2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Good racing guys! Quali was pritty good - P4. Start in race 1 was terrible - I just awoke 1-2 seconds after green :D
For the first corner i was 13th. Then, I tryied to avoid any colision (sucesfully) and pushed very hard. Good, fair racing with top 5 and 2nd position on the finish line.
Race 2 was very clean on first two chicanes.
Then again good battle and 3rd position on the finish line.
I enjoyed very much this event tonight, so much fun during the whole race and long battle between few of us. I need to say that I was surprised - so clean and fair racing did not exected (in compare to my last race in Brands Hatch).
Cya next time guys and thx again.
  • Gabor Feher

Stirb, You are the hungarians target ! :D
At Ascari you brake soooooo long, at Parabolica my car was ahead then yours, you are really agressive .. and read, that a faster car behind you defense reguralry, when i want to overtake you, do not move leftrightleftrightleftright on the road . thankyou !
I don't want to hear about this Championship and RD for a long time from now on.

Stirb, you know our rules regarding these types of posts immediately after an event. You know about the cooling down period.
I suggest you rethink your reaction.
You of all people, I expected better.

Same goes for you Gabor, if anyone has a problem, use the correct incident reporting procedure.
This is a race that I will try to forget...

I had a busy work week so no time for practicing, as the qualification started I quickly realized that I was hopelessly off pace. I held on to the 14th (if I remember it correctly) spot with claws an teeth.

Race 1
A lousy start off the line, but managed to gain a few positions on the straight down to T1. I was just about to turn in for the chicane when I was hit from behind and went straight for the barriers. Punctured tire and a broke suspension :Cry: Limped back to the pits for repairs, but somehow I was sent back on the track with the punctured tire still on the car, had to drive slowly another lap to enter the pits once more... stupid mechanics! :censored:

For the rest of the race I was about two laps down on the pack, I think I came in on a 15th place :fruitsex:

Race 2
This time I came cleanly through T1 after gaining a few positions before it. tried to keep up with Jamie who were right in front of me but at the same time I had to keep Tony Gonzalez behind me - which were not an easy task. Tony was quick as a bat :thumb:

Eventually after about half of the race I lost control of my car and ran into the barriers once more :wacko: Came back out of the garage and rejoined in 15th position which I managed to hold all the way to the finish :pound:

Well, all in all a race weekend to forget... Time to regroup for the season finale at Macau.
Kind regards,
Bad night for me, I was not able to find a good rhythm.

1st round: I have broken a suspension in the 1st corner. The first lap was a little bit ugly because it was hard to find a way though some accidents.:bump2: aI finish the 1st round in 14thswith a good chase with Lasse Oinas :)

2nd round: Very unlucky :doh:, i've been pushed in the grass in the 1st corner and my engine stalled. I have lost 30 secondes. :ballchain: But I'm a little bit fortunate, because Simon Trendell stopped in the pit and because somebody else had an accident, I was able to raise in 19th.
Great race great fights. First race could have been 5th, but in the last corner lost it and went into the sand.. stupid. Think I finished 7/8.

Race two, started from pole, could hold that for two laps. Had some great moments, a great fight with Jerome :)

Love this track.

On to Macua.
  • Erik Åhlen

Qually: Fifth...

Race 1: Was pretty good. Held sixth for most of the race, but got promoted to fifth as one of the cars in front got a s&g

Race 2: Got away good from the line... unfortunately my chances for a good position was ruined in the first corner in a chain-reaction as someone hit Rami who hit me and made me lose all my speed. Managed to get sixth in the end.

And you're the fairest driver on the track? How about race one at della Roggia where you pushed me off? Did I even get a sorry? No...
Not good evening:both race I damage my car....doh

Quali: 6 only 1:59,033 got bad luck every time cutting my fault,lol
Race: 1 good start but then chickan somebody (too drivers)did really late brakeing and spins front of me, i got now where to go and i hit that beemer and damage my suspension i think i was 15 place but i finnish 9 place so not really bad result...

Race: 2 ok start first corner meiby 5-6 place but then my car got little push and again gravel tour...thx chris you let me go so easily....hey dont remember race 2 enymore?lol hasty look replay,i finish 7 place

Grats to haba race 1 winner again ;) RPM go go Grats Henrik race2 winner!!!
  • Wido Rossen

Well , i have something with Monza.
I always said it and it`s true.

Quali whas not to good and got stuck in 9th place with some good competition in front of me.

Race 1

I gotta say ( from my point of vieuw ) nice clean entrance in T1.
Got a good start and whas in p6 or p7 when whe got out of the first chicane.
Some good close driving going on and got hit by Chan in the right rear.
I could keep the car on the track and lost 1 place.
At some point two cars where batteling it out and touched, both of them went to the outside of the track and came back just when i whas overtaking them true the middle.:evil:
Then there whas some serious racing between 4 cars till the last lap where i got Chris Noble on my rear in his very fast Honda.
There whas Seat involved as whell and both he and Chris give good competition.
Then there whas some sliding and i got thrue to take them both.
Finaly i found myself driving in 3th spot.
On the last lap i drove to far over the green in the last chicane and got a stop and go.
That stop and go give me an 8th place.
But hey, i`m not complaining :p.

2th race

Due to my 8th place in race 1 i got pole in the 2th.
Again a good start but whas overtaken by 2 cars and hat to follow up on them.
Nigel whas very fast and could not keep him long behind me.
G Rossario got first place and drove a strong race.
Not to many mistakes where made and so 3 or 4 drove away form the rest.
Then Nigel made a mistake and lost it while Rossario hat trouble taking the 2th chicane and i got closer to him.
Chris found himself in the gravel after the the long back straight and whas gone.
Then with some 6 laps ahead i saw Rossario go of and handed me the lead.
Drove a constant race and could keep the gap on the runner up on some 3 to 4 seconds.
The last lap i whas slower to avoid another stop and go.
David Lemon whas at that point 3 sec behind me.

My very first victory this year ( and my last i gues :wink: )It whas a very nice evening guys and thnx for some good racing.:thumb:
  • Michel Martens

Thx for the races guys !

This was my first race in the RDWTCC league. From my point of view it was fair racing although there were some unfortunate situations.

I was 8th in the pre qual session and i finished 9th in the actual qual, which was a okay result. I was a bit from my PB, but others had also problems to keep up with their times from the pre qual.

In the first race i was able to keep out of situations the few first laps. The suddenly in the second chicane things happens. 3 - 4 cars in front of me spins. I'm 7th after the incident, which also was my final position of this race. Marcin got at Stop'n go on the last lap which got me into 6th position instead.

2 race is from 3rd starting position. I'm 2nd after the chicane after degreave. There a lot of action behind, which gives me a good gap. Suddenly I can see horvath in the mirror. I was only able to keep him behind my for lap. Makes a mistake that costs me 2 postions. I'm in 4th position with almost 6 seconds to Marcin. Finished 4th in this race.

Congratulations to the winners
  • Chris Noble

Pre quali and quali looked good to start on pole, but some very quick last minute times knocked me down to 5th :(

Race 1:
Got a good start and then into the 2nd chicane, alan chan cut across the inside of the chicane to avoid hitting cars, but didnt slow down and so I got a big wack on the side dropping me several posions.

Mnaged to get goign again and eventually caught Wido and had a good battle with him. but got a bit larey out of ascari and lost a bit of ground, next lap chan and wido having a battle and chan ends up wide into the gravel letting me past and right on the bumper of wido, I then managed to outbrake him on the inside into the parabolica and take 3rd place finish!

Race 2:
Got a good start and made up some places, got wido the same way again! very suprised as thought he would see it coming from race 1! Then right on Nigels tail giving him a few love taps and they were going slower than me.
Ended up with some half moves and then though right need to do a decisive move and unfortunately nigel was dead late on the brakes and I ran out of road and locked wheels at the parabolica into the gravel dropping me from 3rd to 15th :(

Then had a lonely race at the back :(

PS: Grats Wido on your 1st win!
  • Wido Rossen

And you're the fairest driver on the track? How about race one at della Roggia where you pushed me off? Did I even get a sorry? No...

Guy`s , lets behave like adults and take the time to reflect first.
If there`s an incident report it true the propper channel.
Get some sleep or a beer and revieuw it when youre cooled dowm.
  • Stirb Iuliu

Erik, I don't remember that, and every time, I've caused a mistake, I've waited. Ask for example, Andreas Loffler on Brno.

More than that, after 9 events in this championship I only had one single warning. And that was self reported. Yes, I've reported myself.

Gabor, I suggest you watch the replay. Your car was behind me when I've braked in Variante and you've catapulted 20 m. in the grass. Your speed was obviously too high, and if my car wasn't there to stop you, you would've landed far away.

Second of all, I'm allowed to defend myself, this doesn't mean you have to smash into me when you get tired.
Quaified 14th if I remember well.

1st race was terrible. I chose to drive careful to 1st corner, and to brake early. Maybe too early, cause in the mirror someone bumped my back, and I spun out wildly. Recovered last position, and then tried to find the pace. But the car had suffered bad. Then I had Raymond Tsang in front of me, and boy he was lagging like hell. Dude, check your connection or whatever. I couldn't stay close to him, cause his car was blinking everywhere. At one time on the straight at S/F, he actually hit me in the back while us 2 going full speed in a straight line :nono:. Almost went terribly wrong, but good thing I had a FWD, so could control the car. Ended up 17th.

2nd race was a bit better, and made it safely pass T1. Slowly picked up some pace, but it wasn't consistantly. Managed to overtake a few, and in the end due to others mistakes, I made it to 8th

Congratulations to Mikael Hellen, and Gary for their wins :thumb:
I was 8th in the quali, can't figure out how that happened :)
Well, the race was what one could expect. Bumping all the way down, even got a S&G which wasn't my fault at all.
But what the heck..I'm going to Mantorp Park tomorrow again and watch STCC. I will have fun anyway :) And even maybe a ride with Henrik Roos, SimBin CEO :)
  • Jacek Kozlowski

I have mixed feelings about this round.
Quali ended on p12 i think.

Race1-realy bad for me.Even before T1 i was hit from behind ,lost few spots and had suspencion problem.Then i was stuck for long time behind someone whos car was giving lots of smoke-couldnt see anything.
Beacouse of 2or 3 cuts i had to do stop&go and went from p12 to 19-that stayed till the end.

Race2-little better,start on p19.During few laps manage to overtake some cars due to others mistakes.Manage to finish on p11 or 12-dont remeber:D
One conclusion people should be more carfull,specialy during first lap.
Thanks evryone for both races.Gratulations for the winners and podium holders:thumb:.
In quali as I expected last position as the participation in G2 was a big success.

Race1 please I want to forget it as fast as possible. I finished my race on the 1st lap. It was only my fault. I made a mistake and hit the wall with a huge speed. I could not have been able to continue the race.

Race2 much better for me. On the beginning I had the same problem with Raymond Tsang as Danny had. Very happy when I moved him, uff. Generally thanks to other mistakes and my asecurate drive I finished P14 and it is a big success for me.

In Race1 I cannot understand unresponsible behaviour of two guys. Everyone will know who when checked the replay. How you can go so close before T1 knowing that there will be braking? You run domino not nice for few people.

Thank you for racing :)
grid4 is where it's at!!!

two great races in grid4, from what I could see very clean and fair.

Quali: never put together a good lap, 2:03:8 put me in 15th of 18 :(

Race1: Had the best start of the whole season and came out 9th after the first chicane! 6th one lap further on!!! Trying to follow the fast guys I made two small mistakes in lap4 which put me in 14th. Had a "laugh out loud" moment as I came upon team mate Theo parking his Honda on the curbs in the second chicane and had to edge round him as in downtown traffic. Finished 12th, quite happy.

Race2: Another good start put me in - guess what - 9th after the first chicane. After an unforced error - grrrrrrrrr - in lap2 I was down to last, great fights in the back with Steven and others, at one point I bumped a little into Seb Bortoli who was very slow on the exit of the last chicane, sorry there, concentrated on taking my speed on the long straight to nab him just before Parabolica. Finished 14th.
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