2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Qual: 7th Finish: 5th

Managed to beat a bimmer from the line and got a good run down to T1,things started getting a bit busy ahead with one car getting put sideways in the middle of the chicane,i was fortunate to duck and swerve my way through it all without a touch and appeared the other side in 3rd,at the next chicane Marco Ho got a run on me and done a nice bold outbraking pass,i had to check up a bit so as not to turn in on him and just as we were both completing the first part of the chicane i took a knock in the back gently putting my round,a white beemer came storming in just after it had all recovered and put me off on the exit of chicane,wouldnt have minded so much if he wasnt all 4 wheels off the track banzai'ing the situation than maybe called for a bit of caution,anyhoo,from 3rd to 11th in one fail swoop :p,with that nice man on the radio muttering about suspension damage too,but i must admit i didnt feel it affect the car,really enjoyed my push to recover some places,good racing by all,happy to recover to 5th :).
Race 2 saw another decent start from me and fortunate clean run through T1,at the next chicane (scene of race woes)...Jorge took a chance at a late dive round my outside,i saw this begin late as i found a bit unexpected,but at some point my car will be at that apex m8,i kept to a slightly tighter to the right entry to give us both room to finish your move at the exit,but the resulting contact caused you problems,sorry about that,but the only way i could avoid that would be a button to make my car disappear,the chase on Jacco was fun,despite him suffering from some lag spikes tonight,we had a nice little tussle that continued a good few laps!,i began the chase down on Yves for the lead and after a bit of pressure he got it wide at Parabolica and the back of the bimmer let go on him,Jacco was on for the chase now and kept the pressure up,but a slight error at the Ascari exit dropped him back from me into the clutches of Marco,when they had some problems i was given a big relaxing gap to enjoy the final lap to win :becky:.
Well done all podiums tonight and all you hard battling gentlemen racers!.
Many Thanks RD for the time and place to race (even with the wonky server settings :p)
Qualy in P3 with a decent time of 1.59.7xx

Race1: Perfect start from 3rd up between Ben Tusting and Mtommi Tam i think it was,managed to get clearly infront of everyone heading for T1...one hell of a scary sight in the mirror,but a big surprise...no one hit me yiipiiii.....Ben was close on my tail for a few laps but lost a few tenth every now and then and also he had a fight for p2-p3 with marco ho so that gave me some time to find the rythm...final gap was 5.5 sec at the finish line GR :)

Race 2:
Not as good start as race 1 but it was ok but then in the left of the first chicane someone pushed me just a little but it was enough to make me loose position to 12th.
Started the chase and gained place after place outbraking ppl into T1,when i caught up with Ben in 7th position he decided to make me company through the field and he was damn close to overtake me at the last lap...ended 4th i think and total win
Want to say thx to the guy who's name i don't remember at lap 2 or 3 who just pulled a side and let me pass :)

And onto the bad stuff....again people can't seem to let the keyboard alone...there is a NO CHAT DURING QUALY AND RACE policy but some people don't seem to care.
Especially one guy kept posting sorry and at one time filled the screen during qualy.
Really hope the admins look into this as it is very annoying and makes me loose concentration.I know you can turn chat off but sometimes admins make statments in chat and i want to see those so i will keep it on.

Other from that...great race all and see you next round
I can not believe me can did pole position,is crazy for me

Race 1:
First corner big problem,and then second corner,crash Gary Lennon,oh,my god,so,i need wait him pass me,ok,he pass me,and then,I and A.Mourato fun more lap,last is me mistake,so,can not follow him,
Race 2 :
Start is good,I and Ben Tusting battle more lap,but,I don't know on 304 sec,is me wrong or right,If is me wrong,sor to Ben Tusting,

This race may be my last race,Hope can join macau track

See all friend :)
Quali: pole with PB 1:59.7

Race 1: got a bad start then almost wrecked Chris and Lu at the second chicane :sorry: dropped backed to last for my punishment :redface: thought things were improving when I found myself back up to 7th on the last lap but I managed to get a stop and go at the first chicane :frown: back to 11th :(

Race 2: thought I would try to get a better start but made an even worse one!! 13th on first lap wasn't what I'd planned but the next 5 or 6 laps were the best I've ever had round Monza and the racing was unbelievably close between 7 or 8 cars with some great slipstreaming, anyway I was lucky and managed to finish 2nd after some great battles, thanks for the races and grats to Wido and Dave :thumb:
Overall did not go well for me during the race, but nevertheless, it was the tight races I was expecting as we were quite a homogenous group, so lot of fun!

Qualy: Got 5th with 2:01.794 which was about what I was hoping for. Only made a better time during the PreQualy, but that was with less petrol :becky:

Race 1: Unusual got start for me, gained one position, turn 1 was really clean, not at all the massaker I was expecting! Lap 1 I wanted to be extra cautious, but obviously Pascal was a little bit suprise by my early braking in the last turn of lap 1, resulting in a little mess (I guess because Pascal wanted to wait for me reentering and he was hit by others) and me being pushed off track. Loosing the speed on the finish straight i fall back to 13 (from 4 before) in turn 1 and having a suspension problem. On the next chicane I did a mistake, hope it was my suspension :), trying not to disturbe others race put me down to 17. Had for some time Pascal in my neck until I made a mistake and then he had me in his neck, we were both gaining only because of mistakes of the other one, overtaking some other guys, till I made again a mistake (I really think, the first time that I felt my suspension problem :) ). Put me final on 14.

Race 2: My start wasn't that good, significant more pushing on the first chicane, including myself :(. Came out 13th of the first chicane. Loosing and gaining position because of mistakes, was fighting with some Blue Flags in changing positions, one attempt of myself for a pass which was not at all successful (with Michael). In the last round I did my only mistake in chicane 1 tonight (actually suprising), which took away any chance to catch up with Michael and Keith at that time. Finished 9th.

Great fun!! Thanks to all!
Well, these have been my most spectacular races in my sim racing career.

Never managed to get a fast lap in qualifying, waaaay slower than my pre-Q time, 11th position on the grid. Had a nice start and managed to stay in 11th position after the 1st chicane (btw, this must have been the cleanest start on Monza I have ever seen... compliments!!). But in the Parabolica I made a stupid mistake and ran off track... dropped down to 17th position - 2nd to last... But the pressure was gone now and I decided to go for a nice race. Managed to climb back into 10th position in the end. I had some excellent fights with teammates Michael and Eckhart and with Thomas Lee.

But it got even better in the 2nd race... I had a great start, I was behind 1st race winner Gregory and managed to follow him to the chicane (another very clean start as far as I could see), ending in p.7 after the 1st chicane. Unfortunately Sébastian spinned right in front of me in the 2nd chicane which dropped me back to 11th position again, right after my teammates Michael and Kris. Had a great battle with Kris going side by side through corners. Managed to climb all the way back to p.4. But then, battling Pascal going into Parabolica, I lost the car on the edge of the track and spinned... coming back on track and going a bit slow I think I surprised Thomas and someone else, sorry about that. This made me drop back to p.10... I could start all over again! But by some overtaking and misfortunes of others again I managed to fight my way back to p.6, 5.5 seconds after Pascal and with 2 more laps to go. I was 1.6 seconds ahead of p.7 and because I was loosing grip rapidly I decided to take it easier and stick on that p.6. But in the last lap Pascal spinned his car in the 1st chicane and he handed me the p.5 on a silver plate! Had to push a bit harder in the last lap to keep him behind but managed and finished in p.5. Very happy with that!

I had an absolute BLAST this evening, and in the end I had the feeling I had fights with everybody :lol: . Thanks all!
@Mikael H: You can't miss my blue cap with the text: Blue Flag Racing :)
Doesn't all team has caps with their teamnames? :cool:
I will also be some around the SimBin truck and the V-WTCC raceroom. My result there? Hmm...did better in this league :)
For me this was one of the worst weekends, and I have no one else to blame but me...

Qualify: reached 2.02.5 and ended up around 10-12th position.

1 race: I have a very good start and am able to pass one or 2 cars before entering the chicane. As I wanted to drive as safe as possible I got back inline for the chicane but got surprised by a Seat. A little bump sent me out to the grass where I was unable to stop the car and slided back on the track, luckily with not to much harm done except losing a whole lot of positions. When chasing the cars in front throughout the first lap I had a really good feeling I could gain some positions. I wasn't to eager, affraid of losing the car again. I enetered the 2nd chicane with a safe distance to Bortolli I believe, but I hit the curbs and got stuck in the grid. A little voice said suspension, so I tried to continue. Unfortunately it felt like I had a puncture on all 4 tyres so when I hit the grid again I got stuck - end of race 1 after 1 lap :(

Race 2: Started 18th (last). For the first moment, see race 1... I was screaming " Oh not again!!!" Exactly the same stupid misstake made by me: A very good start, but then I hit the grass. Sliding towards a crowded chicane while having no car control is very scary... This time I managed to keep my car in one piece during the next rounds and again I had a good feeling & was eager to correct the race1 results. Perhaps a bit to eager as I noticed I was gaining on every car in front, but when I got near I screwed up causing me to lose precious positions. This happened a few times, and especially in the one to last lap losing the car in Parabolica was depressing.
Nicest move: Dolf Bouw catching me in the last lap in Parabolica.

Feeling very sad now cause I screwed my 2 races while I was so looking forward to this event :(
[Pics] WTCC Rounds 9 @ Monza Group 4

And for the last time a few pics of my race event. Not only me this time :)

Race 1 Entering T1:

Blue Flag Racing in action:

After the second chicane in lap 2 my car drove like this:
End of race

Some random close action racing in group 4:
(No celebrities found this time)
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