2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Those drivers who joined our League now, after the first round at Istanbul passed already, unfortunately we can not offer the possibility to drive and register at GPCOS under their own custom team, since every team had to make a custom skin for this League.

So for new drivers the option to join the League is under Single drivers team, for which the skins are provided already from the beginning for all the cars, and is included in the skin pack here:

Please all new racers:
1 - First register yourself at RD GPCOS
2 - After validation is done make application to drive in the RD Single Drivers Team in the WTCC League. You can do it from your Personal Control Center, click on Request a drive to join an existing team in an existing league


Do not forget to enter your ingame name exactly as in the game at your GPCOS profile, this must be your real name as well.

Every driver is mandatory to drive both on the pre-qualy and the Races itself in the official League skin, either from their team if they are part of a separate one, or the Single driver skin.
Default skins, and custom skins not included in the skin pack are not allowed to drive in the servers.

Any new team requests at GPCOS will be denied because of the reason above.

For the Saturday race we will change the password, which you will be able to find in your Personal Control Center at GPCOS. Only drivers who joined the League in GPCOS will be able to see it, sharing the password with other people is strictly forbidden, and will result in exclusion from the League.


Please make sure before you enter the races in our leagues you update your GPCOS profile correctly.
  1. Go to gpcos.racedepartment.com
  2. Click control center
  3. Click maintain user profile
  4. Look for the box called RACE07 name:
  5. Fill in the exact same name as your real name you registered with at GPCOS (see image, do not fill in my name)
  6. Open RACE 07 and check if you have created a profile with exact the same name as your GPCOS profile
  7. All drivers that will start this saturday with a wrong driver profile in the game or in GPCOS will not get any points rewarded by the Race Direction
In writing moment I am yet again outside the groups of the 100 pre-quali power-men. But apart from my individual absent results I must post my big admiration of, -and gratitude towards the
The Race Direction:
Attila Domján
Warren Dawes
Yoeri Gijsen

To see how you master the administrative parts of this immensly big event with professional power and readiness along with a constant flawless attitude towards us all is pure love, I tell you! It makes me very proud to be part of such a quality worldwide mega event like this! Thankyou very much for providing such amzing stuff, guys :)

And not to forget the irreplaceable Ramon, King of stats and lists, and timing stuff! :)


Many thanks Hansi, these kind words are really appreciated. But, we must not forget there are more people behind the scenes involved in the organization of this league and other RaceDepartment stuff :)
Thanks all! :D
I must post my big admiration of, -and gratitude towards the
The Race Direction:
Attila Domján
Warren Dawes
Yoeri Gijsen

To see how you master the administrative parts of this immensly big event with professional power and readiness along with a constant flawless attitude towards us all is pure love, I tell you! It makes me very proud to be part of such a quality worldwide mega event like this! Thankyou very much for providing such amzing stuff, guys :)

And not to forget the irreplaceable Ramon, King of stats and lists, and timing stuff! :)


Also thanks from me to those who commented positively. This can be a thankless and unpopular task at times so we all appreciate the support.

BTW, we have one other Race Director to thank.

Christopher Aponte :bike:

He has worked very hard helping us out with the WTCC in addition to his GTV League duties.
  • Jacek Kozlowski

absence reports??

Im on 96 spot wright now and i would like to know if those drivers wich didnt send their absence reports in time at Istanbul round are still in the prequali. time table for Valencia round or they are allready removed.It is very important for me,with a little luck i can get to group nr4.Can someone help me with that?
Jacek Kozlowski
Im on 96 spot wright now and i would like to know if those drivers wich didnt send their absence reports in time at Istanbul round are still in the prequali. time table for Valencia round or they are allready removed.It is very important for me,with a little luck i can get to group nr4.Can someone help me with that?
Jacek Kozlowski


in that document you can find all the drivers who will be excluded from the Valencia round. Their times (if they put a lap during pre-qualy) will be removed from the final standing at the end of the pre-qualy.
Could somebody please tell me if there are changes to the rules for certain tracks? in pre-qualy, i see nearly everyone i have looked at is cutting the corners going 4 wheels on the inside of rumble strips, using the painted grass colour tarmac, and in turn 1 everyone is using the pit lane exit for a better line in the first corner. In a real race im sure everyone would be black flagged. but correct me if im wrong.
for this track it is allowed to go like that in t1 because of the track layout (only do not touch the grass trying to go on the pit lane exit)
but most of the time i use in some of the corners the green stuff on the exit of the corner...but i try to get back on the track immediately....that is allowed....what is not allowed is going extreme to the inside of the corner touching the grass to gain time (you can use the curbs there with the 2 wheel rule in mind)
  • Mehmet Arslan

Maybe its better to write the incidents results with the names of the drivers in the forums, because not all of the drivers will download the file and read it, how would they know then if they did something wrong, they might contineu driving careless and other stuff.

Just my 2 cents :D
The file is 270 kb, takes approx 1.5 sec to open it, and you do not even need to download it, just click open... nothing less in time then click on a thread to open... and looks much more professional. :)

It is posted on the forum, just lilke a new thread, so everybody can be just as aware of it as if it is posted as a forum text.
Who does not even bother to read it, well... he/she will not read it on the forum as well.
  • Mathieu Prevot

I tryed to convince my SC teamate MaxD to come and it wasn't very hard :) so Max come on petita billouta
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