2011 Nations Grand Prix

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Sorry for getting in the way, after Tobias and i had a small touch with our wheels causing me a spun.

Best was to stay put, didnt realise and also couldnt see 2 other drivers where already close.

Yup, it's tricky in nKPro, bad visibility around you. You shouldn't have retired, just pit, repair, go back :)

Anyway, I had my share of spins, as usual. Ended up sideways in the middle of the road once, sorry to all I inconvenienced with that.
Apologies to Phil as well, got in the way too much, and he was faster.

Spun on the second to last corner, in the last lap, and Tobias went by :D

At least I was lapped nicely, twice :D
race..good start and was up to 3rd by T2.then at T3 paul got oversteer and i went through into P2.then was behind P1 and pushing a bit.then i had to try and manage my tyres as the dirty ait was wearing then out a little.then i saw paul coming bk in my mirrors.on the pit straight.i braked into T1 and paul hit me,i carried on for a few laps but the car was very hard to drive.so i drove into my pit and i didnt know what to do.so i just left the pit agan and car still felt bad and steering wheek was not straight.so i esc into pit and went bk on track and car felt better.so i just pushed till the end..very unhappy for my result was hoping for a clean race..i also ended up with 36 litres of fuel at the end lol.hope to race with you agan and thx to team nz for the drive.sorry for the result
Well, it looked to me as I turned that blind corner that you were backing onto the track, Freddie. Not a good idea. Second trip to the garage for me after getting caught up in the first turn mess.

Sorry Martin for messing you up. I got my left tires in the dirt between T1 and T2 and it was enough to unsettle me in T2 and you didn't have anywhere to go as I half spun and stopped.

I love this track. Not a good race.
Well guys, not a good race at Brands Hatch today. I didn't have as much time to practice as I'd like. I was running in the 1:12s just yesterday, but practiced some more today and was doing steady 1:09s with no difficulty maintaining my line and staying on the track. That was only 2 seconds or so from the leader, so I didn't push on qualifying and thought I'd pick up places by racing clean and staying on the track while others went off.

What a mistaken assumption! Claudio got anxious at the start. Someone always seems to here at RD in NKP. He pushed too hard, got caught up with someone on T1 and someone else hit him and spun right in front of me. I saw Claudio's initial mistake and took a line to avoid, but the person behind just spun right in front of me. Trip 1 to the garage. Back on the track and running to catch up. A few guys behind me. Then about lap 8 or so, coming out of T2 (blind turn) I see Freddie backing onto the track!!!!! No where for me to go! Trip 2 to the garage. Back on the track and the car isn't acting right. I'm doing slower laps running the same line. About halfway through, I get my left tires on the dirt between T1 and T2 and that's enough to unsettle me in T2. I brake to catch the spin, and Martin who was close behind didn't have anywhere to go and t-boned me. Trip 3 to the garage. I get back on the track and just try to hold my own. I gain a place or two, I think. I finished 6th, 2 laps down. What a mess.

That's my last NGP race. I hope both of you can do better in the last two races. I think I'll stick with P&G and iRacing. I'd race NKP some more if they switched to the 1600/1800 cars. I'm with you Kamran. Those are better cars to race in so many ways. And you have to know how to drive to race them!
After a good qualification grab the P2 in the grid, no chance to catch Paul, race started very well and I was in the lead at turn one.

About mid race I had about 8/9 sec in advance, after I make a small pass by the grass and lose about 4 secs, around lap 21 Paul was closing on me and at the Surtees corner I lose the rear and make a small spin, the car make a very soft touch in the wall, but was enough to make it undrivable, so need to make a pit stop, finishing in 3th with that.

Grats to Paul and Claudio, thanks to Bjorn and all who joined.
Bravo Claudio pour ton P2, c'est fantastique!!!!:f1: 2 pilotes LRed Scuderia sur les marches du podium, je suis vraiment,vraiment tres fier de vous les Gars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
Bad qual for me as usual: 6th 1.7 sec. behind...

An unavoidable contact ater start in Paddok Hill with Steffen, spinned in front of me,
and my course was delayed from the begin...that's the races! :tongue:

My consistence lap after lap and disfortune of the others makes the rest :cool:

Congrats to Paul, and Sergio (1.08.8 on 27th lap trying to catch me...!!:hammer:)
and the whole crew

Here the race replay
In bocca al lupo Claudio :thumbup: e speriamo che "San NetCode" guardi giù :wink::wink:
San NetCode 'sto giro m'ha graziato, ma la mia esperienza non m'ha insegnato ancora che anche quando pensi che il margine
di sicurezza sia buono ed il pilota affidabile, nelle prime curve è meglio andare come il vecchietto sulla Panda in tangenziale...

son partiro dalla terza fila e dopo aver rinunciato ad una partenza a razzo (O'Connor davanti non m'ispirava...) mentre m'avvicinavo a Sorensen all'interno mi ha spinnato davanti e son dovuto ripartire dai box.

Poi tomo tomo, cacchio cacchio, mi son messo a martellare con tutta la costanza di cui son capace,(effettivamente ho sbagliato poco...), e a fine gara mi son ritrovato 2° anche se i 30 secondi e passa persi all'inizio, non me li ha restituiti nessuno...

Vabbè, dai: poteva andare peggio :tongue:
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