2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Quali: P7, kept going 0.4 up in sector 1 but couldn't complete the lap.

Race 1: Made a brilliant start, didn't capitalize because I'd rather not go off. Had a good fight with Andreas Hultgren, not a single tap between us. Finished in 4th.

Race 2: Screwed the start, changed into 2nd too early. Fell back from 5th to 7th.
Racing in a line of 5/6 cars. My apologies to Michael K Christensen for braking earlier than anyone expected into t1 causing you to go into the back of me.
In the last laps, me, Michael K Christensen & luc had a bit of a scrap, ending up in us all being back in our original positions. Finished 5th.

A good points haul, that's all that matters.
  • Jerome Benard

A very nice race for me, i make many error like many drivers in this group, but i have a good time.

Qualy: normal 16/22

Race 1: Many error and i came back 10/22 :disco: (others errors:brancard:)

Race 2: i make a good start when i spin in first lap when i was 8°, sorry all for the disturb.:spammer:. I came back behind Robert and we came back to 11°/12°. He pass Terry and i decide to stick him to pass too. Terry was a little out the race line, but i dont see him (i'm in cockpit wiew) and i think he dont see me and we crasch.

I'm very sorry Terry for that, i think its my error.:yellowcard:

Thanks all and i hope to see you at Brno:thumb:
  • Jacek Kozlowski


Quali. ended on place 12.not bad

RACE1-for long time i had pretty good speed.manage to climb up for place nr.7.when it was 3or4 laps to go i did a fatal mistake wich cost me 6 places.in this race had really many clean fights with many drivers(dont remember who that was).finished place 12.

RACE2-started alsow very good went from 12 to 8 ,i think.got stuck betwen R.Priha (back) and T.Harmer (front) on T1 i did braked to late and hit T.Harmer back, he went into dirt,really sorry for that(i waited for You but i know we both lost few places).Get back in the race and again keep up good speed ,manage to climb few places(place 8 i think,again).this time i had really great fight with A.Mourato it was great for about 5laps we wear racing close to each other,onece i was in front another time he was better.but in the end about lap11 i overtook his car and had to brake before turning,sadly he didnt mange to brake when he should and hit back side of my car.that happens in racing but it was sad for me.Ended on place 13.

In those two races it was my best driving so far in RD.Really had the best time racing with You guyes.Grats for winners.once more sorry for T.Harmer.
Jacek Kozlowski
Brief report from me


P4. No further comment at this time.

Race 1

Got a good start but my momentum was quickly lost behind Zbigniew; found myself in a tight pack until I stupidly, stupidly outbraked myself coming into the Audi S, not used to both cold brakes and the fuel load - Scooted across the gravel to the exit and rejoined as safely as I could in P14 or so. Fought back to P7, with some great battles on the way. With my setup and my driving style, my tyres coped wonderfully, and late in the race I was able to take big advantage of that.

Special mention for Vincent Kan who defended admirably.

Race 2

Starting in P2, I bogged down a bit off of the line and ended up in P3 behind Paul, who then disconnected a few meters in front of me the following lap. So; P2, about a second behind Xosé in front, knowing that later in the race I would have the tyres to give him a good run for his money; confident with my setup, much better than I had at both Istanbul and Valencia, generally feeling good about the situation...

... then I ran wide coming into T3. I tried to rejoin thinking I'd lose one or two places, but the car snapped on me as I made it to the tarmac and I slammed into the wall at the hairpin, losing the splitter and puncturing my front left tyre. I had to suffer the indignity of sitting there waiting for the whole field, still tightly bunched up, going through and then limping to the pits. Ended up circulating a lap down, P18/18.

Feeling like absolute ****. Best chance yet and I threw it away.
This was amazing race!!First no freese problem thank Gad:)second i did not have muche time to practise but look result:):):)
Quali 4 WHAT 4 newer ever think i can do that! silly me time 1:47,657;)

Race 1 Start was good i hould my place no chance to overtake Duhan or Samuel.......Huttu,lol so i finish 4, fastest race lap 1:48,5.....:)

Race 2 so all fast beemers on my ass now....very sceary:)
i got hard fight whit robert crone I was able to pass him but i meid mistakes so i lost that place again ,but i was little faster or my setup(thx ATTI) was better and i take that place back (4) then i see that haba lost beemer and i took 3 place.....Grats to Alien Huttu again 2 winns....hyvä suomi:)lol All RPM guys good result....
  • Rodolphe Morin

Good race for me. I really had fun. I qualify 4th . Good departure nevertheless and I arrive has to remain the 2nd all race. Although I do not return too much in the tires, those are announced worn in the last turn but the car remained stable nevertheless. for the 2nd race, bad departure and finds me quickly 9th. . Progressively, some pilots make errors, which enables me to finish 3rd.
qualy was as expected in the back of the field...16th or 17th..
Race one a bad start and at the end of the race the tires were sitting on the main stand laughing at me when i was slipping around the track,made a stupid mistake in the chicane and spun to the right instead of turning left....got back in 20th position holding that to the finish.

2nd Race as always when starting in the back pack i usually try to take care in T1,i did the same this time but when starting to brake on the inside to avoid the mayhem i get hit in the back.I know Stirb didnt do this on purpose but....Bmw starting in the back you know you get higher speed and alot of traffic....take care please...the hit threw my car instantly towards the wall and i was skidding across the track in T1 with locked wheels and out of control."Luckely" the only one i hit was the beemer pushing me,sorry for the rest affected by this...restarted in 24th and caught up with the big line of cars and made it to 11th and happy for that :)
  • Lu Chan

Quali: P7, kept going 0.4 up in sector 1 but couldn't complete the lap.

Race 1: Made a brilliant start, didn't capitalize because I'd rather not go off. Had a good fight with Andreas Hultgren, not a single tap between us. Finished in 4th.

Race 2: Screwed the start, changed into 2nd too early. Fell back from 5th to 7th.
Racing in a line of 5/6 cars. My apologies to Michael K Christensen for braking earlier than anyone expected into t1 causing you to go into the back of me.
In the last laps, me, Michael K Christensen & luc had a bit of a scrap, ending up in us all being back in our original positions. Finished 5th.

A good points haul, that's all that matters.
Simon & Michael good drive and fair play.:thumb::thumb::thumb:
nice to meet you!
see you again:D
Very nice weekend for me, much better then Valencia last time :)

Qualy: 5th with 1:47.7, but if i am slower with 0.1 sec then i think i would have been 11th or so.... very close field was there!

Race 1: bad bad bad start, stall the engine, dropped back few positions. For the much of the race i was in fight with Robert, very close and fair racing, sometimes small bumps i got but nothing serious. :) Finished 6th. The overtake on Robert towards the end of the race i liked a lot, i was more then on the edge for that chicane with my car :)

Race 2: if it is possible i got even a worse start then in Race 1, stall the engine again... i have to work on it... lol (or just to be more awake...?) First few laps was running on 3rd behind Cristian and Henrik, and with Robert and the rest of the wolfpack behind me :) Then a very sad thing happened, i saw Henrik lost connection... too bad m8, i feel sorry for you... this also resulted me in a loss of momentum, which allowed Robert to overtake me for one corner, as he run wide on the next exit. Then came Greger... he was paitently waiting behind me full half lap, as we enter the start finish straight, i went for the inside line, silly me thought i can held him off like that in T1... loooool well, it almost worked out, but at the middle of the corner i got a bit sideways which slowed me down enough so he could get me around clearly from the outside.
I was then running on 3rd until the last lap, again very close fight with Robert and Rami behind me (once i thought omg it is the end of the race, i got soo much sideways from a little push from behind i thought i will be a painting on the barriers... but somehow i collected the car together lol)
On 12th lap i think poor Cristian made 2 mistakes in a row within half lap which allowed me for 2nd where i finished.

Overall 2nd, could not have wished too much better result for the weekend, so i am satisfied :)

Congrats for the fair racing for everybody.

Next track Brno, hoping to be in Group 1 among the BMW-s there....
Had a nice evening but it could have ended even better :)

Quallied in 8th with a time of 1.48.9xx

Race 1: Had an ok start. Lost a bit in it but had the inside going into turn 1 so I didn't lose much. Then there is a big blank where I am not sure what went on :D Then I managed to pass Simon Trendell as he made a mistake. After that he was litterary stuck to my rear fender for quite many laps till I made a mistake and he got passt. Then I was stuck to him... Lost a bit at the end due my tyers getting really bad. I was dripping of swaet aswell (hot in Sweden at the moment) and I got a little cramp in my left arm (lol). Went off in Scheivlak on the penultimate lap and lost a place but could get it back. Think I ended in 5th :) Again a very nice and clean fight Simon :thumb:

Race 2 then. Bad start again but think I could get into 4th at the end of lap 1. Then Jaime Wilson (I think it was) spun and Bourdais (sorry, not sure what your name was but it reminded me of him ;)) got disconnected so I was in 2nd chasing down my teammate Xosé. Then when I was right behind him I made a mistake in the chicane, braking to late and losing 2 positions. Then I had cars all around me and then my cramp came back :D Lost the concentration and whent off once again in Scheivlak (damn corner!) and lost down to 7th. I almost overtook Luc (forgot his lastname) at the finish line but only almmost :)

Clean and fair races from my point of view and I am really satisfied with my result :) Grats to the winners and the guys on the podium!
i think is p 9 start,
Race 1:
i start have problem,first time use clutch start,very bad,lap 2,Niklas Hjelm follow my car,first,i mistake,and then,Niklas touch me,but,no problem,sometime in the race must will Accident,Nevermind,next time carefully pass is ok,:)
lap 8,i catch P9 Sandor Bazso,Good fun,thx for Good play more lap,:thumb:
Race 1 finish is pos 7,but i slow,not good...:character0053:

Race 2:
is clutch problem,i mistake it,next time,i don't use it,is trouble,
and lap 3, Sorry:sign0013:,crash your behind,i don't want pass,is not good,so,wait for you go,
Race 2 finish is pos 6
Thx,All friend

Wait for Brno Good Fun,See all on brno
Bit of a disappointment for me. Last few days my (main) computer is having all kind of problems (no screen after boot, BSOD during Windows and Race07). Half an hour before practice I had a BSOD, and after that no Windows. Aargh.. clock was ticking and 20 mins before quali I gave up and switched on my older comp, downloaded the RD carskins, made a new profile in Race07, installed and configured my G25 (although I forgot to set my Windows config for it, help Ramon! I can't remember the settings).

To sum it up :))) I couldn't get a good qualify lap, because the steeringwheel felt totally different than on my other PC.
Was 19th on grid, and had a bad start and also got a little nudge which put me at 21 or 22 in the field after 1st lap ended. Only through others errors and a couple of nice overtakings at, I fought myself to a 10th place. Was fun chasing Wietse and Jacco :)

2nd race also got a bad start and was 12th at the first few laps. Again due to others mistakes I won a few places. Had a nice and tight battle with Gary Lennon. Loved it, and also won a position when Sandor Bazso spun of on the grind. Bad luck there mate. 7th position in the end.

Not disappointed with the racepace and results but with my computer :-(

Thanks all for the fun
What could have been...

Well as always after prequally ends I hardly ever practice before the race, thats due to time restraints and real life things that come up. This time was no different and I had just made it home 30mins after the official practice started.

Qually: I obviously lacked in pace and was no where near a perfect or close to perfect lap, I was struggling to learn the track with the conditions which always seem different than offline. It makes for a big wake up call, which is not needed but w/e. Ended up 6th.

Race 1: Made up one place on Atti I think then I was about to over take Rami on the outside but he blocked. I must say that the block was quite late and MAYBE due to the lag he was not aware my car's nose was already by his rear door and he completely shut the door on me which sent me into the wall, I've seen freak accidents happen like this and I'm happy I averted it. The race was quite uneventful after that, I was just getting used to the new race setup I had made just minutes before and it was a struggle to keep pace doing that. But I brought the car home 5th after Rami. All in all a good race again it was very uneventful after the second or third lap.

:-( Race 2: I'm not sure but I might have been fourth or third on the grid, I just remember that my screen was full of Chevys so I liked my chances. I started with a bit too much rpm and that compromised my start a bit, but to my surprise it looked like the Chevy's had mucked the start a bit too so I was up to 2nd place by the end of the straight with Henrik. I out braked him into turn 1 and kept the pace although there was some nice pressure from him in the first two laps or so. Then sadly he dropped out, sorry mate. Then I kept a gap of about 3 secs until it started to drop at a rate of .5 per lap, at that point I knew what was coming and had no need to look back. In 2 or 3 laps he was right behind me, I believe I slowed him down or as I like to call it kept him behind me for about 4 to 5 laps. To me it felt like an eternity and at some points it looked like I could manage to keep him behind for more. It seem like I always got a good jump on Greger at the last corner and that made at it hard for him to out brake me into turn 1 but eventually I made a mistake just there and decided that defending would just prolong the inevitable and so greger passed me into t1, textbook move and very well executed. He then pulled away at first slowly and then took off.

On the second last lap I got an unlucky bounce prolly due to tire wear, made me drift a bit wide (I had gotten worn tire message but i discarded it like the noob i am) and at vodafonebocht my race pretty much ended. After wards very upset I was behind Peter on the last lap and it seemed like I had made almos a second up in the braking for turn one and i panicked and hit the inside curb that made me spin into the gravel. I was literally with my finger on the esc button thats how disappointed and distraught I was feeling but continued to p17.

Over all I have to be proud of the way I raced especially in the first race where it could have been much worse all the way from the start. Getting to know the car and setup in such a short time is always a daunting task but I'm glad it ended pretty much as good as it could have. The second race after realizing what happened the first turn and calming down I was able to get close to my pb of 48.2 race pace with a 48.6 which showed that I had decent pace. Im gutted that I beached the car and I was just saying that to myself a few corners back "Dont $%^# up, dont $^%& up 2nd is great just bring it home", it was literally a surprise and I was just a passenger when it happened. However disappointing that may be, I'd like to think Gerger didn't have the easiest of tasks to pass me, although I would have never made it come to clashing since thats just not the way I race. But it was nice to have him behind me for the amount of laps that I was able to keep him there. I must say it is incredible how you can race so close to me while not putting a wheel wrong pretty much, grats to your sweep again mate I'll do my best to have a go at you one of these races.

Great showing by all, I hope for more consistency from me in future races.
But it makes me seriously questioning WHY the qualification is closed? Since we're racing on computers and using somewhat unstable games, crashes can and do happen to all sometime. But closed sessions eliminates the chance of getting back into the server. And it just is not fair, I think.

But to you, Maurice and Danny, my appreciation for showing concern and empathy. When noone else seems to give a damn. Thanks guys.

Right now I don't see why I even bother trying to make progress in my racing when all it takes to completely ruin it is a bleeding minidump and a CLOSED QUALI session...
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