2011 Nations Grand Prix

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He's welcome to join team America as a possible sub at Spa if Omar's connection doesn't work on race day, at least, with the possibility of another race later in our season (in place of me).
Jemand bereit zu fahren oder hat die Möglichkeit morgen (Adalaide) zu starten ? Leider läuft mein game immer noch nicht, versuchs morgen mit ein komplett Neuinstallation. Wenns klappt fahr ich auch abends, wenn von euch keiner kann oder keine Lust mehr hat :redface: nach den komischen Fehlern zuletzt.


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Yeah, that's a robotic voice reading. Sergio did that. I think he mentioned the program on the thread where he posts the videos, so if you read through you should find it. Pretty good, huh?!

That makes me feel a lot better about my post. Imagine if it was a real person :(

It is amazing though, it's the first time I have had to ask. In some cases it sounded really human, it was the lack of emotion that gave it away most of the time.
I would love to be considered. Of course, I don't want to impose my presence on anyone.

When is SPA running? I usually can race anytime on the weekend (well, after 9:00am PST if possible unless you don;t mind racers falling asleep at the wheel) or anytime after 6:00pm on weekdays. All in PST time (Which is usually -7 GTM but just today the daylight savings is kicking in and like everyone else I get confused about it)

However, I would be happy to remain "on call" for the rest of your season and the next if that's the case. The team doesn't matter. Team America is fine. After all, that's the citizenship I choose, while the other I didn't have a say.

I just need to make sure the races don;t happen when I am either sleeping or working.

Thanks for considering this.
By the way, what's a decent lap at SPA? I run 5 laps with the KS2, default setup and race fuel (20 laps) and did 1:57.x. I am certain I can go a lot faster with a decent setup and some practice. I am used to the iRacing version of SPA where some of the turns are a bit less forgiving so I tend to overbrake a bit. I also think a better setup would help, especially with the gearing and the aero.

Just as comparison, on the iRacing SPA with the Williams I run about 3 seconds off the alien pace. At least in practice as I have never raced the Williams at SPA. I hope this gives you an idea. If I am too slow for you guys, just let me know and I'll work on my speed until I'll be sure at least not to be a movable chicane.

Above all, if I get to race I'll concentrate on not getting in the way or ending anyone's race.

But I have to say, I drove both the KS2 and the Osella at SPA and the NKpro "feeling" when you drive those cars is just amazing. It's really easy to forget you are driving a simulator.

Thanks again.

PS: If any of you have a good SPA setup to let me try, I'd be obliged. Needs not be your "race set" just something stable and middle of the road so I can see if it improve things.

Incidentally, about a couple of months ago I translated the NKpro setup manual from Italian to English (Actually, I think it was me and Mr. Google since I got both the Italian and English version but my job was to make the English translation more understandable. Things like Calling tires "tire"instead of "rubber" which is the straight Italian translation for the word tire but in English at best sounds strange).

However, I haven't had a chance or a need yet to really get to work on the NKpro setup in depth. I will for certain, but it'll take a bit of time.
Don't worry about pace. There are usually people to race with no matter what your pace, and it sounds as if you are at least as fast as me! :) Kamran, on our team, is one of the pace leaders, as is Sergio and Laurent, but there are plenty of people like me who run toward the middle of the pack, so good racing there too. This is a good group that values clean racing, but the net code is still buggy and you can't race as close. The crash boxes are definitely bigger than the cars. I'd think of having a box around your car just a bit bigger than your car (like the blue rectangle that loads when you join online in progress) and make sure not to hit the other car's blue boxes (that you can't see!).

The physics are incredible, aren't they? I love the F1800 the best. Really requires control harmony. I think of it as my personal racing trainer (along the lines of Carroll Smith's suggested curriculum). But the new Osella is a beauty too. I think the basic setups are pretty good. Tweak them a little for your style and the track. But I don't mess with them anywhere near as much as I have to in iRacing or P&G. Look at the setup thread here though and you may find a couple you like as a base for tweaking.
Hey all. I don't know if you've seen the threads about Corrado joining our team. I know we're getting pretty deep into the season, but Omar still has concerns about his connection, so I thought Corrado could be a backup driver, ready to go at Spa if Omar can't make it. Hopefully Omar will have a good connection, but it will be good to have a backup. And since I'm scheduled for three races this season, I thought I could give Corrado one of my upcoming races, so he would get to run at least one race. Maybe Corrado will be a speed demon like Kamran and we'll wind up in the top three nations! I do very well at Brands so we have a good shot I think

Luck to Kamran today at Adelaide!!! Keep your fingers crossed for a clean net code day!
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