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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder

Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
Greats race guys.

Frapsed the whole thing so will be editing tomorrow.

Qualified 2nd on Primes

Got a half decent start 2nd into the first corner unfortunately caught someone on my rear right I presume freddy.

Stayed with Jack for what seemed like an age got a good run on him out of the tunnel and just went a little too fast bumped over the curbs too fast and had to turn real tight to make the corner of which jack repassed, got passed jack soon after and started on Kriska who was already a good 13 secs? up the road.

Maintained a gap of about 8 seconds to Kriska when he came in he came out about 10 secs back and I just kept pulling away, I thought I had this one in the bag I was gonna run long on the primes just to clear him and come out infront with the Options.

However this was not my fate 2 laps before the computers recommended option pitstop I made a huge mistake (which luckily didnt put me out of the race) I came out of the tunnel as confident as ever and turned left and just hit the left corner above the curb BANG!! my front wing went flying off and that ominous sound of a tyre deflating hit me like a ton of bricks.

I limped back to the pits knowing I still had a good 15 secs in hand but as I got to the pit entrace Kriska was neck and neck I figured I had it lost, I would have a mountain to climb to come in 2 laps earlier than planned these tyres would have to have the "luck of the gods" printed on them.

I has 16 secs down on Kriska when I exited the pit stops nailing about a second to 2 seconds a lap off my best times I couldnt believe the pace I had gained, I knew at this point when I caught Kriska my Options would be shot but I didnt care I was going for this my first glimpse of a victory this season and I wasnt giving it up!

8 laps towards the end I noticed a trail of dots all closely packed that had been driving with each other for ages I knew Kriska could not have been behind them because penalties would have insued so my heart rose as I decided he must be holding the back markers up.

Not long after this I rounded a bend and saw a Kriska just letting Jack through and this was it I knew my time had come I was gonna get ahead and then defend like my life depended on it if needed.

Not a lap later Kriska faulted on the last 2 bends I took full advantage (although a little paint swapped) left my prey for dead, i was off on a chase for Jack now as to give me some breathing room.

By now my tyres were completely orange barely keeping pace with jack but gaining just enough for the blues to show and he had to let me past, which gave me some breathing room, at this time I changed my fuel to standard panicing that id been on fast the whole time, a lap later I had to change back to fast cos I was holding jack up I thought ok ill just keep checking my rear mirror for the indicator and change accordingly.

Freddy was my next victim it took me a little while but I caught him and he graciously moved over and I soon dissapeared on after Voteable Fox.

2nd from last lap I catch Voteable after some stonking laps on pretty much red tyres.

Took the chequered flag and did my celebratory spin over the start line.

Great race guys cant wait for Montreal.
Firstly i would like to congratulate Arathorn on the race win, you done a superb job , the pressure got to me around midway and i almost wrecked my car on 2 separate occasions, thank god for the exit roads to go down to avoid wrecking the car.

I lost my wing twice, almost wrecked my car twice, i spun twice..... Was a very intense race and im so glad it is over and done with, im still dissapointed the race didn't go to well for christian, :( ..... did anyone else notice the Track Temperature dropped on a few occasions then went back up again? was very interesting to see this and especially seeing how it affected my driving.

I would liek to thank every Driver who kept getting a blue flag from me and arathorn, i hope we don't bother you in Montreal lol, i think we both Struggled, yet amazed to even finish where we did..... it's a pleasure racing with you guy's..... you all moved over in the correct places :)

@Marine , remember when you crashed during Qualy.... i did not overtake as it was yellow flag condition if i done so i would have got a penalty, you shocked me when you started to stopped, i had to slam on my brakes so i didn't get ahead hehe.

good job guy's i managed to get a 1.15 during the race, pitty i didn't get that during Qualy :(

Looking forward to Montreal.
Guys congrats for every one of you who took part in the monaco nightmare. To be honest I really hate this bumpy track. I had a really long and hard week that's the reason why I can't even focused for one lap in qualy. Hope I don't caused trouble in the first lap. Next race I'll be back for chasing the victory.
@Marine , remember when you crashed during Qualy.... i did not overtake as it was yellow flag condition if i done so i would have got a penalty, you shocked me when you started to stopped, i had to slam on my brakes so i didn't get ahead hehe.

Ah, of course, I was so surprised when you stayed behind, didn't think those yellow flags might be up for my little spin, I was actually standing right across the track just before you came so I hurried to get out of the way :D
1:15 during the race! Nicely done!! Was that on primes, too? I only managed a 1:16.5, lap 24 on primes. Actually I only really had two best times during the race, which isn't very consistent driving.

Again, I second what Scott said about the blue flagged drivers. :)

I felt my grip lessen during the race, but how can you tell what the track temperature is? Is there a HUD element I don't know about?
grats all guys,

gj to joempi and hawk.
I had a good pace,but I started to get problems to overtake people.
few days ago I had a little incident with overtaking people,so I slowed down and waited on the right moment,but at some point I was driving another pace.And evrytime when I overtook a person ,I made a mistake.
So I drove abit slower ,because my frontwing was orange aswell.I saw joempi closing till 2-3 sec,but I wanted to drive with my primes till the pitstops and I didnt take any risks to get a red front wing.
After the pit I could go faster again,and make the gap bigger,till a funny moment in the tunnel,I was getting wet on my head,and sudenly I got a drop of sweat In my eyes where I crashed a littlebit against the wall.yellow front wing agian :)

To bad that zomacher did a mistake In first corner,because He was my challenger for the race,but a big grats to joempi and hawk ,who followd realy nice and joempi was closing indeed the gap,
Il try to make a little movie,but nothing happend ,I was always alone most of the time,but I can show you all my mistakes in the race.

I was not focused today and after zomacher crashed I lost alot of concentration,but again nice race of joempi,you where doing a great job.
My race was awful - just couldn't put a proper quali together. I know I can do low 1.14's and have tipped a 13.8 before, but struggled to a 1.16.7 on my final run.

Pretty bad in teh race too, just kept over-throttling on bumpy exists for silly spins. Lost a lot of time but fortunately without any damage. Then weirdly the game just stopped me in the tunnel - I got a game ending crash notice, even tho I wasn't near the wall. Really annoyed because I'd finally got into a rhythm - Scott was 12s ahead and Derek 35s behind.
Hi Stefan, what Hadadi did was kind of him but wrong, that has broken the league rule's ..... you do not restart a session near the end of Qualy Hadadi because some1 has left, that is unfair on the other driver's who has set fast time's do not do this again, it's harsh to say but it's their own fault.

We have implemented new waiting rules at the start which is plenty and very clear, in future do not restart a session because some1 has dropped especially when the qualy has Started and driver's have set their hotlaps.

we have all hit that quit button once and never will it happen again hehe, Please take this very serious Hadadi we do not want this happening again, Read the rule's again & familiarize yourself with them - League Rules & Regulations Click Here

That said, congratulations to the podium guy's :)
TGWulfyn you was catching me slowly.... you would have been right with me on the last laps i reckon.... jsut a shame you're game crashed :(

Yes Derek i got a 1.15 on primes, but i paid the price, i lost a wing & i was sweating like hell, hardest race i have ever done, wasn't exciting but damm challenging that's for sure, during the race i learnt how to take 3 corner's properly..... now i can understand how the driver's will race tommorow (definatly looking forward to it).

Next up is Montreal New Blood will be in Group4 so i wish my fellow driver's goodluck in advanced, not much of a challenging track there so i will only put 2 hours practice in or less :).

Blue flag Driver's you done superb pulling over on such a tight track, kudos to you guy's, considering the cicrcumstances thing's could have been alot worse believe me.
Good quali lap, still loaded with some laps of fuel but damaged the FW so, not able to improve anymore, came back into pits and waited for Andrew to beat me (with Primes :eek:) as he was like 0.1s quicker on every lap but he didn't manage to complete a good 3rd sector.
So, it's going to be a pole position. What? Yes, pole position.
Awesome !
No wait, it is scary.:eek:
Correct start, I carefully decelerate without much braking to pass Ste-Devote on the inside line kerb.
Not a good timing to loose it, Kriska ! :tongue:
Something happens behind, but none of my business, right? :tongue:
Jack gets 2nd ahead of Andrew and the gap is increasing.
Awesome !
No wait, it is.. Nah, it's awesome.
When Andrew gets through Jack the gap stops growing and soon it's time to say goodbye to the Options. :frown:
Not a bad pit-stop considering the Mercedes box is too close to the entry and I have to change the nose, I get back out like 8s behind Andrew. With better tyres and new FW I can match his times but two mistakes make it 11s, then 13s.. And FW is yellow. Not that disturbing, I must only be more careful under braking, main concern is I'm not allowed to kiss a guardrail anymore because that would mean another pitstop and game over.
I've got the surprise to catch Andrew on what occurs to be his inlap, because he lost like 10s suffering a puncture.
Victory becomes workable but damn his pit-stop is fast, he comes back out only 11s behind !
That means he's gonna catch me.. Hmm.. Let's see.. Well, a lot of laps before the end.
Now it's time to handle traffic. Let me be clear everybody has been very kind :), but everybody is on fresh Options. So that makes things a bit more complicated. When you know two pals are fighting for position behind yourself, even when you're on the lead, it's disturbing.
6 or 7 laps to go and I suddenly lose all my concentration...
Almost spun off twice ahead of Freddy and Jack. Ok you know what... Where is Andrew... Ok you know what I let you both guys pass in the tunnel ! After all it's not a gap story between Andrew and me, he is going to catch me sooner or later (sooner, obv.) and there's still plenty of laps to go. Now or on the next lap... Not much of a difference.
A weird decision maybe, because if I just block them they can act like a shield from Andrew. But really this is not about fair-play, this is about kindness, we're not racing for money and glory, this is a videogame and if I want to beat Andrew I have to be faster and don't make mistakes.
And still, he is going to have hard time behind me, hehe... Like Gandalf the Grey said, you shall not pass :mad: !
15 seconds after, I don't remember what happened, I was distracted or something but I'm facing the wall @ A.Nogues, Andrew gets 1st, orange FW, race is over.
This is weird, my best result so far but I can't be really satisfied about my driving...
Of course Andrew is faster and the win is for him (the 1st, congratz !), but how pleasant would it be to finish second from him without those stupid mistakes.
Can't you stay focus during 39 laps, moron ? :mad:
how did the race go guy's im intrigued to hear.... please tell :)

Also could anyone else send the Race screenshot to me by PM please, i just need to confirm the time's on the positioning etc... Thank's David for the Screenshots, anyone else have the Race Result only(please send me it by PM if possible)

We need your complete video footage this time, sorry, it is important...

Thanks in advance...:)

Really ?
There is a lot of laps where all you see is me smashing wings...
It's easier if you PM me if there is something on specific laps that you need, I can of course upload all of it but it will take a lot longer since I would have to split the race in 4 parts and my upload speed is not the best.
German Grand Prix Results - Round 11

Qualifying: Pole Sitter - Lostitsmurf 1:21:262 (Wet conditions)
1st neild1963 1:31:31:382 - 25
2nd DutchFLC +57.3s - 18
3rd My3Leggedcat +72.4s - 15
4th MONSTER GEE +1 Lap - 12
5th FigjamRACER +1 Lap - 10
6th Lostitsmurf +1 Laps - 8
7th Bonesmalone1971 +2 Laps - 6
8th Hammerpgh +2 Laps - 4

The Race was very interesting, ill write up the summary tomorrow after the Monaco GP :)
I always took the league rules seriously. Sorry If I broke them. I didn't mean to but I rememberd that time I didn't restarted the server at Turkey because the qualy has already started. I just don't wanted to take away the chance of someone who want to race.

From now on I don't want to be the group host because I want to focus 100% on the driving and hosting the server takes away a lot of concentration when something happens. Maybe italianred will take this place?
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