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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder

Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
Yeah can't live with them.. can't live without them!!!

Actually I might have a problem for tonights race now :( My daughter who has been living in Leicester for the past 4 years came back to London last night and is planning to come to mine around 5ish... If she sticks to that time I might still be ok but feel a bit bad if she comes to see me and I spend an hour and a half racing :S If I am going ot race I'll be online just before 8 butiIf I am not around at race time don't wait for me ok as it will mean I can't make it. Sorry in advance if I am not there.

What a f*cking disaster that was ! I was feeling good starting the race and then it all went t*ts up !!

First I get one of those idiotic penaltys for illegal overtake, EliteCHS spins out and I go past him... should not be a penalty for that, stupid game :mad:
Delays taking the penalty as long as I can, looking for a place to overtake Rzzz who is all over the track and I have to go off to avoid hitting him witch costs me a front wing, take the penalty and go out (still with no front wing) then I go off get a puncture and then one more and....well by now I have given up the race and gets a DSQ...just as well.... :frown:

Frapsed it, will put it up later so you can see my fun race :tongue:
Jan you thought yours was bad?

On a qualifying lap i was going really fast, possibly a pole position , then on the 3rd to last corner i get a puncture, my quali ruined right near the end :p


I tapped Videal on his tyre gently and i get a penalty.... then GUESS WHAT??? .... Everytime i went in for a Drive Through i got another penalty for pit lane speeding even when i was careful only going 50mph..... i had this for 3 times, so basically 10 laps of going into the pit for penaltys....

After that i stayed out on wets until lap 16 when the rain went, i went on the Primes on lap 16 and stayed on them until the race finished.... they never went yellow at all... after 6 laps i got into the rhythm and started gaining time on the other's , i overtook them.... then they have to go in for the pits so i incrase my time ofcourse, i worked my way all the way to second place after a messed up start, yes i was fuming.

My Result: well it's clear there is no way in hell am i wasting £30 on F1 2011, you can sod that.

Good Races all, very close racing videal at the start

good and bad race :)

Well, I frapsed it all too, but I might take longer to upload.

Scott, sorry if I held you up in Qualifying (maybe you were on an outlap?)
Jan - apologies for taking you off at the hairpin on Lap 1, I got my braking so wrong. I tried to reverse and let you back out in front as soon as I could. I got a penalty for it nonetheless.

Inters got a rear puncture, pitted for wets.
Dried up and went onto primes.
Had a battle with Rzzzz for a few laps and I think I managed to get past him when he got blue flagged for Impulsive to past... I'll have to watch that battle again!

Then nearer the end I was catching MuFaS at about 4 secs per lap.
Passed him after he spun out a few corners ahead of me. Such a shame because I was looking forward to a fighting finish :p

I'll do my best to upload it. This is good "practice" for league frapsing etc.
I think this game i different everytime i go online. Last night i could make on qualif. 1:13.7... today i got 1:13.174... i didnt change anyhthing... then those warnings about cutting corners... Scott is right. This game does not react honestly at certain situations... I like that expression - tapped Videal gently:DDD - Anyway i had some intense fight with Scott for few laps... very enjoying...thanks for that buddy, but after that race became boring. Im happy with the win but i think its not fully deserved one as some others could not produce full performance...
Could it be that the FI just curses a race full stop?

Quali went well enough but then we get to the race. Wet for 30%, started on wets and went in on lap 11. Went well enough, managed to do a whooping 48mph on the exit and then got a speeding penalty. Managed to get the car to 58mph for the drive through so that wasn't a problem. Due to the two stops I'd dropped from 2nd to 6th, had a crash which sent back to the pits but I didn't brake early enough and ended up in the pit lane doing 127mph :D

By this point I was rather anoid with the whole thing and so I took a trip into a wall.

Some good battles with various drives all nice and clean too.
Well, I frapsed it all too, but I might take longer to upload.

Jan - apologies for taking you off at the hairpin on Lap 1, I got my braking so wrong. I tried to reverse and let you back out in front as soon as I could. I got a penalty for it nonetheless.

Aha, that was you, at first I thought: "wow, what an massive understear I have..." then I realised I got some "help" from behind...:rolleyes:
No problem, it happends and my race was a disaster anyway :tongue:
Ryan, we were talkin about the thread going nowhere with the last few disrespecful posts.

As for the bigger picture, it is still pretty simple in my mind: does RD tolerate threads in the forum that are about races and championships that aren't RD endorsted events, ie not the same rules, etc.

Edit: 'nuff said I guess :letsgoracing:
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