2011 Nations Grand Prix

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Ottimo, continua così Claudio!! Visto l'altissimo numero di collisioni al via, a causa di una delle quali anche Mattia c'ha rimesso mezza gara, l'importante è costanza e continuità nella prestazione...accontentati di perdere 2 decimi, piuttosto che fare errori; almeno io ho sempre fatto così. Certo quando c'è da dare il 105% non mi tiro indietro, ma le gare si vincono finendole soprattutto! Tu tranquillo, nn pensare ai tempi, pensa solo a fare la tua gara, a difenderti da quelli dietro e a stare lontanto dai guai al via!! ;)
Hello Corrado. Welcome to nkp at RD! You've found a great group to race with, although it's tough on us Western Hemisphere guys to join most of the club races. I think once NGP is done there may be more club events on the weekend.

The American team is full now, and one of us is scheduled for Adelaide. You can see our schedule at the Team America Chat thread here on this forum. One of us though has had some trouble connecting to race, so if you wanted to be a backup driver, you could practice Spa. You'd still have to go through the process Claudio refers to to ask to join at this point, and other teams would have to agree. And it would be as backup driver.

But, I'm sure there will be another league/season in the not too distant future as well. And as I said, great group of guys to race with here.
I admit to have recommended to try "Full Mode", but after watching some replays here and there I have to agree that we probaly better waite for a more precise netcode before going "Full".
Hi Guys, thank you for the kind replays.

As you can see, my <return> key is now fully working. I hate it when that happens. I am sorry there are no slots for Adelaide, as it's a fun track, but I totally understand. I'll take a look at the requirements to join up and I am actually quite fine being a back up driver. I am not in a position to be able to commit to a set schedule because of my work and RL commitments so being a backup would still motivate me to at least practice and if I get lucky and all the start align, race if I am needed.

Since things never stay the same, I am sure there will be opportunities in the future.

So for now, I will read what I need to do to join and if I can I will join up. I know SPA pretty well, I race it in 4 different sims all the time so I'll try to make sure I am prepared, assuming I can complete the requirements in time.

Thank you again and I hope to be able to apply soon.

Take care
I hope this is the right thread.I would like to sign up as a driver or reserve driver for any upcoming NKpro races. I can sub for any team, but if I need to sub or drive for my national team, I Have dual citizenship so I could race for the US or Italy. Plus my wife is Canadian (which would make me Canadian too if I did the paperwork) and I also speak Spanish so there goes latin America and Spain.Jokes aside, I am not really clear as to how it works in this part of RD but I would be thrilled to race NKpro with other drivers in practice, race leagues, etc.Thank you.
Joining up

Ok, I went to the post kindly given to me and I posted there. I am not so sure I did it right, but I hope so.I have to ask a question, and I hope I am not breaching any etiquette here, but I just watched a video of a race here http://www.racedepartment.com/netkar-pro-leagues/44760-ngp-s4-q-6.html

Is the narrator a real person? I couldn't tell. Honestly. If it's a robotic voice readind a script, it's very impressive, if he is human, it sounds like he is voicing over a Nova documentary on the mating habits of the North American Finch. I was really puzzled. (I hope I am not offending anyone) Thanks again guys.
Yeah, that's a robotic voice reading. Sergio did that. I think he mentioned the program on the thread where he posts the videos, so if you read through you should find it. Pretty good, huh?!
Hmmm, I don't have that problem, Abdulhaq. Shifts into reverse and back just fine. Perhaps check your control settings? Are you using paddle shifters?

Hope all is well with you and your family.
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