ACC GT World Challenge Europe @ Barcelona - Saturday 11th April 2020

Assetto Corsa Competizione Racing Club event
well done to the winner. kinda of annoyed about this race. i put in an entire tank of fuel for the start of the race because i wanted to see if the bentley could make it with out a pit stop. (it probably wouldnt have but only by like 2 laps). so i decided to pit but turns out that my entire pit strategy had been reset for some reason and my engineers decided to change brakes and add like 90l of fuel which just ruined my race really. but thanks anyway
Yay, I finished my first race with you peeps. Talk about hard race though. Again pit stops were my nemesis.

Qualified 16th and was very happy with my pace. Race started and I kept out of trouble for a few laps. But then I saw that 911 had a drive through penalty for cutting. I am driving a 911, so in I went for a drive through. As I drove out in almost last place behind another 911, I realised how stupid I had been. (11 was the number, not the car) I am #26. Oh well, stupid is, stupid does.

Hard driving through the field until I get caught out in the hairpin. It is not an excuse, but I was used to braking at a certain point and the guys in front braked earlier. So I dived down the inside, locked up and missed them. Alas, and not without reason, the car I had just "passed" turned in and punted me into the car in front. Entirely my fault and I apologise to both for that - no way I would have made the corner at all.

Alas that's not the end of my horrid moment - I rode the sausage kerb and got massive snap over steer as I tried to recover. Sideways onto the track just as the pack comes round. BANG. I wait until those pointing the other way get going again (only seems fair as I caused their spins) . Again, sorry - I was not in control when I came back on to the track. I was not rejoining but spinning!!!!

The rest of the rest of the race was fast lapping, two stops, hard and aggressive racing through the pack again and again. Mixed it with the leaders (as in followed for a good few laps) - sorry Mr Glover, you moved over to let the leaders lap you and it was too good a gap for me not to go for it...up to 22nd and moving.

But too much to make up the lost drive through mistake. A polite move over by Place #12 after I asked if I could unlap myself. That allowed me to get past two others in the last few laps. 20th and rather happy

Roll on next race. Well done to top and consistent!!
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Thanks guys for the race. Got to P4 even with DT, so not bad to be 3s behind pole. I still have no clue why I got it. It was in first lap and I was nowhere to limits of the track nor cutting anything :(

Sorry @Fernando Deutsch for the small touch at the end of the race :cry: I kept my line inside and you were closing the gap. But still waited for you, those races are for fun and I hate to ruin it.

Thanks to everyone and see you on track soon ;)

Congrats @Ross McGregor for the win.
I was looking forward to my first RD win but that wasn't to be.
I was on 3 track limit warnings for the last 30 minutes so had to take it very carefully and an unfortunate spin in front of me caused me to loose some time. But overall a great race with some nice battles for me and my best ever qualifying.
I think I strained my wrist a little with all the lock down racing recently so I will give it a bit of a break but will see you on track soon.
Hey guys what a race. I was unlucky in the beginning of the race, had a hard but fair fight with number 2. We had a little touch and i had to lift the gas, then i got a little push from behind i dont think he could avoid it. I went off track and damage the car, had to pit and repair and put all the gas on i could, felt like it took forever :) . I had to save fuel most off the race on level 4, that was hard. the last 20 min i could use level 1 again and make some ok times, then i had some fun fights again. Im looking forward to next race. Happy easter guys. :)

I'm surprised to say this, but great race! I still hate this track though! :D

Had a great start from P22-ish on the grid and was in P14 after a couple of laps. I then got punted in the rear, causing me to lose a couple of positions and sustain aero damage. My speed on the straights was nowhere to be found. I could hardly reach 6th gear on the front straight.

I must apologize to @Ross McGregor for rejoining the track in an unsafe manner after going off (skillful driving there!).

After leaving the pits I made a mess of letting @r!ver_cz pass me. I thought I had backed off enough to let you pass me before the corner, but I hadn't. I saw the replay and luckily you continued without losing to much time. Completely my fault!

I managed to lap the track with 3 warnings for 50 minutes but eventually I had one more warning and had to serve a DT. I had some great battles later on in the race with @Paul Glover (who pushed me to my fastest lap, but unfortunately spun) and Catalin (who was on the lead lap and eventually let me pass him).
I finished in P24, which was probably where I belonged in this field and on this track. It could have been a couple of spots higher up the ranking, but alas.

88 trust earned this race (and 8 OBWP), so I'm making progress!

If someone has the full replay (mine only starts at lap 8), I'm interested to see how we all got on in the first couple of laps. :thumbsup:

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