Which Racing Title Got You Into Sim Racing?

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There's no standard path into sim racing, and we want to hear about your entry point into our niche hobby.

Ask around your favourite sim communities, and you will hear a variety of stories on how people got into the hobby of sim racing.

Depending on your age, you might cite titles like Gran Turismo 1, Grand Prix Legends, GTR2 or Grand Prix 4 as entry points into the sim world. Or perhaps newer titles like Gran Turismo Sport, iRacing or Assetto Corsa.

Each of the aforementioned sims likely offered something different than most of us had tried in a racing title before. Each demanded more of us as players than their contemporary racing games, eschewing the format of simply using a more powerful car to win a race in favour of a requirement for intelligent driving and an understanding of the mechanics and physics of the car.

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Many of us were simultaneously humbled and fascinated by the experience in these titles. The humility of knowing that you need to improve as a driver in order to win races is coupled with the fascinating and often addictive nature of knowing that those improvements will be answered with rewards on the virtual track. The onus often shifts from the capabilities of the car to the skillset and knowledge of the driver.

Or perhaps it was the appeal of being immersed into a motorsport series rather than chucking a series of supercars around fantasy circuits. The challenge of trying to match the accomplishments our real world racing heroes is also a common reason to dive into sim racing.

So, what game title brought you into the world of sim racing? What was the first racing sim you played, or the one that sparked a new passion for you? Let us know in the comments.
About author
Mike Smith
I have been obsessed with sim racing and racing games since the 1980's. My first taste of live auto racing was in 1988, and I couldn't get enough ever since. Lead writer for RaceDepartment, and owner of SimRacing604 and its YouTube channel. Favourite sims include Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Automobilista 2, DiRT Rally 2 - On Twitter as @simracing604


Falcon 3.0 on my 386sx 25mhz showed me the world of simulation. Together with Grandprix from Microprose raced with the joystick i used for Falcon 3.0
Hard to just say the one sim at the end, as it all felt like a long process that lead to this point, as I don't come from a house or even a country that's big on racing.

The original Super Mario Kart first got me into the joy of racing anything, let alone at breakneck speeds when you get to the advanced levels...

While Sega Rally Championship on the Saturn taught me the value of pinpoint accuracy when attacking every corner...oh yea, and drifting is cool...

The original Gran Turismo made me become interested in real cars, the vast majority of which I'd never seen in real life. Plus the simulation/tuning book that came with it is still one of the best instructional manuals/reading materials ever bundled with any game. Teenage me wanted a Mitsubishi 3000GT so much after that (come to think, adult me wouldn't mind either :roflmao:)

F1 World Grand Prix for the N64 and Dreamcast (played the former, owned the latter) introduced me to the world of Formula 1...something I'd never get the chance to watch (the real F1) until much later on...But names like Hakkinen and Schumacher stuck with me...

After a long gaming break for college days, eventually got a PS3 and Gran Turismo 5 and 6 eventually motivated me to buy my first wheel, the venerable G27. Surprisingly, my then gf bought it for me for Christmas (and yes I married that one lol). Completely changed racing for me, was nearly impossible to go back to a gamepad after that (except for Mario Kart-type stuff):

After getting a decent enough PC, I started looking into racing games and came across the original Project Cars which had just realised recently. It was the first sim (sim-cade?) I bought and though it was a bit trickier to get up to speed with, it was fun for a little while...but it never quite hooked me in...

Until I discovered RaceDepartment and I was looking to find something that did Formula 1 cars as accurately as possible. Enter the original Automobilista Motorsports Simulator (or AMS 1 these days). I'm a big Senna fan, so I fired up the Formula Classic at Jacarepagua and it was love at first drive (followed by several smacks into walls :roflmao: )...Never had I driven one car so relentlessly, countless hours hotlapping a track trying to squeeze every tenth out of it...I got bit by the bug.
2021-08-30 00_46_19-Formula Classic at Jacarepagua - Automobilista - YouTube.jpg

Assetto Corsa, iRacing, Raceroom and RF2 soon followed, but AMS is the sim that ultimately hooked me into what'll probably be a lifelong hobby :thumbsup:
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Assetto Corsa. I was a late bloomer, in my early thirties.

To be honest before that I was clueless about the whole genre. I didn't even know wheels have FFB lol. I thought you just turn them with static resistance / spring, and it didn't seem that exciting.

Trying AC with G27 was a revelation
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Having a hard time remembering, but I'm 95% sure it was this......... on the SNES

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The first new PC we ever bought came with a set of CD Rom's to try out, and one of them was Mobil 1 Rally Championship. I loved the Port Soderick stage, particularly the reversed version in the Arcade levels. I still play it occasionally now but have never got a wheel to work with it unfortunately!
As a youngling on this site, I can proudly state that Assetto Corsa was the title that got me into this hobby.
First video game I owned was Mario Kart 64...

Next big step was probably that I got gifted a wheel (Sidewinder non-FFB, with a chewed through USB cord lol) right when Need For Speed Underground hit off big. Which got me both into "realistic" racing and DIY hardware stuff.

From there it wasn't a big leap to one day trying out the Live For Speed demo.. which got me hooked on that sim for close to 7 years, made me build an H-Shifter and customise pedals...

...till the demo of another sim from some unknown studio let us loose racing a Lotus Elise at Magione...
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Grand Prix Circuit by accolade. Only had the Williams, Ferrari and McLaren teams but wow what a game.
I remember playing Racing Day R, F1 and Nascar games but simracing started with GTR2.
David Kaemmer's "Indianapolis 500 The Simulation" from 1989. Got it on a lark at the Egghead store. I didn't know I had any interest in auto racing until I played that game.
Grand prix 2 and indycar racing are the 2 games that really got me into sim racing, with a wheel. Laguna seca and long beach became my favorite tracks and they still are among my favorite ones today.

I lost interest in gaming during a few years but on day, F1 challenge came, making me back ln tr1ck with all the incredible mods but I wasnt competent enough (i understood later that my ffb settings were wrong and I couldnt feel the car in a right way). Then GTR came and after, GTR2. These titles make me passionate about simracing. GTR2 was, and still is, THE racing sim. One of the few titles in which I used to launch full length endutance races. The immersion was amazing.
First to say, i don`t count the normal racing games into simracing. Because i started early in the 80s with all kind of racing games over Atari, C64 to the Amiga.

On the Amiga my entry into simracing was 1991 Geoff Crammonds MicroProse Grand Prix
I have even had an cheap plastic wheel without ff of course but with pedals.

Years later Geoff Crammonds MicroProse Grand Prix 4 on PC was my reentry in simracing and forced me to buy a wheel again.

BTW: I really really would like to see a "hot seat mode" in modern sims, like the games above had.
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Is not simracing, but my first game with cockpit view was Grand Prix Circuit (Accolade-1988) in CGA mode... mi first PC was really slow (8086):

That game made me interested in car titles.

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F1 Challenge 99-02 with GT mods. This game makes me to buy my first wheel, Momo Racing Black. So many beautiful memories :inlove:
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Absolute first was Speed Race which i used to go play down at the corner store. Great game in it's day.

Actual first online racing was with EA Sports V8 Challenge that had me done hook, line and sinker.

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My first PC racing game. I used to play it on AT PC with b/w monitor.
It must be really hard to code the shifting animations back in the 80's

But the title that got me to buy a DFGT is Race 07.
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First real sim I bought was gtr2 but never played it that much. I really got drawn into it with race 07. That was also the game I entered the online racing realm with.

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Mike Smith
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