2011 Nations Grand Prix

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what a catastrophy this was.

I qualy 4:th, then netKar crashes and I have to reboot. I cant get a clean lap done when I'm back with 4 minutes left.

So i start 8:th, and go on til lap 17 where I am 3:rd and netKar crashes again.

During the race I am being raced by several people going out of the pits and is one lap behind, another one takes me out racing me although he's 1 or more laps behind.

And btw, I've never had a crash of netKar before.
Infelizmente, amigos, nesta corrida, fui traído pela merda do computador. Consegui qualificar-me na pole-position, o Paul, da França fez um excelente arranque a passou para a frente, mas fez um erro e isolei-me na frente, e claro, como tudo estava a correr tão bem, algo me tinha de fo***. O computador começou a ter breaks de segundos, acho q devido a leitura intensa no disco, isto nunca aconteceu nas outras sessões ou quando treinei offline (tinha de ser...). Enfim, pá, n sei, mau karma, castigo divino. Depois de mais 2 despistes devido a esses lags a de ainda um gajo ter me fechado a porta à idiota (Sérgio, depois tenta fazer video dessa situação quando tiveres o replay) e mesmo assim estar em 4º, houve mais um break q mandou o jogo mesmo abaixo. Desculpem amigos, não pude fazer nada.
Decidi que não farei neste campeonato mais corridas à chuva para não comprometer a nossa classificação. Vou ver se desfragmento a máquina entretanto e ando a pensar comprar um disco SSD.
Yeah sniff sniff :( I crashed in Qualy too and had to go out for a few minutes and couldn't connect to the server. Someone else had a crash too I saw someone say it in the chat, don't know who though???
I think we should be given points for where we were when it crashed, either that or we dont count this race at all.

Otherwise it's just a game of total chance and luck depending on netKar bugs, net code and so on. At least when we were on lap 17 and Paul last lap. I had everyone else over a lap behind me at that point.
You are not alone Paul, my PC also hanged for several seconds during the race, until it finally crashed the netkar program. I am very frustrated also, i was leading when the first hang happened :(((
I believe it was because my HD kept reading intensily, how about you guys?

Torasen, take it easy closing the door on a straight, you cant change trajectory several times, and never do it when the other car already started passing !!! plz!!

Che tristezza ragazzi :frown::frown::frown::frown::frown:, mi ha crashato, si è bloccato tutto ed è uscito "run time error" e qualcos'altro, non ho potuto far altro che resettare :mad::mad::mad:, mi dispiace un casino :sorry:.
Mi sono qualificato sesto, sono partito abbastanza bene e alla source riesco ad evitare il prevedibile caos (macchine che volavano da tutte le parti), riesco a fare qualche giro in terza posizione, poi all'uscita dalla bus stop mi ha scattato e mi è partita la macchina (probabilmente a causa di un caxxone che continuava ad entrare e uscire dal gioco:mad:), a malincuore premo esc e riparto dai box e mentre esco vengo toccato da un'auto che stava passando, assurdo, probabilmente non ci siamo neache toccati eppure mi sono ritrovato con la macchina che andava storta :frown::mad:, tento di andare avanti ma era inguidabile, rientro un'altra volta al box ma ormai non c'ero più con la testa, a quel punto stavo cercando solo di arrivare in fondo per prendere punti ed è arrivato il crash:mad:.

Scusate per lo sfogo, potevo puntare al podio e invece :poop::poop:

ps Comunque la pioggia di nK è molto bella e divertente ma dopo due ore abbondanti ci si gioca la vista :wink:

Well guys, this was my first NKpro race ever. Talk about trial by fire. During Q I was booted from the server 2 or3 times.

Then during the race there were several turns where although I braked at the same marker as usual, with the same force (like my life depended on it but smoothly) the car just aquaplaned all the way to the barrier. What's up with that?

Then at half race, the tires go. I mean, it was like I was racing on rims. At least the connection held.

I was in 5th, then in 6th and I was resigned to a bad finish, when suddenly I was 4th, then 3rd and finally, if I read it OK, 2nd.
My apologies to the much more deserving racers that either DNF or finished behind. My finish doesn't reflect my abilities on this track.

The funny thing? As soon as I pass the finish line and stop the car, first I get hit from behind, then I get booted from the server.

Anyway, at least it was interesting. Thank you all. I hope I'll be more prepared next time.
Yeah I know you ran a great qualy Cesar and I'm just as sorry to hear you had trouble too. I'm beginning to think the game can't handle the full grid. The other day the vintage race was perfect on my end but just 4 of us. I think one thing the game really can't handle is when people leave the game during a race.
Yeah I'm gutted, but then again so are other guys...

This was just such a test of endurance, I think we all can attest to that, so emotions run high. Mostly for the fact I wanted to just finish intact, that alone would have been great, with or without podium.
ho letto che è stata una carneficina, mal comune mezzo gaudio :D
tra il net code un poco zoppicante, la pioggia, la foga di alcuni alla T1 e gli in/out dal server credo sia stato un casino
spero che per quei pochi giri che hai fatto tu ti sia divertito :thumb:

vi ricordo la Vintage "Giapponese" di martedì prossimo :party:al solito posto :wink:
lo dico in particolare a Gaetano :rolleyes:

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