2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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I am seriously boned, only put in 2.13 in the first laps and really can't feel myself getting too much more. I might see alot of you FWD drivers in the non-qualifiers race

For me it was even worse, my first laps here was 2:16s and it took me some time to get down to 2:12 and I am in a bmw lol...

Now my connection is down again so no chance to put in a better lap...
That was my first thought, too.
But after 5 laps I nearly reached my V-WTCC time, though ;)

This one is for you NIKI :)
My RD WTCC Qualy lap so far - some small mistakes...


  • Brno 07_080609_2156_Qualify HOTLAP.rar
    268.4 KB · Views: 160
Phew after 2.5 hours of sweating (quite hot in Britain today!) managed a 2.11.6. I doubt that will be enough for group 4 but I just can't improve anymore tonight. I think there probably 0.1sec left in me but not tonight...
Unfortunately I won't be able to have another go until the race so fingers crossed.
  • Charles@

? what is wrong in it, can you please explain more detialed?
Also, that Briefing was for the previous round, new one is going to be pulbished soon for Brno with the incident investigation results from Zandvoort.
Hey,I was mistaken for the Briefing:sign0013: I wait to wait on the investigation result.Thanks Att:)
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