F1 2012 F1 2012 Demo

F1 2012 The Game (Codemasters)
Hmm, something i felt was that it almost feels like the game is trying to steer for me sometimes. Like it is trying to turn the wheel into the corner before i actually want to turn in for the corner.

I would be playing more but i have work to do for my brother, Real life racing work haha :p Not enough time for both :(
HORRIBLE, seriously even being smooth the car just understeers all over the place, at the lesmos it just goes straight into the sandtraps. The wheel snap on the straights is weird as all hell. Not to mention the massive understeer into the chicanes. You cannot trail brake these cars into the corners because it just understeers like crazy! There has to be something major wrong with this demo. This is worse then f1 2011, wow.

EDIT: the braking is also weird, you have to absolutely mash the pedal to pull these things up now.

I agree, the braking is very poor and compared to the AI my car is handling like a dog. That said, i do love the appearence of the game, graphics are very good, even on the demo, and the main menu is very nice and clean. Hope they fix the braking and understeer though.
Hmm, something i felt was that it almost feels like the game is trying to steer for me sometimes. Like it is trying to turn the wheel into the corner before i actually want to turn in for the corner.

I would be playing more but i have work to do for my brother, Real life racing work haha :p Not enough time for both :(

I have the solution for that steering problem. I know it may sounds weird but you have too high FPS. Get a program to limit the FPS to 60. I use bandicam to limit it to 60 and the problem is gone
Hmm, something i felt was that it almost feels like the game is trying to steer for me sometimes. Like it is trying to turn the wheel into the corner before i actually want to turn in for the corner.

I would be playing more but i have work to do for my brother, Real life racing work haha :p Not enough time for both :(

I think what your feeling there is your going off line onto the marbles
I have the solution for that steering problem. I know it may sounds weird but you have too high FPS. Get a program to limit the FPS to 60. I use bandicam to limit it to 60 and the problem is gone
already fixed, vsync on :) Silly me

However i have a feeling a lot of this understeer is from this incredibly tight racing line. If you dont follow the racing exactly(like perfect) you get understeer. I just tried following the ghost and i think i am right. You HAVE to be on the racing line perfectly otherwise the car will not turn. If you follow the racing line it feels like the car actually works but you still have to be REALLY smooth. Still the brakes have no feeling to them. I am getting faster and faster and more frustrated but the car at the moment really does not like the tight chicanes. The steering angle is very strange, very little turning is needed for curva grande which feels very weird

This being said i actually really like the menu system and the new colours. The graphics are really nice, like f1 2011 with the HD skins installed, ok maybe not perfect but pretty good. The colour palette is so much better in this game. It feels a lot better and i feel that it is much nicer on the eyes, f1 2011 felt to fake and sometimes gave me headaches. However, i would love to see what they have done with singapore and the difficult situation with lights and night time. Last year it messed with the menus i hope it is much better this year because it is one of my favourite tracks.
Hey why do I have the feeling that this game is actually optimized for PC?! I have higher graphic settings - 1080p, 8AA, high/ultra with over 80FPS and my system is not a beast! Recording only kills about 10FPS while in 2011 it kills 20+. In F1 2011 I had around 70FPS with 2AA.
Oh and the CPU load never crossed the 60% load but the GPU was on 98-99%.

I have to agree, I ran the benchmark yesterday and had 106 FPS on average. Best I could do in 2011 was around 96 without any mods installed.

reply after using the suggested setting on cm's forum:)
and i would like to know how to change steering angle:D

If you're on PC I think it'd be necessary to change it using the control panel in Windows. :)
Hey why do I have the feeling that this game is actually optimized for PC?! I have higher graphic settings - 1080p, 8AA, high/ultra with over 80FPS and my system is not a beast! Recording only kills about 10FPS while in 2011 it kills 20+. In F1 2011 I had around 70FPS with 2AA.
Oh and the CPU load never crossed the 60% load but the GPU was on 98-99%.
So smooth on my rig, smoother then 2011 so they must have done some optimisation. Is there also more graphics options in this game?
But vsync adds input lag to the wheel. At least I feel the diffirence, It feels less responsive when have that on I think, so I prefer lock the FPS to 60 instead.

Vsync can traditionally cause issues because it's falling back to 45 / 30 FPS if the game can't make 60 fps. That's why it might seem like there's input lag sometimes!

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