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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder

Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
I will also try and take photo's had connection failure in last race so was unable to get race results so we need a couple of people just for back up! 8:15 is fine It will give us time to make sure everyone has been invited and it's all set up right. Don't want to mess up 1st time of being host!!! That's if everyone is ok with that of course?
No Tracy, that is not what I mean, as I said I thought you would let me pass on the staright as I was about to lap you, I came with too much speed into the chicane and the only way to avoid you was going left, as you had a lower speed than I exspected. I thought that this was the point you wanted me to pass. That was the misunderstanding ofcourse from my point of view. Iam not mad at anyone only at myself. And I am really sorry if I messed up your race.
As I can't look to the right I never saw you coming and I am sure you could see me coming on track again looking at the angle of impact.
I am sorry if I can't explain it in proper english as I am native dutch.....

Ok Stefan lets end this here and now..!!!!.........I always try to get out of the way, when I saw you coming I figured I had enough time to get through the chicane before pulling over and had you braked earlier that would have been the case, I was having problems on this track ( only second time on it ) I would brake early on some corners. , as for seeing you coming I didn't till it was to late....and " No you didn't ruin my race ! " You could have did that to me 10 times and it still woudn't have ruined my race ! ......Now the reason for this reply is the fact you pulled out of Canada race on Sunday I think you are over reacting , you didn't see me come here and post anything about that incident...There was no need to..crap happens.... I only responded to what I thought was a post that implied I did something wrong, and that was resolved......" I do not think you need to withdraw from races that I am in !!!! "
Tracy this will be my last post here. I never ever said that you were of any fault, at least I cannot read that anywhere in my post for this race. And if I did, I am sorry about that.
If you feel I implied that you were at fault, than I am sorry too.
I was concentrating on your back missed my braking point, so came into the chicane too fast (I feel I already wrote this before) I went left to make sure not to crash into you, tried to slow down a bit to not get a penalty for corner cutting. I could have been more carefull coming on the track or stopped and let you and Kangaroo thru (would have been the best option), but I didn't and I never saw you coming from the left. Bang... I got a penalty..... D*mn.... waited for you to pass and took it right away, hit the limiter...did the drivethru....bang ... another penalty..... it was just not my day......

About pulling out the Canada race... My kids asked me to go somewhere and as I was I bit p*ssed with tone I read your post, I posted it like I did... afterward I wanted to change it, but..... as you can see I didn't....

Have a good one...
F1 2010 @ Budapest - June 5th 2011, Sunday (20:00 BST)





19:00 GMT (20:00 BST)


Participation: Qualification and Race
Race Distance: 40%
Car Assignment: Player's Choice
Weather Setting: Dynamic
Track Selection: Hungary / Budapest


Rules and Flags: Realistic
Tyre Wear: On
Fuel Load Simulation: On
Car Damage: On
Car Performance: Equal
Collisions: Full


Braking Assist:
ABS: Banned
Traction Control: Allowed
Dynamic Racing Line: Allowed
Gearbox: Allowed
Pit Limiter: Allowed
Pit Box Control: Allowed


Forum name:
Gamer tag:
Car choice:


  1. Damien Moore/Tsjarlie/RedBull
  2. Bruce Addison/bruce2k8/Mclaren
  3. Driver
  4. Driver
  5. Driver
  6. Driver
  7. Driver
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
Tracy this will be my last post here. I never ever said that you were of any fault, at least I cannot read that anywhere in my post for this race. And if I did, I am sorry about that.
If you feel I implied that you were at fault, than I am sorry too.
I was concentrating on your back missed my braking point, so came into the chicane too fast (I feel I already wrote this before) I went left to make sure not to crash into you, tried to slow down a bit to not get a penalty for corner cutting. I could have been more carefull coming on the track or stopped and let you and Kangaroo thru (would have been the best option), but I didn't and I never saw you coming from the left. Bang... I got a penalty..... D*mn.... waited for you to pass and took it right away, hit the limiter...did the drivethru....bang ... another penalty..... it was just not my day......

About pulling out the Canada race... My kids asked me to go somewhere and as I was I bit p*ssed with tone I read your post, I posted it like I did... afterward I wanted to change it, but..... as you can see I didn't....

Have a good one...

Have a good one .......have fun with the kids....
Oh man, still not understanding me after trying to explain it properly...

Simply put, i was in the wrong, i knocked you off, i apologized more than once, it was one tiny incident of many in my championship, that is the worst incident i have done in the full 11 races of the championship, i explained how i was not exactly thinking about the rules on that day, i have very good reasons for not being completely on the ball when it came to enforcing rules on myself, but it is a personal issue which i do not wish to talk about, only Peter really knows.

According to the rules i should have let you past, however i did this, my drive through actually allowed you back through, although this was not right away on the same lap, i still lost track position therefore the rules were kept too.

I am only human, i am not a computer generated steward, sometimes i need someone just to say, hey Kyle, you knocked me off, let me through dude, its the rules, and ill say... oh dam yea, your right there, ill have to slow down then, but you failed to tell me that, just like Robert says, you have complained and gone way too far with a very small accident which i have already apologized for, and pretty much ruined it for everyone, thanks a lot David...
Hi Guys, I bought F1 2010 back when it came out and I was very disappointed. Something must have happened because a few days ago I reinstalled it, changed the cams to get a better driving view and sense of speed (at first I felt like the car wasn't moving) and I Have to say that while it is not iRacing or even GTR2 or NKpro, it's not bad. The graphics are excellent, the sound OK (I'd like something a bit better but I can live with it) and it's just a matter for me to get used to the unique feeling the steering has in this game.

In other words, I would love to participate in some races as soon as I get used to it a bit more.

Now, for the actual questions I wanted to ask:

1) What mods would be best, if any for the PC version?Are there any that conflict? I am talikng mostly about mods that improve FOV, sound, appearance or driving feel.

2) Are there many races on west coast time? If not, since I can now create my own, would there be any participation should I organize one?

Thanks and any other suggestions you may Have I'd appreciate it.
Practice for Monaco has been hard to come by for me again this week, only got in a handful of laps on Tuesday and thats been it so far :s I just seem to have less and less time these days to devote to practising in the week :( Hopefully will get some in tomorrow morning but really could have done with much more so the race could be a real struggle!!
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