I have to take issue with you stating your opinions as if they were fact, and with the information that forms the basis of those opinions. Is it possible that the headset you were using wasn't set up properly for your IPD, or had condensation on the lenses? I 'only' use an Oculus Rift at roughly 1080p but the image is anything but blurry. I can glance sideways at a car alongside me and see the LEDs on its dashboard. That simply wouldn't be possible with your description.
Your screen is undoubtedly a nice screen, probably the nicest one I've ever seen, but your claim above is easily disputed. Does your screen really satisfy the parameters below?
Current VR headsets have limited FoV likened to wearing a scuba mask (or a full-face racing helmet, to make us VR users feel better), but have the significant advantage of full spherical freedom to look wherever the wearer points his head. Static 2D displays simply cannot offer that. With current VR headsets the horizontal binocular FoV is not much lower than our actual binocular view, due to the way our noses block the image from one eye and limit the range of our stereoscopic vision, but at least with VR we can turn our heads wherever we want and the view moves accordingly.
Again - your opinion, not fact.
I'm not sure whether to be offended by your insult or to thank you for your medical advice. I'd ask to see your optometry diploma but I probably wouldn't be able to read it properly with my blurry vision.
I seek good image quality, but I also race in VR. I can only assume that I am a witch or an alchemist.
So I'm not only half blind, I'm also a liar? Will this raise some awkward questions for me at the pearly gates? I'd hate to jeopardise eternity in paradise over some silly VR nonsense.
Again with the opinions stated as fact.
If your definition of immersion is looking through a letterbox with your neck in a brace and one eye closed then yeah... no argument here. My own definition includes binocular vision, depth perception, freedom of movement, a correct sense of scale, and an immense feeling of presence and participation in a living, breathing world. And all of this without bits of my gaming room showing around the edges.
To each their own!