2011 Nations Grand Prix

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Ciao Marco, e grazie per il sostegno.:thanks:
Riguardavo il calendario, e mi chiedevo chi correrà a Brands Hatch.
Sarà l'esordio di Alessandro, o inizio ad allenarmi ora in previsione del poco tempo a disposizione nelle prossime settimane?:hammer:
allenati pure, grassie
io non ho tempo nemmeno per pisc1ar3 :D
troppa roba in ballo al lavoro e su IRON (poi anche se provassi 24/7 non otterei grandi risultati)

per le altre gare ?
che facciamo ? guardiamo la classifica piloti per decidere chi corre ?

uhe mercoledì prossimo vi ricordo la serata LIVE FOR SPEED

Hey Freddie, mail adres ontvangen , ik stuur wat setups die ik heb.
Stuuruitslag is 290 bij mij en ik zet hem in game tussen de 14 en 16.
Regenbanden zijn pas te selecteren als de server ook regen heeft ingesteld.
Het is trouwens handig om power in regenrace lager te zetten dan spin je niet, en de regen is goed te controleren.
Well, I don't think I do understand Laurent's point. First, I'm not sure what he means by change the results, because I don't think we run these races knowing already how they will work out. And I don't think that the same people have the same results on all the tracks (some of us know some tracks better). So I don't see how the results are set at the start of the season.

I REALLY don't think we have to worry about aliens. This is a great series with great people driving a mostly unpopular sim that has its share of netcode problems. Let's keep doing everything we can to make it popular, instead of making it harder for people to find a great place to race. I tried an open race in the Abarth at Aosta the other day, and one of the people racing spent his time racing to pass someone and then turning sideways to try to wreck them. He did this to me at least three times. If that's the normal on open servers, then places like this are a heaven send and all serious racers will want to find something like our series.

I know, for me, the league events are the only races I can do, being in the states. The club races are at a time and day that is impossible for me because it's in the middle of the work day. So that makes the league races more desirable.

And my team has had the most changes. I don't see a problem with that. There was a procedure for approving additions, and it was followed. There were two of us, but one of the original guys couldn't join the first (practice) race because of connection problems. Another asked to join and it was approved. Now Omar has withdrawn because of those same connection troubles and another person has joined to take his place. I have no idea how he races. I hope he races well! Of course!!!

The way I see it, I was making room for people to enjoy this great sim with these great races and not hogging all the fun for myself. It is about having fun, right? So, let's follow whatever procedure we agree to (which I take it we have been so far) and not make that procedure too much of a wall to new participation. And if some of the new people are fast, so much the better. Gives all of us a chance for more racing!
Phil I agree with most of what you're saying, but you have to agree this is a league and should be taken more seriously than club races-->of which there are enough of for everybody to get a chance to race Netkar twice a week.

I voted yes to include a new driver on your team, so I'm not trying to stop anyone, but it should be said there are enough drivers to fill the grid every race provided they show up and don't have net code problems. I think a league is a real commitment, I debated whether to sign up not knowing if I would be able to find the time. We've all put in a lot of hours practicing and getting to know Netkar so far, so in my opinion it's kinda wishy washy to let drivers in at this late stage, it actually says we're not that serious here...

I think all Laurent is trying to say is nothing will stop anyone of us from inviting anyone else as we've now set a precedent.

I PM'd Huttu but he hasn't gottten back LOL :tongue::tongue::tongue:
hello all,
my position for the arrival of new pilots is a personal opinion, it is aimed at team that already has a complete team, without discontinuance Driver Championship
if a driver leaves the championship after the team can naturally APPROVAL replace the other driver but the driver leaving should not return to the championship race over another
With the listing of participants this league I think we were 32 or 33 drivers before the close of entries, and that the team had an average of 2 to 3 drivers, maybe except Libya
logically there is always at least one pilot in the team who can replace his teammate in a race without using a substitute driver and not on the list of initial appointment!
Now it is up to the organizers, given that in the settlement of the championship a driver can not make more than 4 races to change this rule in exceptional cases a replacement exceptional teammate

but be careful about my attitude and my replacements, and other decisions, were intended merely to protect one of the most exciting championship, and he let all his fairness and equality of all Team ways that are equal opportunity for all, making the victory of the team winning the championship even more meritorious
We are a Group RaceDepartment who have the habit of running together, we respect all of us and run in a spirit of correction that many other league would envy us,
uncritically, because you have to start as we all did in NetKar, the coming of "young" drivers during the championship or not knowing that very few NetKar his Netcode and every problem that arises in the simulation race, could disrupt and criminalize many Team classification in the balance

RaceDepartment for this learning is providing the club races Netkar Wednesday or there is no issue or rank and I think all drivers are welcome

bonjour a tous,
ma position pour la venue de nouveaux pilotes est une opinion personnelle, elle ne s'adresse qu'au Team qui possede déja une équipe complete, sans desistement de pilotes du championnat
si un pilote abandonne le championnat naturellement l'équipe peut apres aprobation des autres pilote le remplacer, mais le pilote sortant ne devrait plus revenir dans ce championnat sur une autre course
A l'inscription sur la liste des participants a ce championnat il me semble que nous étions 32 ou 33 pilotes avant la cloture des engagements, et que les Team possédait en moyenne 2 à 3 pilotes ,peut etre excepté la Lybie
donc logiquement il reste toujours au moins 1 pilote dans les Team qui peut remplacer son coéquipier dans une course sans faire appel a un pilote remplaçant et non inscrit sur la liste des engagement initial!
maintenant il revient aux organisateurs ,compte tenu que dans le reglement du championnat un pilote ne peut pas faire plus de 4 courses, de modifier exceptionnellement cette règle dans le cas d'un remplacement exceptionnel du coequipier
mais attention mes propos et mon attitude envers les remplacements,et autres décisions, n'ont pour objet que de protéger un championnat des plus passionnant,et lui laisser toute sa justesse et l'égalité de tous les Team de façons que les chance soient égales pour tous, ce qui rendra la victoire de l'équipe gagnant ce championnat encore plus méritoire
Nous sommes un Groupe sur RaceDepartment qui avons l'habitude de courir ensemble, nous nous respectons tous entre nous et courons dans un esprit de correction que beaucoup d'autres league devraient nous envier,
sans les critiquer ,car il faut bien commencer comme nous l'avons tous fait dans NetKar , la venue de "jeune" pilotes en cours de championnat ne connaissant pas ou que tres peu NetKar ,son netcode et tous les probleme que le simu pose en course ,pourrait perturber et pénaliser beaucoup de Team dans l'équilibre du classement
RaceDepartment pour cet apprentissage met a disposition les courses du Netkar club du Mercredi ou il n'y a pas d'enjeu de Classement et ou il me semble tous les pilotes sont les bienvenue
I had not seen the replay and see, today, my apologies Sergio
it is a remarkable work of editing Sergio:woot:!!!!!!!! Wow, this is a real pleasure to see that your talents are not all reserved for Piracy, you really a great Captain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!:thumb:

c'est un travail de montageje n'avais pas vu ce replay et le découvre aujourd'hui, toutes mes excuses Sergio
remarquable Sergio !!!!!!!! Bravo, c'est un réel plaisir de constater que tes talents ne sont pas tous réservé à la Piraterie, tu vraiment un grand Capitaine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

et merci pour les voix Françaises
I PM'd Huttu but he hasn't gottten back LOL :tongue::tongue::tongue:

Yeah, he didn't respond to me either! :)

I get what you're saying. And I think I understand Laurent's position a bit better, although I wish I spoke French, because that Google translator isn't very good!!

I'm just saying that most of us in the Americas simply can't make the club races. I'm hoping once the season is finished, we can do some club races on Saturday or Sunday. So, for me, it's the league or nothing, and I sure enjoy this group of racers and netkar.

I get that the league is more serious, and that we want it that way. I get that it's a commitment, and that's good too. I'm still not worried about anyone bringing in ringers. I also get that we don't want to disrupt races by including people who aren't up to speed, in all ways, with racing on netkar. I think that's important, and I wasn't thinking about that carefully enough.

So, perhaps all I'm really arguing for is a procedure for adding people that everyone is comfortable with, with perhaps a little more leeway for new people from the Americas, who can only race weekends at the times we race. Maybe we could set a maximum of 3 team members, and if the season starts at less than that, members can be added to that maximum if approved by the set number of other teams. And maybe teams can be more intentional about testing the qualifications of new members and only put new people forward for acceptance whom the team knows are ready to race cleanly and understand the netkar issues. That's important.

Ultimately, I'm new here too and am delighted by the kind of racing camaraderie this group exhibits, and I'll go along with whatever the majority wants. Just wanted to offer a voice for being inclusive when possible and it makes sense.
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