2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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yet somehow we all do,everytime,stretching those PB times a little bit better than we think possible,

totally agree on that one, just bested my old PB by 1.5 secs (in steps of 0.2, bit by bit) only to find out I am in pos130 sth. with another 2 secs to go for grid4 :) However, I have reached the end of my tether technically, haven't got a clue how to push / pull / squeeze / handle the algorythms any other way ... couldn't go this fast for more than two laps either, in race in grid8 Sunday night I'll be back to 1:46s :)
...somehow we all do,everytime,stretching those PB times a little bit better than we think possible....

Yep - I kept trying and trying and managed to match my PB of a 43.1. Then I tried a little more - thinking about each sector and where I thought the time was and 42.9.

Hmmm... kept thinking harder and fixed the middle sector a little and 42.7. Fixing middle sector seemed to break sector 1. Went back and fixed sector one and 42.285 - my new PB - almost a second faster than I have ever been on this track.

But I probably will only be good enough for group 5 or 6.
do you guys think 1.40.7 is enough for group 1?
What is that BMW beast, who won in istambul, doing (lap time)?

Do not worry Daniel, i think with this time you are safely in group 1.
At Istanbul the 2 Team Redline BMW-s were at the top, with Greger Huttu sim-racing icon being the fastest, 2:01.2xx.

They are still yet to make the pre-qualy, you can expect them to see at the top again, breaking into 1:39... :)
It's sooooo close to set a 1.40 lap...WHY?!?!? :mad:
PB is 1.40.93 and I thought I could beat that but it doesn't seems to help driving lap after lap after lap. Oh no...improvements NONE.
I think I'll be at the verge of...hmmm..distinction maybe :) At least fall back to group 2 this time. 1.41.050 so far and just 1 tenth would race me up to 10th so far instead of 18th. Sure is...this will be a close one too :)
oh ye it is close like hell, until Greger buddy decides to set a time. :)

I was also on my current time after 15 laps or so, felt there is still around 0.2 improvement possibility in it, so kept on driving and driving, almost 100 laps at the end, tons of 1:40.5-6 again, but no improvement... well, thats it then. :)
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