AC Classic Races: Lotus 25@Donington 1938, Tue 4th July 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Hey Allan, that,s only half the story of your excellent setup.
Give us some info on that all important alignment please sir :whistling:
There is an interesting discussion here on setup

There is an interesting discussion here on setup

Thanks for that Colin, some great ideas there:thumbsup:
A good reminder that the old crossply tyres behaved very differently to what we might be used to now, particularly with regard to toe and camber.

Have to say though, that whilst Kunos are generally brilliant, the excessive suspension movement (lift/squat) on this and the '49 are nothing like irl
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Contentious question I guess, but will ABS be enabled for the event Han?

Only asking 'cos whilst it's a brilliant combo (thanks Colin!), it's also quite a difficult one to last an hour, bearing in mind the penalties (horrendous :roflmao: ) for leaving the track here.

Loving the combo, figuring out who I can bribe to get time off for Tues:laugh:

You can look up these things (and other event settings) on Emperor with the button Event Details:
ABS on the Lotus..Sacriledge..NOOOOOOO
I'd agree mate, though the spread of ability (both driving and physical ability) here is very broad - in the interests of a closer, less *incident laden event, I'd be happy to allow it. Purists can always switch it off:thumbsup:

*off's here are a catastrophe, the track is so poorly optimised (sorry, not sorry) for indiscretions, do we want that for a grid of hugely varying abilities, or do we want a fun race?
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TC and ABS are not the way to go for lap times, as ironic as that may sound.
The Agile is considerably slower with TC applied. So it should not affect the aliens, who from what I have so far observed use neither most of the time.
It is to give us “limping” majority a chance of not continually meeting face to face with every marshall dotted around the circuit.
As someone who is struggling to get a decent lap in around here I'd have all the help I can get. But surely this car doesn't have ABS or TC does it? If I run offline I don't see the option.

I see now it can be enabled - but lets leave it as is for now
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It's weird because I had no problem getting a reasonable time around Batternbergring but this track is really bugging me. Any Motec file gratefully received :)
Yes I know what you mean Colin, funny how tracks play out, it is especially noticeable without TC or ABS.
Some circuits I can be reasonably competitive in the Formula Agile, some circuits I struggle to string a lap together.
It is just all down, generally, to ABS and locking the front wheels up, and the cars average speed around the track.
The consequence of no ABS is that for most normals, by the time locking up takes hold, you are just a passenger to the end result.
The main problem with these circuits is no run off, that means buried in the wall, that means back to the pits, that means no point in carrying on.
So you end up with no ordinary drivers left racing??

Now, I am happy with no ABS here, ironically as it may seem, but I can see the benefit it will bestow on those who want the choice but fear the loss of their manhood if they ask for it.

You do not have to implement it, you can switch it off.
I don't see these buttons - is it because you're an administrator that you see them? Or am I looking in the wrong place?
No Han, it is because your PC will not allow such a shameful thing as ABS on this car.
I can see it now, imagine the hoped for massive grid of woked up nannified Lotus 25s pootling around the track in a single filed prossesion for an hour of cuddly Sunday driving.
Rather see 6 drivers fighting the thing like we are supposed to do.
Anyway, Allan kindly gave us all a leg up with a steady set up that works well
Yes I know what you mean Colin, funny how tracks play out, it is especially noticeable without TC or ABS.
Some circuits I can be reasonably competitive in the Formula Agile, some circuits I struggle to string a lap together.
It is just all down, generally, to ABS and locking the front wheels up, and the cars average speed around the track.
The consequence of no ABS is that for most normals, by the time locking up takes hold, you are just a passenger to the end result.
The main problem with these circuits is no run off, that means buried in the wall, that means back to the pits, that means no point in carrying on.
So you end up with no ordinary drivers left racing??

Now, I am happy with no ABS here, ironically as it may seem, but I can see the benefit it will bestow on those who want the choice but fear the loss of their manhood if they ask for it.

You do not have to implement it, you can switch it off.
Hey Ernie, we dont have to have 100% braking, if you wind it down and brake early like i guess they did in the day it slows down just fine. I know it is an extremely hard car to drive but taming it is what it is all about trying to do imho

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