean! If you scrub the front tyres, or start to slide just a little bit with all 4 tyres, you'll lose speed.
Though I have to say I was always quicker when not lifting. Which is probably less due to a tiny lift but rather me hitting the line absolutely perfect, when I'm able to take it flat hehe

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