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Bram Hengeveld

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Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
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Ok David i am trying my best to sort this out properly, however there are some issues with your reply here.

"In the case of the German GP protest you gave your version and then asked other drivers for their decisions before allowing the protesting driver (who had out of courtesy PM’d you) to give their version. You subsequently made autocratic interpretations and decisions that suit yourself rather than being based on the appropriate rules and facts. Your power to interpret rules as you wish such as “slightly late braking” that causes an accident and punts someone off from P1 does not count if its unintentional, is bizarre and unenforceable. You need a process that is fair and based on the right rules if you are to run a championship series. Individual club races are another matter."

You had already sent me your version of events in PM, therefore i already heard your side of the story, i also had my side of the story, i asked other drivers who were behind me in that incident to get a bigger view of what actually happened, they have noted that it was simply a racing incident, from my view it is extremely rare in this championship i had caused an incident, therefore my initial instinct at that part of the grand prix was to continue forward.

However if you had talked to me on the headset and said that i should let you through, i would have admitted that my slightly late braking knocked you from first place, therefore i would have slowed down and got off the racing line, and then i would have also served my drive through which i picked up, however no body said this to me, at the time i was focused more on going forward then thinking about the exact rules, to be honest i had been having a really bad time over the following days and to let you through just did not come to me.

I offered a penalty for myself, for causing the collision, the only penalty i could think of was to disallow myself from taking part in qualifying for the Hungarian GP, however none of the other drivers, or yourself, responded to this in such a way that it should be enforced, i was willing to take an extra penalty to teach myself a lesson and tried my best to sort it in a way which suited everyone, however the initial response from other drivers was that racing incidents happen in every race, we all try our best not to cause them but they will happen, this is supposed to be a casual championship, nothing too serious, however i tried my best to bring it to a conclusion but it seemed no one was upset with the incident so there was nothing i could do.

I was more upset about how the threads got suddenly closed down with no warning and then the following replies from staff, however after James Chant posted his message above, he put it into a much more clearer and more respectful perspective, i have stated i would like the championship to be in RD, but at the same time i am hoping it can be run how it has been.

In DutchFLCs race summary, he stated he had a pretty nasty incident with Bonesmalone1971 and Hammerpgh in the same race, however they simply resolved the issue and just put it down to being an accident, there was no full on investigation needed, this just shows the kind of mentality we have in this championship, something which you do not seem to understand.

In your closing statement it says it does not belong a Race Department series if fair rules and processes are put into place, however it seems the only driver who has an issue with my championship is yourself, i strongly believe it was not my accident which killed your race, it was your strategy and race pace, you are simply blaming me for your bad result, our incident did not lose you so much time, even without that incident you would have still finished 4th or 5th i believe, because other drivers on the day were just naturally quicker.

After my drive through, i was on Primes, you was on Options, however i was catching you by 1-2 seconds a lap, which means your pace was 2-3 seconds slower then mine in the beginning stages, other drivers down the road from me were lapping quicker then you, DutchFLC had some major accidents and managed to finish 2nd because his race pace was definitely as quick, if not quicker then mine, however he did not complain about it, he got on with his race and managed to catch those in front of him, you fell backwards not because of me, but because your race pace was lacking.

I am trying my best right now to discuss with James Chant on making my championship into an RD league, however i am well prepared to use my website to finish this championship if that is what it takes, i have already sent him my rules so he can give me feedback on those, we will come to a compromise and if both parties are satisfied, we will be allowed to have a thread in RD, however i will also need to have a word with drivers regarding any major changes, as we all agreed to a set of rules at the start of the championship, if any changes are brought in which drivers do not like, then we cannot agree.

It is very difficult to set up a stewards enquiries process for this, simply because staff of RD do not have access to footage from the race, it would be unfair for them to dish out penalties which are too harsh for incidents they do not have enough evidence for, but that is something i will talk with James about.
All i really want is peace in all of this, i would like to feel that myself, the drivers and my championship is respected and not completely overhauled, in hindsight the decisions have not been the best way it could be resolved, however at least now i am trying to sort this.

Kyle Dunning
Why what is the bug? Its not going like 30 in the pit lane is it? because that's happened to me yesterday at hockenheim =[
I'll just take whatever car is free :D

thats exactly what it is!! doesnt happen all the time as ive noticed with me driving it in Darrens Championship, then again you should be fast enough for it not to be that much of a problem as you can make it up on the track, ive used it in 5 races i think and finished in the top 3 4 times so its not too much of a problem, well for me it isnt
The last thing I would expect to have to do is ask the series organiser over the radio in-game to observe basic rules of RD club racing. Do you realistically expect your fellow racers to be administering penalties to you (in your series) in game?
Kyle you punted my car from P1 to P5 and still today try to minimise your responibility and maximise mine. Its all my fault slow pace, bad strategy, not willing enough to be overtaken when racing for position etc.
A simple and unqualified "I was totally in the wrong" would have done it. You have failed to take a couple opportunities to deal with this magnanamously and continue to write 1500 word treatises while asking others to not trouble you with too much detail.
I stand by my original protest and the contents of my thread of today.
Crap i was having fun!!!!! I hate that there has to be one guy that has to go cry about something and cant handle his situation like a man has to go cry to someone else and ruin it for everyone what is this Jr high!!! I am going to bring back my website and start up another league pm me if interested!!!
Managed a 1,14.8 on TT but clipped a wall on, managed another 20 laps in 1,15s 1,16s so quite happy with that, roll on sunday!!!

Does anybody know whats going on with the other championships that where on the racing club??? Is there now only this one championship left??
thats exactly what it is!! doesnt happen all the time as ive noticed with me driving it in Darrens Championship, then again you should be fast enough for it not to be that much of a problem as you can make it up on the track, ive used it in 5 races i think and finished in the top 3 4 times so its not too much of a problem, well for me it isnt

Well that sucks. It's not too bad as you said but pitting 3 times because it also put the wrong tires on then that is a problem =[

But yea if i've got in on time then i'll take a car thats free :)
I think the other championships are still running just on their little websites that were used to hold data. Its a shame that they are locked though, if it wasn't for Kyle Dunning, nothing would be happening for Xbox 360 on this game. He took the ball and ran hard with it.
What Kyle do like? Tis a shame really dont see what harm there is in having a championship on there anyway, if people want a single race they still can! Just cant race with the idiots you find on the normal online mode anymore, frustrating!
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