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Hi ! you can find a tuning exmplantation about response curves here, it explains for suspension but it's the same no matter the effect :

You can find explanations dedicated to shakers here :

Basically with only one shaker you will need to keep it light to avoid saturation and what I would call the "shaking mess", is avoid putting too much effects, gear + wheels + slip as the default settings is a good starter.

Thanks for this! It helped get me started.

I now have 2 Buttkicker Gamer 2's connected to the left and right side of my chair. I have gear, curbs/road texture, and brake lock feeling pretty darn good.

But I am trying to find a way to feel understeer / oversteer when driving in iRacing. Is there an effect that will do that? I am struggling to find it. Any guidance would be appreciated. I would like to to shake when losing lateral grip if that makes sense. I have not been able to find something that I can feel when the car start to loose lateral stability.

Thanks for this! It helped get me started.

I now have 2 Buttkicker Gamer 2's connected to the left and right side of my chair. I have gear, curbs/road texture, and brake lock feeling pretty darn good.

But I am trying to find a way to feel understeer / oversteer when driving in iRacing. Is there an effect that will do that? I am struggling to find it. Any guidance would be appreciated. I would like to to shake when losing lateral grip if that makes sense. I have not been able to find something that I can feel when the car start to loose lateral stability.

no there is not such effect yet, moreover Iracing is really paranoid about data which could help in cheating (automatic correction controllers ...) so I think these kind of data will never be available.
can you use 3 pin encoders on an Arduino nano thru simhub ?

With an arduino nano the use will be limited to simhub internal actions, however it's possible to redirect it to some keyboard emulations to let it go outside simhub (see controls and events / keyboard emulation in simhub) The best board for this is still the arduino micro which has native gamepad support.
I guess you are not using the native resolution of your monitor, when this happens windows (the os :D) will move windows (the dash... :D) around when game goes full screen a quick tip top avoid these resolution changes to mess up is to put the secondary monitor on the top left corner of the main monitor, in this way relative coordinates of the secondary monitor will never change.
View attachment 286969

Well, I'm using Nvidia surround because I have 3x1920x1080 monitors. The HDMI screen is at its native resolution: 800x480.
The second screen is attached to the top right corner of the "surround" screen, I will try the location you said.
Thanks mate!
Nextion is quite different as it's a "send and forget" device and it has a big command receive buffer,so it's easy to convert it to wireless, my sketch is really different as it's intended to reach error free high bandwidth by using flow control, ARQ protocol, CRC checking and other small tricks to ensure error free communication. But all of these relies on acknowledgment packets which requires not only to send data but to get acknowledgement back, and it's exactly where latency is a bottleneck.
The video you have seen was reaching hardly 20FPS, it's acceptable but speed was falling with the number of components plugged, a 32leds setup would fall as low as 10fps. Moreover with some components , such as leds, timing is critical to avoid lost data.
With a big data buffer is would be possible to do it but it requires a major rework of the sketch and the arduino memory is really tight for big buffering.(particularly on atmega 328p of the nano which is my "reference" hardware)
Basically It's not impossible to achieve it, but it would require a complete rethink and rewrite of the current sketch.

So the button won't be able to transmit wirelessly for a while, right?
Hi, Trying to do digital button box (With android app develop). how do i communicating android with simhub.
Me, need only, like printed on keyboard from android tablet.
Simhub does it support. (im use local network)

Hi, I use simhub for almost a year, but after the last updates arduino disconnects continuously. the problem disappears when I use the 6.3 version there is someone who can help me thank you very much
Hi, I use simhub for almost a year, but after the last updates arduino disconnects continuously. the problem disappears when I use the 6.3 version there is someone who can help me thank you very much
Hi ! Could you try to update the sketch using the latest version ? I've made many improvements on this new version. I tried to be as best as possible back compatible with the old sketch but I may have missed something. If it doesn't solve it, could you tell me which parts are plugged to the Arduino so I can check ?
Thank you very much for the answer, I used the sketch version "J" with Simhub 6.7.1 but Arduino disconnects.
Using the same sketch with Simhub 6.4 or 6.3 the problem disappears.
I used the previous sketch with simhub 6.7.1 and it disconnects and continues to scan the usb ports.
Thanks for your help.
Thank you very much for the answer, I used the sketch version "J" with Simhub 6.7.1 but Arduino disconnects.
Using the same sketch with Simhub 6.4 or 6.3 the problem disappears.
I used the previous sketch with simhub 6.7.1 and it disconnects and continues to scan the usb ports.
Thanks for your help.
Could you tell me which parts are plugged to the Arduino and arduino model so I can check ?

Edit : Something is strange, the "J" version sketch should not work at all with 6.3 as it has been introduced on 6.6 with a totally reworked protocol, could you send me the log files with the latest simhub version and latest sketch installed ?( C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\logs)
this is my Arduino Uno test configuration, a TM1638 module, 11 led ws2812b

[2019-01-21 11:27:03,871] INFO - Starting SimHub v6.7.1 (build time : 13/01/2019 05:39:27)
[2019-01-21 11:27:03,881] INFO - Administrator privileges : True
[2019-01-21 11:27:03,885] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1, Windows 6.1.7601
[2019-01-21 11:27:03,886] INFO - Donator License status : Licensed
[2019-01-21 11:27:03,886] INFO - Process priority : Normal
[2019-01-21 11:27:04,992] INFO - (Re)Starting Automobilista Game Manager and plugin manager
[2019-01-21 11:27:05,059] INFO - Creating Automobilista game manager (RfactorReader.AutomobilistaManager)
[2019-01-21 11:27:05,078] INFO - Automobilista game manager created
[2019-01-21 11:27:05,079] INFO - Checking configuration status for Automobilista
[2019-01-21 11:27:05,080] INFO - Configuration status for Automobilista: GameNotDetected
[2019-01-21 11:27:05,639] INFO - Creating plugin manager
[2019-01-21 11:27:06,739] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode
[2019-01-21 11:27:06,763] INFO - Matrix custom font custommatrixfont8x8 loaded
[2019-01-21 11:27:06,877] INFO - Web suggested IP :
[2019-01-21 11:27:06,897] INFO - Web font-faces up to date
[2019-01-21 11:27:06,899] INFO - Loading plugins controls
[2019-01-21 11:27:07,604] INFO - Game successfully loaded
[2019-01-21 11:27:10,103] INFO - USBD480 : Found 0 display(s)
[2019-01-21 11:27:33,977] INFO - Hardware settings changed, restarting arduino controller(s)
[2019-01-21 11:27:33,994] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode
[2019-01-21 11:27:39,056] INFO - Found one device on COM4 named {
"ConnectedModel": "j",
"Features": "GNJPX",
"ModulesCount": 1,
"RGBLedsCount": 11,
"DeviceName": "prova1",
"PortName": "COM4",
"HasBoost": 0,
"HasSpeedo": 0,
"IsBluetooth": false,
"HasTacho": 0,
"ExpandedFeatures": [
"MaxAheadDatagrams": 0,
"DatagramMaxLength": 0,
"MCUModel": "ATmega328P",
"ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0
[2019-01-21 11:27:39,123] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode
[2019-01-21 11:27:39,124] INFO - Switching device named prova1 to speed level 11 on COM4
[2019-01-21 11:27:39,124] INFO - Switching device on port COM4 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2019-01-21 11:27:39,792] INFO - Connected to device on COM4 named prova1
[2019-01-21 11:32:02,264] INFO - Game connected
[2019-01-21 11:32:17,576] ERROR - System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Flush()
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
[2019-01-21 11:32:22,002] INFO - New non valid lap detected
[2019-01-21 11:32:22,006] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted
[2019-01-21 11:32:22,006] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 49.40
[2019-01-21 11:32:39,307] ERROR - System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Flush()
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
[2019-01-21 11:32:56,873] ERROR - System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Flush()
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
[2019-01-21 11:32:59,182] ERROR - System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Flush()
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
[2019-01-21 11:33:01,678] ERROR - System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Flush()
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
[2019-01-21 11:33:03,802] ERROR - Closing arduino prova1@COM4 : reason System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Write(Byte[] buffer)
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Write(Byte[] bytes)
[2019-01-21 11:33:03,803] INFO - Arduino performance report for prova1@COM4 : Packetsize= 16, Packetbuffer = 1, SentDatagramsCount = 1521, FailedCount = 0, ReemitedCount = 232, ReemitedDuetoWait = 232, Current ahead = 1
[2019-01-21 11:33:50,710] INFO - Found one device on COM4 named {
"ConnectedModel": "j",
"Features": "GNJPX",
"ModulesCount": 1,
"RGBLedsCount": 11,
"DeviceName": "prova1",
"PortName": "COM4",
"HasBoost": 0,
"HasSpeedo": 0,
"IsBluetooth": false,
"HasTacho": 0,
"ExpandedFeatures": [
"MaxAheadDatagrams": 0,
"DatagramMaxLength": 0,
"MCUModel": "ATmega328P",
"ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0
[2019-01-21 11:33:50,710] INFO - Switching device named prova1 to speed level 11 on COM4
[2019-01-21 11:33:50,710] INFO - Switching device on port COM4 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,068] INFO - New valid lap detected
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,068] INFO - Storing lap consumption : 2.78
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,100] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 46.63
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,103] INFO - Old map quality score : 0 / New map quality score : 5
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,103] INFO - New map record saved
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,236] INFO - Delta vs previous all-time best :0
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,236] INFO - Delta vs previous session best :0
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,236] INFO - New All time best recorded 00:01:29.0210000
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,239] INFO - New All time best recorded 00:01:29.0210000
[2019-01-21 11:33:56,657] INFO - Connected to device on COM4 named prova1
[2019-01-21 11:34:04,885] INFO - [WatchDog] Stacks dump generated into Logs\WatchDog20190121_113404_threads.json
[2019-01-21 11:34:04,886] INFO - [WatchDog] Stacks dump :
"1": [
"2": [
"3": [],
"4": [],
"5": [
"8": [],
"9": [],
"10": [
"13": [],
"15": [
"17": [
"16": [
"20": [
"21": [
"22": [
"23": [],
"24": [
"25": [],
"27": [],
"30": [

is this part of the log enough?

Thanks again for the help
this is my Arduino Uno test configuration, a TM1638 module, 11 led ws2812b

[2019-01-21 11:27:03,871] INFO - Starting SimHub v6.7.1 (build time : 13/01/2019 05:39:27)
[2019-01-21 11:27:03,881] INFO - Administrator privileges : True
[2019-01-21 11:27:03,885] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1, Windows 6.1.7601
[2019-01-21 11:27:03,886] INFO - Donator License status : Licensed
[2019-01-21 11:27:03,886] INFO - Process priority : Normal
[2019-01-21 11:27:04,992] INFO - (Re)Starting Automobilista Game Manager and plugin manager
[2019-01-21 11:27:05,059] INFO - Creating Automobilista game manager (RfactorReader.AutomobilistaManager)
[2019-01-21 11:27:05,078] INFO - Automobilista game manager created
[2019-01-21 11:27:05,079] INFO - Checking configuration status for Automobilista
[2019-01-21 11:27:05,080] INFO - Configuration status for Automobilista: GameNotDetected
[2019-01-21 11:27:05,639] INFO - Creating plugin manager
[2019-01-21 11:27:06,739] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode
[2019-01-21 11:27:06,763] INFO - Matrix custom font custommatrixfont8x8 loaded
[2019-01-21 11:27:06,877] INFO - Web suggested IP :
[2019-01-21 11:27:06,897] INFO - Web font-faces up to date
[2019-01-21 11:27:06,899] INFO - Loading plugins controls
[2019-01-21 11:27:07,604] INFO - Game successfully loaded
[2019-01-21 11:27:10,103] INFO - USBD480 : Found 0 display(s)
[2019-01-21 11:27:33,977] INFO - Hardware settings changed, restarting arduino controller(s)
[2019-01-21 11:27:33,994] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode
[2019-01-21 11:27:39,056] INFO - Found one device on COM4 named {
"ConnectedModel": "j",
"Features": "GNJPX",
"ModulesCount": 1,
"RGBLedsCount": 11,
"DeviceName": "prova1",
"PortName": "COM4",
"HasBoost": 0,
"HasSpeedo": 0,
"IsBluetooth": false,
"HasTacho": 0,
"ExpandedFeatures": [
"MaxAheadDatagrams": 0,
"DatagramMaxLength": 0,
"MCUModel": "ATmega328P",
"ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0
[2019-01-21 11:27:39,123] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode
[2019-01-21 11:27:39,124] INFO - Switching device named prova1 to speed level 11 on COM4
[2019-01-21 11:27:39,124] INFO - Switching device on port COM4 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2019-01-21 11:27:39,792] INFO - Connected to device on COM4 named prova1
[2019-01-21 11:32:02,264] INFO - Game connected
[2019-01-21 11:32:17,576] ERROR - System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Flush()
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
[2019-01-21 11:32:22,002] INFO - New non valid lap detected
[2019-01-21 11:32:22,006] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted
[2019-01-21 11:32:22,006] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 49.40
[2019-01-21 11:32:39,307] ERROR - System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Flush()
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
[2019-01-21 11:32:56,873] ERROR - System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Flush()
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
[2019-01-21 11:32:59,182] ERROR - System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Flush()
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
[2019-01-21 11:33:01,678] ERROR - System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Flush()
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
[2019-01-21 11:33:03,802] ERROR - Closing arduino prova1@COM4 : reason System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.ArqSerialPort.SerialDash.IDashSerialPort.Write(Byte[] buffer)
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Write(Byte[] bytes)
[2019-01-21 11:33:03,803] INFO - Arduino performance report for prova1@COM4 : Packetsize= 16, Packetbuffer = 1, SentDatagramsCount = 1521, FailedCount = 0, ReemitedCount = 232, ReemitedDuetoWait = 232, Current ahead = 1
[2019-01-21 11:33:50,710] INFO - Found one device on COM4 named {
"ConnectedModel": "j",
"Features": "GNJPX",
"ModulesCount": 1,
"RGBLedsCount": 11,
"DeviceName": "prova1",
"PortName": "COM4",
"HasBoost": 0,
"HasSpeedo": 0,
"IsBluetooth": false,
"HasTacho": 0,
"ExpandedFeatures": [
"MaxAheadDatagrams": 0,
"DatagramMaxLength": 0,
"MCUModel": "ATmega328P",
"ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0
[2019-01-21 11:33:50,710] INFO - Switching device named prova1 to speed level 11 on COM4
[2019-01-21 11:33:50,710] INFO - Switching device on port COM4 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,068] INFO - New valid lap detected
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,068] INFO - Storing lap consumption : 2.78
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,100] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 46.63
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,103] INFO - Old map quality score : 0 / New map quality score : 5
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,103] INFO - New map record saved
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,236] INFO - Delta vs previous all-time best :0
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,236] INFO - Delta vs previous session best :0
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,236] INFO - New All time best recorded 00:01:29.0210000
[2019-01-21 11:33:51,239] INFO - New All time best recorded 00:01:29.0210000
[2019-01-21 11:33:56,657] INFO - Connected to device on COM4 named prova1
[2019-01-21 11:34:04,885] INFO - [WatchDog] Stacks dump generated into Logs\WatchDog20190121_113404_threads.json
[2019-01-21 11:34:04,886] INFO - [WatchDog] Stacks dump :
"1": [
"2": [
"3": [],
"4": [],
"5": [
"8": [],
"9": [],
"10": [
"13": [],
"15": [
"17": [
"16": [
"20": [
"21": [
"22": [
"23": [],
"24": [
"25": [],
"27": [],
"30": [

is this part of the log enough?

Thanks again for the help

Thanks ! That should be enough. I will look after work, I keep you in touch ;)
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